Another Fancy name :
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excellent mid grade for 2,5€ ...
Some lovely new school Morrocan.
100g bars
Seems to be strain specific as lovely flavour compared to alot of new school with this mishmash flavour and no specific taste.
Nice Indica potency also.
light pressed and last few pics it's just me heating a small piece with a lighter and hand pressing it.
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I'm loving this 1 compared to most new school I seen last few years
For 3 euro we were very happy with it for the price , of course not on any level on the static or any top tier Hash buy 1 of the best commercial we seen on a long time and better than many that go for 6 euro around here on street.+
According to the third time is the charm it's now my turn to give my opinion as after returning from town I visited some sources and had a good laugh when one presented this 'Capn Kush' as in all those years in this fine thread I can't remember a match with my sources at home and since these two members sorta recommended it it was fun giving it a go, , too. By the way it is the specimen to the left hand in the pictures.
Have to say I was though reserved as judged by the pictures I didn't expect much as too mentioned in my previous post.
Though as preached ad infinitum on here the proof is in the pudding, right?
Unfortunately the pudding is not to my liking as just average midgrade. The smell is the best part as remotedly reminding of the standard high grade filtered ones these days leaning to a kush side. Bummer this smell wasn't transfered to the bland taste; material doesn't bubble either. Indeed more of a weakish body effect with a light head one, too.
All in all the very least I would want to consume and had to mostly in the past gradewise at home every now and then but I still just don't want to. So , guess what, I still just don't. Probably clean stuff but isn't anything special, also under the scope, among this grade though there is still even worse around I agree.
Nonetheless this quality isn't captain but steward and I'm well up for a mutiny.
The other one to the right was one € more but forgot the stupid logo and in the end is just another lousy midgrade which compared to the indeed lightly pressed Kapn Kush was falling apart by the way ; ha and now I remember that averageness came in parchment paper + foil as well and was marketed as 'dry sift' – those bastards again, lol! I'm good thanks, after trying both on different occassions with very low tolerance I gave most of it away to people in need around here as usual.
Last and least I think I also got the same consistency of the 'Kapn Kush' as indeed the plates looked differently as Ojd mentioned but I think even though they seeem to have both kept their colour it could be the difference in look could be related to the transport of this lot when smuggled in what ever way. Just a guess though.
Needless to say no offence intended here when saying so and such. Just discussing qualities available. We're all adults, aren't we? Would never look down on what people want or have to consume. It's no childish competition who's got the best. In my utopia everyone dedicated(or not)consumer of hashish should at least consume commercial high grade but this world works different sadly.
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Kudos to you for your honesty caling as spade a spade in the end minus 'excellent'. 'Excellent' is probably because of the price, right? I would have paid distinctively more and this alone is just sad for that type of quality but the standard rate going here anyway at my mostly miserable contacts at home these days whom mostly aim at price/performance ratio[though I was better connected a few years back and prices didn't change in this segment drastically at all and nonetheless I'm pretty up to date due to going regularly to Nederland and asking about current black market prices there and I can do the math] but again it is a shame such plant matter is so expensive ; one well connected source springs to mind though getting such grade for one € less by kg than your rate even around here without ordering a 50kg drop but still I don't want such stuff.
As said before I liked your reviews of your trips to the Dam in recent years so I enjoy having someone on here who has a similar taste. Which means you won't get rid off me now, haha!
Long story short as see above: as you said you are loving this compared to what you've seen in the last years I wonder what was your point of reference back then? The other ones you mentioned must have been then even worse than this? Oh my!
If this is now your new point of reference I can only say that mids are mids and indeed stay mids within this grade with marginal differencies.
You mentioned bubble from indoor plants as well so I take it you enjoyed a much better grade so it is well beyond me you refer to this type here.
'Semi/dry sift'[=commercial high grade to me] is now possible and available at about 3€ and this is well worth it already compared to this as this carries a flavour, smell and strength and already often no mishmash taste by the way!
I'm a pedant so I had to say my part about this now as I think the market situation is different.
Considering your position and what you reported yet it should be obtainable for you – probably even cheaper, much success!
I always appreciate if someone reads my posts
Yes I enjoy reading @NotYourSaviourWe read them quietly but appreciatively . . .![]()
you guess ...
Last and least I think I also got the same consistency of the 'Kapn Kush' as indeed the plates looked differently as Ojd mentioned but I think even though they seeem to have both kept their colour it could be the difference in look could be related to the transport of this lot when smuggled in what ever way. Just a guess though.
Here are some pictures from our latest travel to the Netherlands[did anyone say Noordzee?]. Subpar pictures sadly don't do the fine weather we had justice.
First lot were riddiculously enough marketed as static filtered high grades with foreign genetics from Morocco. I doubt that as on one hand I had certainly better quality labelled that way and on the other due to experience as well as having picked those up outside the major cities along the provinces I'm sure they just play the name game even more.
Latter one means the hype is real and arrived in the provinces all across the country as well as they obviously try to get their slice of the cake when mislabelling this gear here again. Happened before with other stuff[when Kush came up or those resins with foreign genetics e.g. et cetera]and will take some time until real quality is available there for an okish price ; as there for obvious reasons the price is well more important compared to touristic major cities.
The one to the left came with a strong body sedation and a relatively clear head high[maybe it was indeed static cbd,]with more of a standard kush taste though not very pronounced if nice enough.
High grade but commercial and probably not that special filtered as promised.
The other more blonde one is in fact the best when it comes to foreign genetics supposedly produced in Morocco on this occassion ; geniuine kushy and a
strong celebral and body effect,
fluffed up wettish.
Good filtered material when compared to Amsterdam standard these days but nothing more ; taking the price into consideration it is good gear, especially available in those areas but in the end not unique these days[would be welcome at home of course, just saying]and as said will take some time until reaching 'the standard of the major cities' so to speak as so often and when happened finally the next trend lurks around the corner ad infinitum sadly.
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Second pair is the usual good quality high grade Moroc from one of our most favourite private sources we had to go out of the way for as in this very area there were shamefully no proper Morocs around so another excuse me thinks besides quality management of course, haha ; and again all is gonna be reached fast and easily in this country.
Gear is as good as usual as said and is again easily the winner of this holiday and again this year yet.
The other one to the right hand is another so called static sifted one but despite a realatively pure look only a good filtered one of these day’s standard which could be cheaper in the provinces but again we are not in a big town with much competition(thinking positive, haha). The price paid for this filtered one would be the price for a branded filtered one e.g. in 'Dam.
While I'm on it time for a reminder: I know people somewhat thought the quality of wares is better outside of Amsterdam or at local koffieshops on site but in my opinion merely marginally and most probably for outdated skunk, kush or haze variations ; they are always a good bit behind a certain hype[needless to say a hype isn't what I'm looking for but I like variation a lot ; needless to say good stuff is good stuff but no one around in this country can perform miracles as stated before and this is an oligopoly in the end]and more importantly to those establishments only a certain group of consumers go mostly.
[By the way: bud of grass shown in the first picture was the contribution of a mate who always shakes with laughter when I take pictures for the internet during our adventures ; I too find it funny as I'm still well aware this is the Imported Hashish thread but too it shows what local people have to consume when picking up at coffeeshops there as it was recommended to us[in fact it is a shame and sad that such averageness is offered at a relatively prestigious coffeeshop it was picked up from], average quality and look which doesn't deserve a close up or comment[was one of the better wares to be had grasswise I can tell you, oh my] but I can say it is a haze variety off a cut – the name is just one letter and a '5', hint, hint. Though it is not what you guys might think, just teasing you people a bit as an exception. My mate found it nice enough]
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Just once again for clarification:
I didn't compare said mid-grade Kapn Kush with any high grade of what ever type – static, fresh frozen or '120u'.
I just categorized and filed it under mid-grade and was surprised it was up your alley. Especially surprised since you probably had at one point high grade bubble [+hopefully self made high grade dry sift]or better from your own grows or circle of mates[means: I took it this is your general point of reference when it comes to new approaches ] so it didn't make much sense to me you like that Kapn Kush but I got it now[finally!] as you were refering to 'good for what it is as a mid-grade'.
What I meant with Semi-Dry was that at the minute it is available already for around 3€ by kilo and not more if one knows the right sources and this type of Semi-Dry more and more available is no fancy branded one but at least nice enough as is so much better already than the Kapn Kush as it carries a flavour, potency and smell. Though still it is a commercial high grade to me and I don't see a reason scoring this Kapn Kush for the same price. Prices from the Netherlands though even around here more and more stuff like this 'Semi-Dry quality' arrives lately so should be widely available across Europe now.
By the way: I assume this Kapn Kush one could buy if one is very lucky at a coffeeshop focussed on locals for 6€(if very lucky even for 5€ or even 4 € if I consider gear I've seen there even end of last year but again this is not on average as it seemed even better processed than that Kapn Kush but I didn't try it) and other shops for about at least 7€ for probably up to 9€ depending on location, clientle and greed. Riddculous.
Last but not least I can only again underline I don't look down on what people consume hashwise or else as I still think it is a bit of an offence calling this type of quality hashish.
I mean back in the day when only bad 'hashish' where landing here it was the reason for us to start our personal guerilla grow for many years outdoors until we had the opportunity to move indoors with this shitty weather around here sadly ; too a major point was autonomy from others as I don't like to ask over and over again as this would mean begging, all type of scumbags and especially dealers[don't get me started on them while I still respect even the lame ones for their work to some degree]and their manners. I think some people can relate.
I just refuse to go back to such grade even though as reported back in this thread the general quality, especially on mids, went up but it is just not enough for me and I still wish everyone gets a better product some day. So again I will not go back to this on average and managed to do so, - even lowering my consumption and enjoying it even more- especially in the last two years where I was even more strict.
Still I don't judge mates whom have gone back with the same respectively a similar background but as the saying goes different strokes for different folks[they will have their reasons while I still think it is sad and I mean this in the most respectable way possible which means 'not nice people into hashish big time should have to consume such'] and this is just my opinion but many in my experience think this is quite snobbish though so be it.
Well, it is always the price.
Believe it or not but on this trip we stopped by at a reputable shop for their best Moroc which costed funnily the same as the one you picked up at Kadinsky and it was mid grade tops[it was given away for free again as didn't want it]. So we made the small detour to get some good gear.
Okay, back to the price and before I write too much again[what I will anyway, oh my] I try to explain via a talk as a sorta metaphor I had numerous times in the past:
A: I got some good hash let's smoke some.
B: Enjoy, but looking and smelling yours I prefer mine.
A: Looks and smells good indeed in your case but mine is good either. I smoke since a good while and only smoke good stuff. I know about quality!
B: Could be though not in my book when seeeing this as I have the impression it is mid grade but enjoy nonetheless. Doesn't matter if it is not high grade as long as you like it, innit? There are definitely quality standards but this may vary in perception subjectively speaking. I like discussing qualities and trying to set up standards together.
A: Me too. May I try yours then? Just curious.
* tries *
B: What do you think?
A: It's good! Smell, taste and high ticks all my boxes! Have to admit it is better than mine. What do you pay for this?
B: Cheers. I pay *BlahBlahBlah*
A: What? For hash? I only pay * BlahBlahBlah * for mine!
B: That's significantally cheaper indeed but I took it we were discussing quality of hashish not prices?
A: Yours is too expensive for my taste I never pay more than BlahBlahBlah and be honest in the end it is all just about getting high, right? Mine does the trick nicely.
B: Well, ok, I still thought we were discussing quality in general not prices. Enjoy nonetheless.
That is what I am experiencing since decades in variation[needless to say the majority of people talking like that rarely get a sample, not worth it, sorry].
People wanna join a discussion which is quite ok of course but looking for excuses when proven wrong.
You know what ?
Of course it is all about getting high for me in the end as well as mentioned a lot before but even though there is not much difference in effect between a high grade classic Moroccan hashish ticking all the boxes flavour and smellwise and this mid grade Kapn Kush I still prefer the former one qualitywise[was different many moons ago when young but changed relatively fast].
Now when we compare a traditional one and a new foreign genetic one – both high grades – the proper processed foreign genetic one will most probably be distinctively stronger.
Anyway, last comment on the prices: especially growers, dealers and longterm consumers focuss more on price than quality in my experience.
The growers grow their gear quite cheap, been there done that for under 1€ per g, no biggie. I can relate but it is a bit unworldly me thinks as the average joe cannot do so too often for various reasons. Let alone rarely they produce their own sifts on the scale they have their grass available, just saying by the way.
The dealers if good connected and enough turnover get much better prices in wholesale so I can relate, too.
Though again a bit unworldly as not everybody can sell, huh?
I could throw up but the prices at coffeeshops or Social Clubs in Spain are a foretaste sadly of things to come when legalised.
While I still think said prices are too high I can't really say what is too cheap? What is adequate for producers and consumers?
I know it depends on grass, hashish, oil or what ever. If I myself would say 'all type of products for under 10€' it only shows how unworldy I am myself, haha.
I just want to say I'm aware of this dilemma as supporting stupid prices lead to more stupid prices but on the other hand everything more or less in life costs more these days for several reasons so sorta unavoidable prices also rise in this segment to some degree which is discussable of course but if one wants to stick to a certain limit it is 'you get what you pay for' unless one is very good connected and doing large numbers though then one has other problems than talking about prices, haha.
Last but not least no matter what others say producing hashish is a craftmanship for sure but despite others wanna claim something else one doesn't have to do his doctorate in math and engineering but it could be taken to an industrial level if legalised so static, fresh frozen and such would be affordable for anyone without the stupid grades but again this is only theory as our framework dictates differently.
The longterm consumers in my experience are the toughest of these groups as in my experience[plain consumers, no growers and no dealers!]too often strictly focuss on the price and even more rarely get theirselves a treat compared to the other two. Often I have the impression they have a love-hate relationship with this plant as almost everyone of them tried to stop consumption at one point and for many it is just a commodity, a commodity among many others, oh my. Often it feels like the magic is gone or something and boredom has kicked in heavily.
Of course these are selected stereotypes and there are mixed types and others, but roughly this is my experience.
Adhd, yes? In recent years I read here and there this plant could help – though I'm sceptical when thinking how this should work with e,g, a job life, responsibilities and such, probably for a minoriy but who knows?
I hope I never need that plant medically[buzz kill].
Methylphenidate – not encouraging it or saying it is better – is the uusual choice worldwide as far as I and you probably also know.
While I'm on it funnily I remember[and many can relate I'm sure] some hyperactive persons not having to do with consumption at all around here on parties or other occassions when taking Amphetamines from a similar substance group whom turnt to 'normal behaviour' after consumption which was reportetd before and personally file under black market treatment, haha.
If this Lebanese is working for you , fine! Good to know it doesn't cancel out other effects.
By the way since you mentioned it a while back: am keen to know how your current curing of your latest gear turns out in a couple of months. Please report then!
At one point I was thinking someone would come up with a tutorial on curing hashish over the years here but nothing happened. I made a research every now and then but didn't find much on the net. Now recently I tried again and found this which helps a lot more ; if it is not allowed to link such please let me know and I delete the link.
Not saying this is new but an all right reference which I will use at one point and report back without too much expectations.
@Piff Rhys Jones
Ok, your rant came a bit out of the blue but so be it. Of course I can relate though. I slightly disagree on your catergorization of grades as mentioned before I roughly distinguish between 'low'(=soapbar or any old dried up and/or contaminated gear), mid-grade( pollen in various appereances),
high grade(differing from good to very good depending on depth of effects, taste and smell but they are all noticeable at least ; so called 'semi-dry' is no mid grade to me when done nicely as in my experience already carries a taste, smell and strong enough high as mentioned before so in this case 'commercial high grade' ]and top grade[more of a non-existant ideal I hope to never find still – in theory ticks all the boxes, 99% heads and made by myself, lol]and this works for me ; everything else of more splitting up is lame profiteering.
Rest, as yours implies, is just marketing. Especially the 'mousse' you correctly named pollen and Sandsmp81 on here mentioned before seems to be big again nowadays. The old game, people want something new and the majority is satisfied with a random name ; though back in the day these names were abused as well as I think the internet makes us think differently but there have been always shady people jumping on the train to exploit it for more money – I try to not use them terms either and stick to quality descriptions but many others still do['caramello', 'diamond', 'hia', 'primera' and all that] .
What will be the next name in say five years? 'Softie'? 'Smoothie'? Pissing myself laughing. Not sure if the coke and smack guys spark up a similar marketing or is it again just this plant ; wouldn't surprise me, haha(and promoting drinks containing codeine cough repressant is a good start – don't encourage either but each to their own - since a while but probably outdated already).
Too I think it is a bit of a generalisation of yours when saying they use no bubble bags for sifting and use their old drum technique instead – I reckon this is a legitimate theory though as I think many just don't have the ressources for cool chambers, freezers and shit but some seem to have it definitely and working together with Italians, Spaniards, Dutchies, Germans, Frenchies, Englishmen and who knows else, next generation of Moroccan people born and raised in those countries included.
I met a bunch of people during the upcoming seemingly confirming such farms no matter if coffeeshop owners, Moroccan people in trade and stuff reported in the media.
Let's agree on marketing again make it look like these new approaches are all over the place but in fact are still a minority so your thought is quite possible[I even remember one of the first groups around six years back starting such a Social Media campaign now this seems the new standard of doing things but I still find that lame and grotty to say the least ; the best products need no advertisement at all which goes for all type of products so to speak].
Nonetheless I think and see quality in general has risen and real crap gear I haven't seen since years, even around here. It is at least this pollen. I remember well worse times in the past.
You mentioned those fake static offers for 4 €. Had to think on your post when on this recent trip and when discovered those 'statics' in the middle of nowhere which were costing 10-25€ less than at best official spots in Amsterdam. Do the math. Who ever picked that up for the coffeeshops there has no clue at all or, more likely, just exploits the hype and it is just plain intention ripping people off but again many customers seem to appreciate it or indeed want to believe again respectively simply don't know better.
Names were always more or less made up. Also I think not drying in the sun lead to better quality, too. Still I'm sure there will be roofs with dried plants around.
Saying all that I can hear you in the end obviously as it was discussed heavily on here before it is well annoying having to deal with such humbug maketingwise and unscrupulous people involved in the trade no matter if on top of the food chain or opposite.
As you mentioned too the middlemen learnt their tacticts through so called social media but I'm sure the farmers are involved to some degree, too. That's globalisation, innit? Everyone wants their share.
And you know what? While it bothers me one voice within myself is saying some arrogant westerners deserve it as the farmers and rest were more exploited before. Still no excuse but I can relate.
Human, all too human as once put.
I could come up with racist stereotypes and shit about them e.g. Moroccan people are like this or that but we all live in a profit driven society and it happens everywhere since outside of my close(d)circle I after years don't trust any source no matter which nationality
as I know I am just a customer and them for sure are not filed under the inflationary used term 'family', especially on an unregulated black market
and having to do with all types of criminals I despite growing up in a precarious neighborhood as well as well class-conscious myself probably for some reasons not had to do without this plant – and nobody gets out alive so everyone is
open to corruption only varying in degree no matter if one wants or not, no escape as linked to people having to do with all type of crime[just insert something as has to do with the thing in itsself as we are talking about a certain type of product here – the rules are preset and it attracts all types of profiteers which again on an illegal market have a different approach than on a legal one but don't think I'm too naive and think all legal buisnesses worldwide are lead by perfect human beings, hell no, but distinctively less than in an illegal context. No conspiracy theories please!], it is just a certain milieu and no surprise ; no need to be at the top of things to experience such stuff.
Not judging those people involved in crime as all happens by circumstances mostly but do my best staying away as best as possible and it is one of the major disadvantages to me.
But we often have a choice, right? Needless to say I don't see growing grass as a crime but at best as civil disobedience but due to the thing in itsself it is surrounded by serious crime about profit ; everyone denying that should have a closer look at the structures as the myth of a grower supplying a majority of customers is quite outdated and romanticiced.
So again many reasons for legalising and if not growing your own.
And if not possible at the moment I recommend trying to take all those bullshit lies and shit not personal as it is all about stupid profit.
Easier said than done but works for me mostly. Still trying to be realistic and not to forget about returning to autonomy one day. That's the only solution I see selfishlessly for our circle and for a majority of consumers a legalization would be a good start.
Needless to say there is more to say about that subject respectively dilemma but these are my 0.02 cents again.
And I miss the deeply rich smoke with notes of rosemary and pine. Truly oriental smells and vibes from these hashesI miss that flowery honeyed melon smoke
@ojdI been smoking top quality Hash since I was 15 ( Caramelo eggs ) im 42 now , and know alot about Hash and sampled more than most that's for sure.
I been Amsterdam 100's of times and just in last 2-3 years have had 3 different Cap N Kush batches all different quality ( as anyone who really knows Hash and has a direct link to a Morrocan bringing back 100's of kilos multiple times a year) will know they use many of the same labels on many different batches , I thought you would know that being a Hash Connoisseur ?
It was clear to see on our different batches some were superior than others , when shrink wrapped in Morroco the better quality Morrocan ( like old Caramelo bars) the plastic is molded into Hash leaving a distinct look in the Hash ( lines all over where Resin melts into plastic)when unwrapped, the lower quality bars don't do this , they just smooth sand like looking like pics I mentioned many pages back looking like a different batch ( someone posted it was flattened or the weight made it smooth ? , that is not the case with our batch as there was 330 kilos of it all the same , no smooth bars , unlike the lower quality Capn bars we had that were all smooth bars looking.
Soapbar has not been seen in over 15 years ? And doesn't exist, not in London anyway maybe other parts of the country and world but not seen that for many many years.
The lowest grade is the plain smooth sandy looking bars and like you say a kilo for 3 , but every new batch that comes directly from Morroco at different times ( my mate has a direct link who brings it back several times a year) is normally a different batch , even if it has the same label on ( we have many with same pics and different batches, whatever name they want to call it , Cap N Kush, OG , Bob Marley and the funny names continue) but our guy goes several times a year and always a different batch never the exact same as its probably all sold by next time he goes.
So I mentioned previously I'm working with some Morrocan farmers on a seed deal for next year and been trying to get some traditional Caramelo ( beldia) over for me and my friends and the guy assured me he can get me some and will put 10 kilos on just for us as a favour.
But when he contacted us he said its much more rare than he ever thought ( I told him this before) but he assured me he could get it and that the reason why they don't bring it anymore is the people want this new school Hash ( modern Hybrids grown and made into Hash rather than old school Morrocan plants made into Hash) Which I know was false and its all to do with the yield and % Return is why most farmers grow new hybrids.
So he couldn't source the 10 Kilos ( he brings over 300k every run and 10 was going to be the Caramelo just for us) but like I said he couldn't get the 10 but he has got 1 kilo for us but he said he doubt he will be able to get it Regularly or maybe never again. Me and mate are splitting it and keeping it all , il let you know if it's smokes as good as it looks when sampled( will get it this week) and if as good as my last bar of Caramelo I sourced around 3 years ago ( I got 20 grams left from 200 grams to compare it with)
On my last trip to Amsterdam my Caramelo was far superior to any Morrocan Hash i found in Amsterdam coffeehops and I did the rounds looking for the best)
New Caramelo/Beldia that arrived this month 50g bars ( only 1 kilo, a favour for us) of Carmelo in a package of 330 other kilos of more average Moroccan, and the 1 is all ours)
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And what does the inside of the package look like?