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in your opinion should i bho,iso, or use everclear



i am going to do an extraction this weekend and im tryn to decide which i want to do i have done all of them except the everclear. last time i did the bho i was dumb and used pvc i know i know.. and i got kind of a black oil. i only used leaves though. i have actual buds and soe really nice trim i was going to hash up but i dont have the bubble bags so. yeah i have to make the screens and i can get them and fine as they should be... so i can get 91 or even 99% iso and i already have 2 bottles of everclear. i can easily get colabri. any suggestions.


i also wouldnt mind tryn to figure out which would yeild more..i have a nice snow board vacation next week up in lake tahoe so. besides my MTF, and somas rock bud and ak-47 , and blue sattlelite oh and kif i have i want some hash or oil

thanks for the suggestions


Active member
never isopropyl...denatured is the key ...in alcohol extracion..and if u want yeild ...hexane is tha way to go..


Rubbing my glands together
I tried som everclear and didn't care for the taste of the resulting oil.Last time I ever screwed up some good trim.


Active member
Use Colibri butane, since you can easily acquire it. It's the purest solvent available, besides hexane but, butane's easier to get. If you buy it in bulk, then you can get it much cheaper!
And make sure you get enough :eek:

peace, tRu


I have only been able to find the little cans of Colibri...expensive 3 bucks for 3 oz doh


Active member
Yeah HK, they're the 3 oz. cans. If you buy a pack (a dozen cans), then they run about $1.80/can or about $3 if bought individually around here...peace -T


well i used colibri and man o man what a difference hey hillbillie thank you i used your little method just a bit modified... thank you guys for suggestions i will post some pics got about 2 grams out of about an oz of some frozen for 2 months side buds..

thanks again peace


Active member
im gonna be showin u guys how to make oil the way the medical pro's do...that will exstinguish the ISO method forever..in this ic mag.. i will be using DENATURED ALCohOL>>thats right >!! sheelack thinner for all u painterS!!!.. look for the thread.


Active member
For those of you, who are unfamiliar with this term:
adj : changed in nature or natural quality; for example, "denatured alcohol"
The chemical bonds within the alcohol have been weakend and this increases it's affinity for polar molecules, which attracts more delta-9-THC while decreasing it's boiling point.
Fact is that hexane and butane make better solvents, but both are not readily available to consumers for purchase, while denatured alcohol's can be found at hardware stores and pharmacies. I look forward to your tutorial kilacaLI! peace, tRu


New member
Actually, denatured alcohol refers to ethyl alcohol that has been made unfit for consumption by the addition of methanol or other solvents.


Printers denatured alcohol solvent is generally 95% ethanol, and either 5% acetone or methanol, for example. Denatured alcohol sold as paint thinners are generally 90% ethyl alcohol, at least 5% methyl alcohol, and 1 % or so of Methyl Ethyl Ketone, with the exact mix varying from company to company.

I'll start a thread for solvent discussion in a bit, once I've had time to organize my post in Word.



for those of you that dont know... thunder chyld is a freakin genius...


Active member
Right on TC! Thanks bro I can tell you know what you're talkin' about, everybody will learn something from this!...that's something I've wanted to put up for awhile, but I have no time right now to go in depth. Maybe there will be something I can add, but I very much look forward to your thread TC...peace, tRu


Great thread guys :)

Great thread guys :)

Thunderchyld said:
Actually, denatured alcohol refers to ethyl alcohol that has been made unfit for consumption by the addition of methanol or other solvents.


Printers denatured alcohol solvent is generally 95% ethanol, and either 5% acetone or methanol, for example. Denatured alcohol sold as paint thinners are generally 90% ethyl alcohol, at least 5% methyl alcohol, and 1 % or so of Methyl Ethyl Ketone, with the exact mix varying from company to company.

I'll start a thread for solvent discussion in a bit, once I've had time to organize my post in Word.


whoa whoa, you're telling me denatured alcohol is common methylated spirits???? I find it hard to believe it wouldn't leave residues in the oil and hence some form of unpleasant flavour/aroma.
I'm still set on trying to get my hands on some hexane, but I'd be very surprised if it isnt highly restricted here in Australia.
I'll have to do some hunting around and as much research as i can.

**20mins later after some reasearch**

It seems Hexane is only a 1.3 on some Australian scale that rates a chemicals danger level. arsnic being a 3, amonnia being a 1. So if its classed as only .3 over ammonia, i'm hoping it wont be that hard to come by.

Anyway, thanks for throwing these threads up guys. Helps those of us considering which to try for the first time, hexane denatured or BHO.

I really wanna give this a go, maybe do a side by side with several small batches. I'll see how i go getting this Hexane.

Take care guys

Fingers :)
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just do BHO fingers. do a test on a piece of glass to make sure no residue is left behind after evaporation, then you are ready to use. high-quality butane )expensive) is key.

however, lab-grade hexane should be easier to grab in Aus.than north america,
you can also obtain a pure grade of hexane by distilling your own.
check the educational supply sites for tabletop distillation devices...

you didnt hear it from me :joint:


Custom User Title

Pure Lab Grade Hexane right there, according to the MSDS sheet I believe it's 100%, this was taken from another thread in this forum. There doesn't seem to be much info on Hexane extraction in here, I'd like to see some more about it.

$16.95 shipped for 500ml,

It's $8.95 per 500ml and $8.00 shipping.
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iso is safe really do not use hexane , very bad on the nervous system read a msds report clearly and youll want stay a 100 ' away from that stuff.
everclear is use in the last step of making honey oil.
watch Master Thai's lesson's on hashish and oil making .
the real stuff requires time alot of these current methods are for a quick fix
Real honey oil that does not happen with,takes time like all good things.
oh and bho why support the oil ind anymore than you have too.
Master Thai ;-)
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Thanks Ether, bounty n Thai,

I really dunno about this one, the opinions on which method to use are pretty passionately argued at times huh? :)

I notice a lot of ppl argue which method is healthiest, but the way i see it, 'I'm not a super healthy person' anyway. If i were, I wouldnt be smoking anything at all would I. It'd be tofu, soft sandles, and power walking on the weekend (F%#$ THAT! :D)

nah seriously, it'd be nice to smoke the cleanest oil, but at the end of the day, i smoke god damn cigarettes. With their rocketfuel componants added, DDT, and several hundred other carcinogens.
Wouldn't i be a bit of a knob to worry about some trace residue in the oil? I dunno, thats just my opinion.

I'm definately gonna give the Hexane method a go if i can find some, the dentured alcohol (methylated) is simple enough to get. So a small test batch might be a go. And the Butane one i wanna give a shot to (I Heard thats the only method that retains the original flavour of the weed rather then any chemical 'taste'.

The only thing i dont get, is how the hell butane remains in liquid form when no longer under pressure. I definately must be missing something, cos the only butane I've seen is the cheap S#it u use to refill lighters, and unless I'm mistaken, that stuff's only liquid for a split second as it drips from the can. Then returns to a gas. (I'm wrong about something here for sure, i just cant figure it).

I think I'll grab a can of lighter butane and dump the whole can into a bowl. See what happens. I really get a feeling it's gonna be one damn cold bowl with no fluid in it.

Check out this rip off, oh i mean 'product'. Sorry I'm just not a fan of buying kits n shit. Anything worth doing I'll do myself for the greater part.


Anyway, thanks for the advice n stuff fellas :joint:


P.S what do you guys think of this s#it? I dunno about it personally, the end product 'looks' ok, but as to how it'd smoke, who knows. At the end of the day I think all these methods will probably chalk up to personal preference.
The last time i tried making up any form of hash was almost 15 yrs ago when i was a youngin. Now that s#it was NASTY! The 'alcohol' we used had fragrances n s#it in it, so the final product was a nasty foul green gunk that tasted like you were smoking soap!! lol ahh well, the wonders of the internet. Back then all we knew was methods we heard on the grap vine, no pics, no tutorials. It was all 'my buddy's buddys buddy told me this is what he did' kinda deal. One of the blessings of technology huh :D

see ya guys :moon:

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