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in your opinion should i bho,iso, or use everclear


honey oil addict
butane oil has great taste if you use uncrushed bud. whole bud chunks. you put them in a tube, and spray butane thru. its remains liquid until it goes into a dish under it(glass) and it starts to evaporate but it cools the dish so much it stays a liquid pool in there. you need to put warm water under it( OUTSIDE!!!!) to make it evaporate all away.


A butane/propane mix question?

A butane/propane mix question?

Hey guys,

I know this threads pretty old, and the discussion of honey oil period would be gettin old to you guys,so I'm reeeeeeally sorry if these questions have been adressed.
Often I find that a lot of products that are common in the U.S and U.K are far harder to find in Aus, or a hell of a lot harder. I'm wondering if this might kinda fall into that category.

I tried an experimental batch of the BHO yesterday using the cheapest nastiest Butane available, and a fist ful of crusty dried leaf. (not for smoking, more for the education factor. And i learnt...oh boy did i learn.

hardly 3rd degree, but i have a nice little 'tan' on my left forarm now thanks to some stoned moron trying this experiment in the kitchen. :pointlaug
Yeahh i know, its VERY dangerous if ur an idiot or stoned. I'm usually very careful with this kinda thing, but someone got real high and real bored.

Either way, it taught me a couple of lessons, none more valuable then the obvious, DONT try this ANYWHERE near an open flame while stoned!!!

Anyway, to the point of the post. Propane, does anyone know anything about it? and if it's safe/clean to use in a BHO. I only ask as i found cans that contain 80% butane 20% propane. They're for use with some form of camping equipment.
(This is the website of the brand I have here, it indicated 100% butane on the can, but there was another brand of the same style. (For use with camping/portable gas cooktops etc). They specifically indicated a 20% propane content. Just wondering if this should be avoided, or might well be beneficial.

I'm still having a little trouble tracking down the hexane, but I'm still working on it. When i find a simple and reliable source (if one exisists) I'll post it for the benefit of any new Aussie members who might wanna give it a go as well.

Oh and BTW, plzzzzz, no "i told u so's!!" lol :bat: These ----> :pointlaug MORE then justified! :D

Thanks heaps guys, and sorry for resurecting this old assed thread, again :)

Fingers :wave:


Hey Fingers, don't use anything with propane in it, it will definately have too many containments in it. I hope the stoned moron has a black eye and then some.


your answer to propane use

your answer to propane use

well it goes like this One day long ago Master Thai & Butane Ike Master's Partner had made a devise that uses butane, patent it, blah blah,

that was kewl, But Master Thai And Butane Ike wanted the solvent part to be cheaper for the masses to use,
so those two thought ( Master & Butane Ike ) that propane might work, because this whole extraction process is really about the cold of the liquids used,
and butane is one of the coldest materails out there to use, it can wash any resin materail away from any plant materail,
thats why this oil is soo easy to be had now, but back on track here -----
so Master and Butane Ike went on to make a devise that now can use propane,
well it work a little/ok but what was the problem not cold enough,
and second in study the end products,
contaiments were found in the propane ,
thats because the propane is mainly used in a industrail setting's,
butane on the other hand has the same junk in it as propane,
but smaller quianties thou,
making removal of those bad products much easier,
to have a cleaner product in the end.
Butane goes thru more of a rigid filter processing than propane since most will be used for lighter's which have a smaller orfice opening, which to work right needs to be a cleaner product to pass thru the opening.
thats the diff,
Stick with butane safer, and cleaner in the end.
as for those little cans i see those all the time.
there's a place in L.A. California, thats a dollar store warehouse supply,(not a dollar tree or anything like that, it just serves dollar like stores all over ) anyhow if you contact them,
4 or more cases ( 12 in a case ) gets you a cost for a dollor ea. ( yes thats right $1.00 ea. !!! )
same stuff as you have there.
Master uses it all the time when Master makes bho for himself.
Does not use anything else.
Master Thai ;-)


Thanks for the story time session dude :joint:

So in short, 'propane leaves too many contaminant/residues, stick to pure butane'. Cool guys, thanks heaps :)

I found some tiny transparent tubes of butane for $1 a tube, that 'claim' to be high quality. But i dunno. The brand name is 'turbo blue' and all i can find on the company is that ebay sells a lot of its stuff. Dunno about that :confused:
I've hunted down colibri, and it seems the only Australian Distributor is on the other side of the country. :badday:
I figure having some sent from there to here would be extremely suspicious.
Not to mention the idiots who inhale butane making life harder. One guy looked at me when i asked for any higher quality brands and i know that look was 'you butane sniffing dips#:t!'.

Ah well, I'll keep chasing, might head into the CBD to some of the upper market tobbacconists. See how i go there. Oh yeah, and no updates on the hexane front. I got a buddy whos cousin is a spray painter, and he's gonna see what he can arrange.

Anyway, thanks for the info on the propane thing. I came close to buying a 4 pack of that isht. I grabbed one can of this camping style cans, but this ones 100% butane. I'm hoping the fact it's local, means its quality standards will be higher then the cheap asian imports.

Take care guys,

Fingers :joint:


I figure having some sent from there to here would be extremely suspicious.
Not to mention the idiots who inhale butane making life harder. One guy looked at me when i asked for any higher quality brands and i know that look was 'you butane sniffing dips#:t!'.
just tell them the higher end brands dont have any additives like the odor that is mixed in with the cheaper stuff and used for detection/saftey...just order a few bottles of colibri, u can make more than anough oil to get a good taste, and, use small pieces/chunks of ripped apart bud instead of grinded material. this will yield the highest quality extract. dont forget to purge! be safe mate.


and ALWAYS work outdoors.
are you crazy mate? if you fuck up with hexane you're in DEEP trouble.
maybe work on your technique and mindset a bit
before jumping into any more of these types of activities...
just a thought...take care...


speaking of hexane....
stop your search :YaRight:
and just use ethanol (aka: everclear/grain alchohol)
by far the easiest to find efficient and safest solvent you can use.
just quick-wash and you will have great success. adios!


Thanks dudes,

Just got back from the hydro shop and they had some 98% pure ethanol.
It's not blood cheap though! they wanted $45 for a 1liter bottle and filters.

Dunno if I'll pay that kind of price, but eh, if the quality's that much higher, it might be worth getting some.

Take care guys, and thanks for the advice as always

Fingers :)


honey oil addict
yai dunno, butane is less than 10 a litre usually, and not that inferior i would imagine. probably hard to tell the difference. i mean there probably is a noticeable one, but it wont be large...


Active member
hey fingers.... you got a location on that colibri distie? pm me if you like..interested to check it out
