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Indoor Grow 08....


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Hey Sleepy thanks for the kind words.

Stub, I have that little cab for clones/seedlings and early veg. Then when they will not fit in that any more I have another cab (2'x3'x4) with a 250MH conversion. Then a 600hps for flower. I keep the lights as close as possible when in veg, becuase when they go into flower......they kind of explode.;)


Nice, I like the veg cabinet, very cool. I got a little 150hps in a cabinet that holds 3 plants from rooted clones to harvest.


Going on second run right now, here they are, 3 WW clones.

Good luck on your grows, may your harvest be plentiful!!


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
nice looking cab there stub. where did you get it?

now for some veg pics.

Pandora (blueberry f5 x bubblegum)

Normal one


Reveg cascadia looking good....Almost time to take cuts.

PD x Jedi in various stages of veg.

The larger 4 are under 250MH and the others are still under flouros.
The 3 largest will be put into flower as soon as there is room. I can not wait!


looking good man! I have never tried reveg yet, yours is looking good. I bought the cabinet (solid wood all the way around top and bottom) from a classified add on Craigslist. Very happy with it so far. I just started my 3 on 12/12 the other day. I know the feeling. your PD and Jedi are lookin pretty good.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Pitty-Sing turned out to be male and was culled. I still have 6 cuts of him....just deciding whether or not I will keep them. :chin:

But now better news. Harvest Pics!

Kalichakra f2 day 59 12/12

outer leaves are a little crispy.... not exactly sure why.

A nice bottom bud shot

Kalichakra f2#3 day 60 12/12 (Pitty-Sing on the right)

She is so pretty. here are 2 shots from slighty different angles. :D

And now the trimmed tops.


I put PDxJedi #7 and #8 into flower when these came out. hopefully they are both female. :joint:


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Hey all.

4 days after I put PDxJedi #7 and #8 into flower I put PDxJ #5 and #6 into flower. As well as Super G #1 and Yum-Yum (Mikado).

As of yesterday SuperG#1, PDxJ #6,#7 and #8 are all males. Here is a couple of shots before they are laid to rest.



SuperG#1 on left and PDxJ#6 on the right.

SuperG#1 top

That means that PDxJ#5 and Yum-Yum are female!

I have also been having very good luck w/clones lately.

Here is a Top44 clone (the smallest bud I could find) I took 40 something days in 12/12. It took 2wks to root really well and it has been 3wks since I planted it into this 4" pot. It is revegging very nicely. I am going to repot it today or tomorrow.



Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Here are a few pics (sorry for the hps) of my Top44 sativa pheno 80 days 12/12. She is the frostiest plant I have had yet.

Top44#1 (Tina, left) and bagseed (Allison, right) just over a month 12/12



Now for what I am harvesting today.
Top44#4 70 days 12/12

Any questions, just ask.


good job man I wish i could pat you on the back you have grew some fine lookin sticky


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Here are some shots of cuts.

Some I took yesterday.
6 Pandora and 6 SDog#2

4 Cassie (Cascadia reveg)

Here are some Peep-Bo (mikado) and Ophelia cuts that need a repotting.

3 Male Cascadia clones, I took 6 and they all rooted, but only kept 3. These are the ones I did not keep, to show roots 12 days from cut.

I repotted the other 3 in 4" pots to be used later.

Here is a shot of a Peep-Bo clone.

I also repotted the Top44 cut into a 6" pot

Here is a shot in my veg box

I believe that SDog #2 will be coming down tonight. I will post some pics when it does.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
SDog#2 85 days 12/12 finally ready to harvest!!!

It Smells to freakin dank. I can not wait to smoke some. I have a feeling the tester bud I tried is not going to do it justice............:D


Way to go, Milo! Somehow I never saw this thread. You got skills. Milo. I like your set up. Have you had a chance to smoke any of the crosses yet? I got this tagged now. Keep up the good work.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Now, what I have been waiting for.................
MHM Daay 86 12/12 just before harvest.

I cute foxtail lower bud

All of the leaves on this plant got frosty, this was the best pic I could get of it at the time.

Group shot after cut...

and the ones left out of the group shot (I was high)

a couple of budshots after chop

and the top on right

This plant smelled of intense blueberry when touched or cut. It is amazing. The buds were also quite heavy. I hope the clone I took starts to reveg. I would hate to loose such a special plant...... :badday:
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Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Yet another plant to harvest.

Top 44 Sativa pheno, day 87 12/12 just before she came down.

She is so frosty. I can not wait to see how she smokes.......


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Here are some more flowering pics.

Peep-Bo (mikado) 28 days 12/12

SDog#4 day 28 12/12

Ophelia (Williams Wonder IX x Island Sweet Skunk) Day 28 12/12 Thanks to nycdfan042 for the freebie!

SDog#3 day 69 12/12

PDxJedi #5 day 14 12/12

Yum-Yum (mikado) day 14 12/12



Thanks for posting the picture of the Jedix PD as I was thinking of starting that one but I did the p-91 instead.
You do a damn good job, milo. Plants look nice and nitrogen starved at the end. And they stand up real nice while they are growing, too. Nice job.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Hey Everybody :wave:

I was jarring up a few strains today and I snapped some pics. Here are some dry shots for your viewing pleasure.

Overall dried MHM (yielded just over an ounce).

and closeups of her. I wish you guys could smell the blueberry she is reeking of ..........

Very top of Top44 Sativa Pheno (final wt. 41g). She was smelling kind of spicy with a hint of fruit.

No pics of SDog#2 for some reason, bust she is my best yielding yet. 60g! in a 10" pot with minimal feeding. I can not wait to run her clones. :muahaha:

I do not allow my cats in the plant room but one is always waiting impatiently outside the door to greet me when I come out.

The other one is always napping in strange places.

"why did you wake me?"

unless there are any questions.......
Until next time.............:D