homu thats a great lookin plant man the coler is off the hook.i gotta get my purps rollin yo.i got some godberry beans and some bubba clones.
my ss is startin to color up for me though.thats cool its only my second run of her and the first time was only one plant to see if i liked her or not...i do.
here goes one at like 2 weeks till chop,if ya dont mind yo.
what up Homu??glad I stopped in ...you have some very interesting strains in here, and beautifully grown as well...that DF looks killer, very interestin leaves...Im taggin this one bro, beautiful pics too, you live in paradise, I see...Adios..Peace
Roberto Carlos: thx, and good luck with your grow man!
-Y-: sure i dont mind, fell at home
nice pic, that bud sees tasty out, love colors...
Zeus: welcome and thx for all the kind words! DF's are damn hard to grow whit this colds, they like much P and K in vegetative, and they are not absorbing so fast has they need. In flowering, strange enough, they stop demanding so much K, and they get a nice lemon flavor
Hi ppl!! today was a good day... my friend Rasjano visit me, he gave me some nice seeds...
Here the new ladys, PTK and Romulan (next generation seeds). Pine Tar Kush (PTK), is a great plant, you can see some pics of it in Rasjanos Indoor, im happy to grow them. Romulan seams also to be a great cannadian plant, so lets see! thx bro!
He also let me play with hes cam, so lets see what we got...
This two have almost the same structure, but the first one in maturating sooner and have a more fruity smell, more like his Uzbekitan male.
The second one has a more coffie style flavor and will need more time to be ready to cut.
The third one is more sativa, like Lesotho, it grow to much so i had set some weight on her, its bowed in almost 45 grades and its the greenest of the 3. Its also producing more, but it doesn't have so nice smells like the other ones. Lets see if it gets better has it gets older.
I think i will keep the coffee style for the second round
wattup my south american primo?shots look amazing.and congrads on the beans,cant wait to see ya twerkin them yo.
glad you liked the pic,shes dryin now...can wait to taste her.
so the df is a picky strain or what?
you can see the purple comin in on them last two pics you posted myman.nice ass work.peace-Y-
homusubi...pictures look great and your running some nice strains there...keep up the good work.
Are you experiencing too little ferts on some of those gals or lockout?....looks like you have some perrty good tip burn going on in a few of those pics...maybe a little heavy handed on the nute regime? Im not critisizing at all however, you ish is heddy as hell.
Been too long since I dropped in on yah. That colored U/N.I x B/N looks like it's gonna finish with some seriously beautiful coloring. And the more sativa looks mighty fine and will be a great smoke. It's nice to see your heri's as well. I'm thinkin about dropping a few of these with my next seed run coming up at the end of Sept. And I would be more than happy to share a branch with ya. ~SB~
Stalldaworld: Thx man, and yeap, ur right... some nut problems, plants didnt had so much attention some weeks, and you can see it until now... my indoor is also quite cold, so had some P and K problems, and the soil also dry slowly out, so its a bit harder to grow.
JustinCase: hey, how is it going man? your plants are looking nice out
If you have the chance of growing herijuana, i think its word... for all if you have some more Watts than me... a wonderful, full covered in resin plant, nice, nice, IMO...
For sure it will be nice to share some things, but.. i think we live a bit to far away each other, not?
Here a pic of the Herimix, its quite similar to her mother, but with a more frutty flavor...
really nice pics bro jejeje...next time you must take de photos before jejejje ...
hope to see PTKs and Romulans soon in soil jejeje...