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In Colorado, Smoking Pot Legally Is Harder Than You Might Think


ICMag Donor
Fri, Sep 4, 2015, 11:03 AM EDT By Laura Brodbeck

"Although Colorado was one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana, the state is still struggling with laws that prevent people from smoking it in public places.
However, as marijuana tourism grows throughout the state, hotels and bars are considering a new law that would allow patrons to use smokeless forms of the drug in designated areas.
No Place To Smoke
Tourists are flocking to Colorado in order to sample the state's marijuana market, but hotels are struggling to accommodate them as laws prevent customers from smoking on hotel grounds. Patrons who enquire about where they can safely and legally use the drug must be directed to smoke in their cars or in alleys, something hotel chains say isn't safe.

Designated Smoking Zones
However, a new initiative backed by marijuana enthusiasts and some hotels and clubs would allow certain bars and hotels to create a dedicated place for patrons to use smokeless marijuana vaporizers indoors and smoke pot outside, but on the establishment's grounds. The initiative would take marijuana one step closer to being regulated similarly to alcohol, as it would allow users to congregate in a public place and use the drug together.
Worries About Wording
However, critics say the ballot measure is too broad. While many agree that it would be beneficial to create dedicated pot-use zones, they say the way the measure is written would allow for too much interpretation, and such marijuana use areas could spring up in open fields and parking lots.
On Thursday, the ballot was withdrawn as proponents work together with city officials to come up with a proposal that satisfies both sides."

Would be nice to have a "common area" in locales that sell.

Or like amanda88 mentioned...the Dutch experience (in Legalize forum thread)....you can linger, have a cup of coffee, tea, OJ, space cake, etc. It's not strictly "take away" like it is here in CO. I.e.: Buy and smoke elsewhere. More social clubs are needed, esp. in different parts of the state. Would be nice to have a place for imbibing, tourists and locals alike.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Are people in Colorado really being arrested for smoking a joint outside? Or in their hotel room? I've been doing that for almost 20 years in non-legal states without any problems. Just don't be obvious about it and no one cares, usually.


Ancient Alien
Are people in Colorado really being arrested for smoking a joint outside? Or in their hotel room? I've been doing that for almost 20 years in non-legal states without any problems. Just don't be obvious about it and no one cares, usually.

It's just like Alcohol U can't drink in public legally it's a no brainer the way us durangatangs look at it


ICMag Donor
Every mall needs a common area in or near the food court.

Every pizza joint needs one as well.


if it smells like fish
ha ha smoke in your ride or an alley ..gee just like when it was illegal....yeehaw.. I smoke everywhere...haven't had a problem yet in cali hell even when I lived in florida...ha ha


LOL, any hotel room I'm in is a "smoking room", just got to be cool about it, cover the smell accordingly.


Get two birds stoned at once
The feds at BLM and forest service wont like that, they still want to push skiers who smoke out.

I smoke (and grow) all the time in the national forests but I keep it discrete on designated trails.

We really need pot bars or some places outside in Denver, Boulder, FOCO etc., but most people can gauge the appropriateness of pot at different events and skirt/bend the law without issue. A vape pen in a strong CO wind goes unnoticed even in a crowd.


Active member
Are people in Colorado really being arrested for smoking a joint outside? Or in their hotel room? I've been doing that for almost 20 years in non-legal states without any problems. Just don't be obvious about it and no one cares, usually.

Not arrested but ticketed. You might get arrested by Smoky the Bear in a national forest where they're still enforcing federal law, supposedly.

It's still screwy, like a semi-dry county where you can buy package liquor but not a drink. It's screwier than that in some places where they don't allow retail but the right to grow & to carry <1oz holds everywhere in the state.


Active member
The feds at BLM and forest service wont like that, they still want to push skiers who smoke out.

I smoke (and grow) all the time in the national forests but I keep it discrete on designated trails.

We really need pot bars or some places outside in Denver, Boulder, FOCO etc., but most people can gauge the appropriateness of pot at different events and skirt/bend the law without issue. A vape pen in a strong CO wind goes unnoticed even in a crowd.

The feds really don't like growing in the national forest, never have. They're real touchy about that, break your balls touchy.


ICMag Donor
Not arrested but ticketed. You might get arrested by Smoky the Bear in a national forest where they're still enforcing federal law, supposedly.

It's still screwy, like a semi-dry county where you can buy package liquor but not a drink. It's screwier than that in some places where they don't allow retail but the right to grow & to carry <1oz holds everywhere in the state.

I was told, recently, that there is a case that had gone through the federal courts that barred federal action on BLM & Nat Forest lands, in legal/med states.

The fact of the matter is... All those lands are still the property of the States but under federal "management" not control.

I'll ask, again, for copies of that information.
If/when I get it I will post a new thread about it.

At this point, however, I'm taking the info with a few grains of salt.

If anybody gets stopped they still have the Right to not answer questions & the Right to be free from search & seizure.
Due process of the law is also a requirement of officers.




Ive been here in Colorado for almost 2 years now.And Its simple as this,just like alcohol cant use in public.Its that simple,you wont have any problem at all!But no you shouldn't walk down the sidewalk smoking.Just chill @home and smoke in your back yard or house!But I love it here.I moved from Va.and I wish I had been raised here.


I think various pot bars are starting to spring up. I tried out one in Denver (ibake) hoping it would be like the coffeeshops of amsterdam...but well it felt more like sitting in a meth house. Maybe I just had a bad experience, but the interior was freaking shabby and it just had a real weird/bad vibe.

However, I think it is a great idea. I am having a hard time figuring out how they turn a profit though. The one I went to was a smoking club that had a 10 a month membership and 4 dollar entry fee, then they sold snacks. I can't imagine they flip that many snacks.


Ive been here in Colorado for almost 2 years now.And Its simple as this,just like alcohol cant use in public.Its that simple,you wont have any problem at all!But no you shouldn't walk down the sidewalk smoking.Just chill @home and smoke in your back yard or house!But I love it here.I moved from Va.and I wish I had been raised here.
what if you are a tourist?


There are 420 friendly hotels that provide vaporizers for you. It's 99 a night, not sure how much the vape rental is.

SCHWING! :woohoo:


Well-known member
Wouldn’t it make more sense to set up some sort of “cannabis café” system? Hell the last time I was in Denver (not too long ago and I’m not a CO resident) there seemed to be a micro-brew on every corner.

I agree discretion is the key but as someone mentioned earlier, hiding in alleys to smoke sure doesn’t seem like much of an improvement to the days when it was illegal.