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Increasing Trichome Production before harvest?


So I've heard a number of different things concerning this subject,but never done anything myself . I wanna know if you guys have done anything and got any noticeable results, or just something you may have heard that needs to be experimented with..make sure you specify though.Ive heard of jasmonic acid(messing with plant regulatory hormones doesn't Sound good) and I've heard of not watering two days before harvest,crushing stems a day or two before harvest,etc.
Let me know !

bench warmer

A guy at the hydro store told me to reduce temps significantly approximately one hour before lights turn on each morning.

I've also heard that exposing the plants to UVB light for a few minutes after lights turn on as well as a few minutes before lights turn off can stimulate trichome development.

I haven't tried these yet myself. Just some stuff I've heard. Good luck.


A guy at the hydro store told me to reduce temps significantly approximately one hour before lights turn on each morning.

I've also heard that exposing the plants to UVB light for a few minutes after lights turn on as well as a few minutes before lights turn off can stimulate trichome development.

I haven't tried these yet myself. Just some stuff I've heard. Good luck.

Thanks for the input brother, I know when lights turn on there a certain percent of trichomes that diminish, but I'll look into those


Yo, don't waste ur time with half the stuff u hear on this subject.. I've tried lots of em,, ice water flush, darkness periods before chop, stress tactics, lizard lights, etc, etc..
I will say genetics are #1,,
#2 is spectrums used in flower. Yes lizard uvb bulbs work, but those bastard produce alot of heat.. more than what they're worth.. unless u have a bad ass a.c. unit, I would stay away..
After all the crap I've tried, I've found the right combination of hps and (cmh or mh) is the key... personally, i like ushio hps in hoods with phillips chm mastercolors dropped in vertically..
There's other bulbs brands that will do the trick.. but this combo kills most..
There u go, that's the secret to mad trich, terpene n aroma production.. with the right strain of course..
Wish someone would have gave me these tips a few years back, I woulda saved an assload of time :) peace


Yo, don't waste ur time with half the stuff u hear on this subject.. I've tried lots of em,, ice water flush, darkness periods before chop, stress tactics, lizard lights, etc, etc..
I will say genetics are #1,,
#2 is spectrums used in flower. Yes lizard uvb bulbs work, but those bastard produce alot of heat.. more than what they're worth.. unless u have a bad ass a.c. unit, I would stay away..
After all the crap I've tried, I've found the right combination of hps and (cmh or mh) is the key... personally, i like ushio hps in hoods with phillips chm mastercolors dropped in vertically..
There's other bulbs brands that will do the trick.. but this combo kills most..
There u go, that's the secret to mad trich, terpene n aroma production.. with the right strain of course..
Wish someone would have gave me these tips a few years back, I woulda saved an assload of time :) peace

Well I do have a 5 ton ac:p I know what your saying though, I'm not relying on any tactics by any means, just wanna know more on the subject


Do some research on the benefits of metal halide in flower,, that's a good start..
Alot of old heads that I know use nothing but mh for all of they're landrace sativas..
All of my plants are straight hybrids, n they love the blue too.. the flavors and aromas def come out all around better with added blue and uvb.. basically, u want to read for a month, then come to your own conclusion..
That's important.. peace


Active member
Dropping the temps really cold will increase resin content. Just like outside when plants are about to hit fall they will pump out a lot more trichomes. It will also bring out purpling to I also at lights out try to drop my temps pretty low to increase the frostyness. Also in the last 2 weeks of flower I switch out my hps for my metal halide bulb for UVB that metal halides give off. I also use crystal burst which seems to help with crystal production.

But the main thing I can tell Ya is keep you plants happy throughout flower and some colder nights with metal halides in the last 2 weeks of flower and your strains will reward you with some frosth buds.


Start plucking the leaves during flowering. Do the same with companion plants.

Plucking leaves is something I will never do.theyre whole purpose is to photosynthesize(turn light energy into food) and removing them obviously hinders this process.Also, removing more than 20% of fan leaves can stunt growth. I do know a lot of people who do it though, just something I don't agree with
Religiously foliar feed your plants, and they will reward you with frosty ass buds.

Foliar feeding is the number one thing I see people overlooking.

Once a week minimum, but twice a week is better.

I know some people get there panties in a wad about spraying your plants in flower, but that is just plain retarded. We are dealing with plants. Plants are meant to be grown outside. When outside they get bugs, dust, rain, etc..

Foliar feed, and make happy plants. :)


Dropping the temps really cold will increase resin content. Just like outside when plants are about to hit fall they will pump out a lot more trichomes. It will also bring out purpling to I also at lights out try to drop my temps pretty low to increase the frostyness. Also in the last 2 weeks of flower I switch out my hps for my metal halide bulb for UVB that metal halides give off. I also use crystal burst which seems to help with crystal production.

But the main thing I can tell Ya is keep you plants happy throughout flower and some colder nights with metal halides in the last 2 weeks of flower and your strains will reward you with some frosth buds.

Religiously foliar feed your plants, and they will reward you with frosty ass buds.
What do you recommend foliar feeding with man?
Foliar feeding is the number one thing I see people overlooking.

Once a week minimum, but twice a week is better.

I know some people get there panties in a wad about spraying your plants in flower, but that is just plain retarded. We are dealing with plants. Plants are meant to be grown outside. When outside they get bugs, dust, rain, etc..

Foliar feed, and make happy plants. :)
What do you foliar with? Right now I'm running water only organic nutrient soil, so I'm trying as religiously as possible to stick to organics. The only thing I'm spraying that's not organic is sm90 for mites, which I don't have, just for insurance.just stopped though now that in in my 5th week and I'm gonna just apply predatory mites now. Other than that I'm spraying compost tea, and a seaweed extract ,silica, and and humid acid mix
I spray compost tea twice weekly. It also contains humic acid, kelp, and alfalfa. Protects against things like pm, and your plants will thrive with the added nutrients. I mix mine half and half with water.


just be careful not to foliar spray too far into flower,, some strains are mold magnets and foliars will bring on the botrytis in a hot second, if the conditions aren't perfect….


Active member
Ya I don't know about how I feel about foliar feeding in flower. One you would be washing the crystals off the leaves then there is a risk of getting bud rot or mildew.

Just keep your plants healthy and you will be rewarded with good crystally buds plus plants in good health are less prone to diseases.
People need to educate themselves on foliar feeding. When foliar feeding compost tea you can help to protect against any molds, etc.. These worries are from lack of education.

It is lack of knowledge of how plants actually function is why the ignorance of foliar feeding is being spread.

Most every organic farmer I know foliar feeds. They foliar feed through the entire cycle of the plant.

It is the most overlooked part of gardening by most cannabis growers.

If you are not foliar feeding then you are wasting part of the potential of your plants.

With proper foliar feeding you can increase yields, and resin production. It is a must if you are trying to raise your brix levels.

There is a ton of science out there supporting the use of foliar feeding.

Old cannabis wive's tales need to die already. :)


^^i hear you, thats why i mentioned "if conditions aren't perfect, and certain strains,it can bring on rot, etc.. i would love to see someone foliar feed certain cheese strains all the way thru,, i guarantee u wouldl lose colas to bud rot… but with that said, some of my chems can get rained on they're whole cycle and they will b just fine...
a lot of growers can get away with it, but i have seen 'so many' cases of bud rot caused by foliar feeding, that it turned me away from it.. call it lack of education, maybe so, i just know that my plants do better without any type of foliars in flower..
I lived some where that was constantly 70% to 90% humidity, and have always sprayed twice per week until harvest. My rooms would go over 90% humidity when I sprayed. Never had a problem. No PM, no mold, nothing. Ran more than 30 strains at one time.

Now I have to artificially increase the humidity in my grow because without it is 16% humidity.

I still spray twice per week. Always will.


wow, thats impressive man.. maybe different climates play a factor?? i just know here in michigan,usa, if ur rh is over 65-70%,, ur usually in a high risk situation,, like i said, i used to have a cheese cut,, and if u were over 50% u would get mold,, don't care how good the circulation was.. everybody has different approaches to growing herb,, and i for one just can't risk it.. i do think theres def a place for it,"outdoors", lol.. just not here, in my indoor situation.. I've found that organics in general bring in a whole shit ton of bugs.. n I'm a neat freak, germiphobe,, i would not be able to sleep at night knowing that i have over 100 species of microscopic nasties hanging out in my girls panty drawers


I agree they r supposed to be there, in an organic situation".i grew organically for years". but I have found that with a peat based medium and synthetics, I can get super dank, without the bugs.. n to be honest,, when done correctly, I can actually say I prefer synthetic bud to organic now.. call me crazy.. just my preference..
Peace out

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