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:::::::Indiana Cannabis Reform Legislation::::::


ICMag Donor

Indiana will be surrounded by cannabis stores. Why would our legislators not take action? Have to wait until February until the General Assembly session starts to make changes. Seems like a really oppressive regime.

The legislators are ignorant of the harm caused everyday by prohibition, and continue to endanger our society with unjust laws. They have refused to protect us.

"What are they going to do about it?" they say.


Most Loved
The part where I spent my yoot traveling to Indiana for that outdoor and now they wanna pretend like there's not more than just corn in Indiana 🤣🤣🤣

Anyone got that bubblegum?


ICMag Donor
One of the best places for cannabis to grow, and its banned there.

Yeah bubblegum was developed here. When we are weak, we are strong with the strength God supplies, our help in a time of need. We are certainly blessed in all our persecutions, because God's light shines through, my friend.


ICMag Donor

This is big! Sweet God with us! Hope this goes somewhere and gets consideration by our legislators.

Top United Nations Health Official Calls On Countries To Replace War On Drugs With ‘Alternative Regulatory Approaches’​



June 24, 2024
Ben Adlin

A United Nations expert on the right to health is urging member nations to end the war on drugs and instead enact harm-reduction policies such as decriminalization, supervised consumption sites, drug checking and widespread availability of overdose reversal drugs like naloxone—while also moving toward “alternative regulatory approaches” for currently controlled substances.
“Criminalization is but a single—and extreme—option within a regulatory system,” says a new report from Tlaleng Mofokeng, the UN’s special rapporteur on the right to health. It instead calls for regulatory frameworks around substances to be “more or less restrictive depending on scientific evidence and considering power asymmetries” and notes that “regulation models may consider whether permitting and regulating access would reduce overall harms.”
Among the UN report’s recommendations is that countries “decriminalize the use, possession, purchase and cultivation of drugs for personal use and move toward alternative regulatory approaches that put the protection of people’s health and other human rights front and centre.”

The 19-page report from Mofokeng, who is also a medical doctor and professor at Georgetown University’s Law School, urges that leaders “move from a reliance on criminal law and instead take a human rights-based, evidence-based and compassionate approach to harm reduction in relation to drug use and drug use disorders.”
“All stakeholders must respect people who use drugs, people with drug use disorders and people whose health and well-being is affected by drug laws and policies,” the special rapporteur said in a statement.

Efforts to enforce drug laws often cause more harm than good, the report contends.
“The criminalization, overuse of incarceration, arbitrary deprivation of life, unnecessary use of lethal force in drug enforcement and application of the death penalty as punishment in the name of public health have resulted in various human rights violations,” it says. “In contrast, when well designed and implemented, drug laws and policies—including in harm reduction—can protect and promote public health while contributing to the realization of human rights in a mutually reinforcing way.”

The document also includes a number of specific tools—what it calls a “non-exhaustive list of practical harm reduction measures” that member states have begun to implement, such as needle and syringe programs, medication-assisted treatment of opioid dependence and use disorders, safe injection sites, drug checking and overdose prevention and reversal.

It also says that basic needs and services, such as housing, employment and education “should not be conditional on the discontinuation or reduction of drug use, or maintained through mandated or compulsory tests.”
While the root causes of drug use and drug use disorder are multifaceted, research has shown that the deterioration of social and economic well-being is associated with increases in overdose deaths – often referred to as ‘deaths of despair,'” the UN report says. “In addition, legal services and legal training for people who use drugs can assist with access to housing, health and social services and awareness of rights and when those rights are being violated.”

But funding for harm reduction globally is “inadequate and shrinking,” Mofokeng’s assessment says: “Reportedly, only $131 million is currently available for harm reduction in low- and middle-income countries and less than 7 per cent of international donor funding for harm reduction is given to community-led harm reduction organizations. There is a 95 per cent funding gap for harm reduction in low- and middle-income countries.”
The UN special rapporteur also drew attention to the inequitable impacts of the policing of drug laws.

“The enforcement of drug laws and policies compounds other forms of discrimination and disproportionately affects certain individuals, such as persons in situations of homelessness or poverty, persons with mental health issues, sex workers, women, children, LGBTIQA+ persons, Black persons, Indigenous Peoples, migrants, persons who are incarcerated or detained, persons with disabilities, persons living with HIV, tuberculosis or hepatitis, and persons living in rural areas,” Mofokeng told the UN’s Human Rights Council. “International drug control conventions have negatively affected the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of certain drugs used as medicines.”

The human rights organization Amnesty International cheered the UN report for encouraging a “move away from punitive responses to drugs and to instead take an approach grounded on harm reduction and human rights,” saying it “powerfully highlights that another way is possible.”
“This is a bold and urgent call on governments worldwide to finally abandon the manifestly failed policies of the so-called ‘war on drugs,’” Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty International’s senior director for research, advocacy, policy and campaigns, said in a statement. “For over six decades, this ill-conceived approach to public health has not only failed to reduce the use and supply of drugs, it has also resulted in widespread human rights violations, violence, mass incarceration, suffering and abuse across the globe, affecting disproportionately people from historically marginalized communities.”
“Many lives have been sacrificed and it’s time to stop wasting resources,” Guevara-Rosas continued. “Governments must consign the ‘war on drugs’ to history and start implementing all the recommendations outlined in this report. This includes decriminalizing personal use, possession, cultivation and acquisition of drugs and moving towards the effective regulation of drugs to ensure legal and safe access for those authorized.”

Separately, Amnesty International released a report this week calling for the legalization and regulation of all drugs. That report, titled Time for Change: Advancing New Drug Policies That Uphold Human Rights, was published to mark World Drugs Day, which is on Wednesday, the group said.

The UN report comes as international bodies and national governments across the world adjust their approaches to drug control and regulation.
Late last year, for example, 19 Latin American and Caribbean nations issued a joint statement acknowledging the need to rethink the global war on drugs and instead focus on “life, peace and development” within the region.
A report last year from an international coalition of advocacy groups, meanwhile, also found that global drug prohibition has fueled environmental destruction in some of the world’s most critical ecosystems, undermining efforts to address the climate crisis.
And a year ago, UN special rapporteurs in a separate report said that “the ‘war on drugs’ may be understood to a significant extent as a war on people.”

“Its impact has been greatest on those who live in poverty,” they said, “and it frequently overlaps with discrimination directed at marginalised groups, minorities and Indigenous Peoples.”
In 2019, the UN Chief Executives Board (CEB), which represents 31 UN agencies including the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), adopted a position stipulating that member states should pursue science-based, health-oriented drug policies—namely decriminalization.
Indiana lawmakers continue to look to the federal laws for guidance in setting policy. Looks like the fed may be getting pushed to do something more than reschedule. Hope this gets taken care of the right way!


Well-known member
I wish you all the best, no one with a serious illness should ever have to move to have access to cannabis.


ICMag Donor
Every day that goes by, where patients are without safe access to medicine it is causing suffering. What is wrong? Seems so cruel when people are in pain or have other issues and and require relief.

Sen. Pol believes the schedule change is enough to warrant further consideration of legal marijuana in Indiana.

“By definition, given the fact that it’s not a Schedule I anymore, it’s an admission that there are medical medicinal purposes for it,” Pol said.

Pol pushed for Republican leaders to allow marijuana-related bills onto the Senate floor for debate.

“The caucus is standing in the way of progress on this issue,” Pol said. “I have friends on the other side of the aisle who are ready to move on this.”

Because Indiana does not allow citizen-led ballot initiatives, the Legislature is the only avenue through which legalization can occur.


ICMag Donor
This is a big deal economically. Indiana is losing out on a major economic boost, missing out on allowing a safe and effective medicine, and harming society with the consequences of prohibition!

The out of state customers are purchasing large quantities obviously. Indiana citizens needs to take note and contact their representative. Session doesn't start until 2025



ICMag Donor


Most Loved
Thanks for keeping us updated. Amazing to be surrounded by legal states and still holding out... Even though I've smoked so much weed from Indiana crazy work.


ICMag Donor
Allowing states to continue to prosecute cannabis offenses is putting children at risk. If a child's parent chooses to grow or use cannabis in a state without legal protection, the child could still be taken into custody of child protection services.

So they want to move it to schedule 3 status to be able to study it? It it true that they have placed cannabis in the most restrictive Category 1 with the harshest penalties WITHOUT thoroughly studying it.

This logical fallacy is right in front our face. We're looking right at it. Its hiding in plain sight,

As the representative legislators sit back, the agencies are being given the authority to rule using their prescribed scientific method rather than common sense and what is best for the nation, communities, families, and individuals.

As time is allowed to go by, the people continue to be put in harms way, and the consequences of prohibition are being exaggerated.

States without legal protection may see families forced to move for legal security for their children, or risk putting them in danger of being taken by Child Protective Services of the government. Individual adults also risk losing careers, their drivers license, asset forfeiture including homes and automobiles, and other criminal penalties including imprisonment.

The prevalence of cannabis use in human societies is widespread across the globe and over the ages of time. This is an emergency situation CREATED BY THE GOVERNMENT, and anyone who thinks its not, isn't paying attention.
See quote expanded.


ICMag Donor

The Indiana state legislator Bob Morris cut Jeremy's mike during testimony at a hearing in 2023 when he was talking about how people were using CBD hemp products as an alternative to alcohol. Jeremy is a really respectful and intelligent fire chief who speaks clearly and makes good points. Shows the disconnect between politicians and everyday people.

Touched my heart when he said they came forward and feel comfortable talking about their department's CBD hemp products policy because their mission is clear, to save lives. They have to help the firefighters wellbeing to help them be able to work during tragic events and save lives.

A fox 59 reporter came to talk to the department after a tip from a firefighter at another fire department.
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