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information on weed scene in the nineties & eighties


New member
well i guess i'll jump in. i started smoking in 1976. there was the great lambs breath out of jamacia. alot of stuff fron mexico, some pretty good some crap and a lot of chemicals sprayed on it by good old uncle sam. then people started growing under shop light.
the the 80's came along. well lets just say they sucked lines everywhere but no a joint to be had. that's when a lot of cubans started growing. no stativas just indica.
i sure miss the day's of good stativa. been looking for seeds of old land races but it seems as if all those lines are no longer pure. this x that we need to bring those strains back to the forefront of growing. but i ramble on. if it matters in in the deep south and have been for a long time.
don't know if this helps but it is fune every now and then to get in the wayback machine. people now just think i'm a burned out hippie


Active member
Good one cappy. Good info, good observation.But you just gotta quit posting so much blather. 3 posts in 4 years is just too damn much! :biggrin:

I'm way down below Mason Dixon, in the land of pure, Lily white, cotton too. "What racism? Where?" :faint:


New member
been busy. and to tell the truth i'm on so many of these boards. sorry no pictures yet but that may change here in the next few months. was real paranoid when og went down. kept waiting for the door to get kicked in


Well-known member
Late 80s in Missouri, bricked mexi smelling like ammonia was typical. Sometimes, we'd get our hands on regional outdoor, which was likely mexican seed grown in Kentucky, etc. Usually harvested too early, but was at least somewhat fresh and had hints of herbal aroma. First time I saw "kine bud", I was mystified. It was light yellow-green, and smelled like loam (in the best possible way). From that day on, I made it my quest. Started going to dead shows even though I didn't understand the music, and I have to say that the early 90s had a much better standard quality of "kind bud" than I see now, even (or especially) from the "medical" producers. I feel many great strains have been lost. Only DJ Shorts seeds have given me anything close to the stuff I used to find at the Oregon Country Fair or at the Dead shows of old.


New member
I grew up in San Francisco and being born in 1946 I was right in the sweet spot, turning 18 in 1964. MY first smoke was in high school with hash brought in by my best friend's step mother, an SAS stew.
I was a roadie later for, among others, The Sons Of Champlin, granting me access to high quality weed.
Plus I lived in a mother in law under a bunch of surfers who brought it in by the sailboat load. When they had a bad key they just put it in the fireplace, just like a presto log.
Later I was a recording engineer and the dope just flowed.
Lots of fun.


In Scotland things were as similar to the rest of the UK....thanks to good guys risking a lot ....around 10 years ago things changed in the UK there was a massive movement towards Growshops Coffee Shops , MJ Co Ops and that continued for a few years until the vibe suddenly started to change.

Pretty much what it was intended to do was to change the culture of the masses to rely on no one but yourself and GROW YOUR OWN was the message..

good memories if ~I can remember!


Well-known member
In the days before shrimpers had to have a GPS tracking devices on their vessels down here in SW FL, we saw some decent quality Mexican brick. It was dependable. Lots of it around. I would say old school sativa type of high with noticeable orange/red hairs. It wasn't too potent of course, lots of seeds (I wish I kept them!) but after few good tokes, you were on your way.

Occasionally we'd get our hands on some crippy. The crippy we got varied greatly though. Some times it would be a good hard body stone with some head high mixed in, and other times it be just a straight up couch lock/zombie brain type of high. The kind of high where you're like "ok, when is this going to be over?" Great tasting shit though. Clean and refreshing.

For a short time a buddy had access to some Northern Lights. That was an amazing, feel good all over, type of smoke. Well balanced with a fresh herbal and slightly tangy taste. Ewww Weeee! I miss that one.


Early eighties, Those were the best years for hawiian stink. Best I ever smoked.


High Times or 420.com

Or old copies of Sinsemilla Tips.

I remember an article in Tips about a guy that built an outdoor growing enclosure, but with 50% shadecloth. In Humboldt or Mendo. He talked about being in the enclosure at the time of a heli. flyover, and feeling completely (and realistically) safe. It let the sun in, but made it impossible to ID shapes from the air.



Once in the 90's I felt concerned about the risks of evading taxes. I thought, if I ever DID get arrested, it would look good if I had paid taxes. :peacock:

So I filed taxes, and declared an income of about $11,000, and paid whatever the taxes were. Included in my income was $1000 of 'gambling earnings'.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
90's Neon Green Dank that .5 grams would make your entire room smell like it had been pissed on by a Skunk....mmmmmmm yummy....one nice phat bowl kept you high for hours and stuck on stupid in the Drive-Through joints at 1:20am


New member
Buzz of old

Buzz of old

Wow first post
Her goes way back in 75 popped my cherry with Mowie wowi real Hawaiian
250 an OZ YUM!!!
Lots of Thai sticks Red and Gold Columbian and sack hash Red gooey Black Gold seal Afgan and Blonde all KILLER GRADE
That's what
I miss the toasted p butter and Hash.sandwich would use a cheese grater and put a gram or ten on them YUM/Map time
Then came poisoned Mex thanks US GOVT
Started growing my own in 83 Never looked back
90's. mix bag of West indies brick, mexi brick, choc thai.
BC bud makes an appearance, dominates awhile
peeps revolt from Bc , desire better.
late 90's tons of paclo nor cal trees. Sno, salmon, ball mt poison, mt Shasta white were names I remember.
Think the death of Garcia and the Dead forced peeps to seek different dist models like Phish, Raves and the new festival scene.
Hash was all bunk until I met a Spaniard @ college BOOYAH the stuff of legends. Kif later came from cultivating friends. Hash was alays thought of as rare until I noticed more n more @ the jam festivals on the east, told me tons more folks are growing post late 90's
oh yeah Eastcoast perspective. mid 90's my graffiti friends shared their netwrk of city corner stores. A few had jarred up goodies next to the reggie. Thinking westindies connect, skunk, sess, choc tai .....memories!

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