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I'm a Cocaine Addict. There, i said it.


Deleted member 534625

Yeah Ive read about porn addiction anonymous meetings and counseling. Never had a problem with that but caffeine is the beast that bit me. Id drink about 8 cups a day ending at dinner. Its far more destructive then people give it credit for. Im glad i quit before the health issues start, which its responsible for a lot of
I was the same way, and it absolutely destroyed my stomach. Maybe that’s why we both like Sativas so much haha

Deleted member 534625

What did it do to your stomach if you dont mind me asking? Digestive issues? I know its pretty acidic. Yeah man sativas are definitely underated. relaxing and euphoric in a way these modern hybrids just arent
I’m assuming it’s the acid but I was getting chest pain from it at the time as well. Idk just felt better having given it up, although I sneak a cup once every few months from some coffee shop. Install can’t even finish it but I just like the taste a lot.

Indeed man, getting stoked for those destroyer hybrids to finish. If only they would stop the new flushes of pistils already lol.


Well-known member
The addictions that i cannot seem to shake or keep shook, are sugar and caffeine.
caffeine...i drink a gallon of tea a day.
My kids are probably my biggest motivating factor in this whole mess.
i was never an alcoholic, but if i had not met my wife and had kids, i'm pretty sure i would have drank myself to death or died in a wreck...


Well-known member
caffeine...i drink a gallon of tea a day.

i was never an alcoholic, but if i had not met my wife and had kids, i'm pretty sure i would have drank myself to death or died in a wreck...
Yep the honest truth is I stuck with my partner got married and had kids because I knew it would save my life. Probably as selfish as you can get. But my kids have a good life and they are loved and nourished. But no doubt they will turn out as mental as me and my wife.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I have been addicted to several things in my 73 years. Coke was one. Expensive habit. I cold turkeyed the habit after 2 years. I knew it was out of control when I sat down...did half a gram .....stood up and sat back down and did the other half.
Today I try and and do EVERYTHING In moderation. Age dictates that.


Active member
I used to consume decent amounts of stimulants for around 15 years (cocaine, speed and pharmaceutical amphetamine derivates). At first in the weekends, then weekdays also. Now it's been 9 years since I last took any drugs except for weed. Also no cigarettes, no alcohol, not even a beer. I even quit caffeine. Only weed now, in moderation.

I used to live in a city with 2 million people, and always had jobs related to the music scene. Playing in bands all my life, and also working as a Pro Tools guy and as a live audio engineer for many years.

It was a long time before I learned how much of an influence your entourage can have over your lifestyle. Sounds obvious now lol. All kinds of drugs were easily available to me especially wworking in the evenings. Even when I made an effort to stop, inevitably someone I knew would be high or I would know they had drugs, so I ended up being dragged to them again and again.

What bigtacofarmer mentions about distance is what helped me quit. 9 years ago I moved back to my small hometown because of family issues, and quit the city and the night lifestyle. It was suprisingly easy for me to quit drugs and partying, because of the distance between me and people I used to hang out with. My town is touristic but mostly agricultural, simple people who live simple lives. Me and my gf really embraced the rural lifestyle, healthy eating, active outdoors life. I picked up old healthier friendships with people I knew from school/high school, and more or less cut ties with my friends in the city. I also know people here who like to party, but I will always give them some excuse why I can't hang out with them. Made me feel bad at first but you really have to know your priorities.

I still love them and drive to the city on occasion, but when I do it's only at lunch time or on a Sunday, see my friends for coffee or lunch, avoid staying there more than 3-4 hours and make sure I don't stay there overnight. I can tell sometimes they think I'm acting weird or somewhat evasive, but I made it a priority to take care of my health and not fall in the same bullshit ever again. I try to be polite, and pretend I have some important thing I have to do back home. I also changed my phone number and only added people who I truly wanted to keep contact with.

I have seen friends trying to get out and getting pulled back in, just because it's what they know, it's who they know, it's where they live, it's what they've always done...
If you know you are a degenerate, or have low impulse control or however you want to say it, cutting ties with people who enable you and perpetuate this lifestlyle is the biggest thing, in my opinion.

Lastly I would recommend you go to a psychologist and talk to them about this, and ask them to diagnose you in case you could have ADHD. Apparently a very big percentage of stimulant addicts have this condition (I do and was diagnosed at 35). We are drawn to stimulants because of the increased focus and sense of control that stimulants give you. Knowing this also helped me a lot "shutting up the little voice" in the back of my head saying it's probably ok to go party to the city every so often. Maybe this is not your case but now that I know the condition, I can see it in several of my friends who are also drawn to cocaine and speed. So just in case, it can't hurt, and psychologists are trained to give you coping strategies to have better impulse control and be more mindful of wtf you are doing.

Having your addiction linked to a sexual habit as you say, makes me think you should really talk to a professional about this, it is known unhealthy behaviours linked to sex are a lot harder to give up on.

Shit that was so long, sorry about taht.
Yes a long story but a truism. My story is the same. Never did heroin or ecstasy but did everything else that was available and it was always available. 1996 moved from very close to NY City to South Florida to escape the same cocaine issues and the 'friends/relatives' associated with it. Now? About 6 beers a month (after golf) and cannabis. Could I go out right now and find it?? They find kilos of the shit on the beach but I don't look for it and know no one that does it. BTW golf isn't good on blow.

Deleted user 6789345

I recently admitted to my wife and friends a 20 year 'high functioning' cocaine addiction

It was due to the fact i made the mistake of losing my phone in a dealers car (damn cheap tracksuit bottoms without pocket zips)., at that point, when i was exposed, i knew (and had been trying for over 10 years) to stop the damage before I died, or cause irreparable damage to my Wife and kids, I'm sure it would have continued otherwise.

For me, Cocaine was always about having a secret that no one else knew about, the excitement, breaking the rules.

Also it was closely linked to sex (or in my case, pornography) which was something i spent of lot of time involved in during my mid teens and before cocaine took hold ( this is before the internet, were talking VHS territory)

But I'm glad i admitted my addiction because i have lost months, maybe even years of my life to the drug. (i don't mean health wise i mean time spent being high)

If i wasn't taking twice weekly drug tests now (on my own insistence) and i could get away with it, i'd still drop everything and get high immediately.

I just thought this might be an opportunity for others to share their experiences, make open admissions or even secret admissions.

i would truly value hearing your stories to aid my recovery and start a discussion.

Perhaps just knowing i'm not the only one is reassuring.

If theres a conversation to be had please speak up. Its taken me over 40 years to understand that honesty is the only way to survive this life

Good luck❤️


Well-known member
Just bumping this to say I have been clean from cocaine for 12 months, I had 1 short relapse on a Research chemical - alpha PVP which ended horribly, but you can't win them all.

All my mates getting diagnosed with ADHD nowadays, a correlation is they are all cannabis smokers

Generally I'm feeling positive about my 2024 performance, although it never stops calling your name.

Well done all that are trying to stay clean.


Well-known member
I recently admitted to my wife and friends a 20 year 'high functioning' cocaine addiction

It was due to the fact i made the mistake of losing my phone in a dealers car (damn cheap tracksuit bottoms without pocket zips)., at that point, when i was exposed, i knew (and had been trying for over 10 years) to stop the damage before I died, or cause irreparable damage to my Wife and kids, I'm sure it would have continued otherwise.

For me, Cocaine was always about having a secret that no one else knew about, the excitement, breaking the rules.

Also it was closely linked to sex (or in my case, pornography) which was something i spent of lot of time involved in during my mid teens and before cocaine took hold ( this is before the internet, were talking VHS territory)

But I'm glad i admitted my addiction because i have lost months, maybe even years of my life to the drug. (i don't mean health wise i mean time spent being high)

If i wasn't taking twice weekly drug tests now (on my own insistence) and i could get away with it, i'd still drop everything and get high immediately.

I just thought this might be an opportunity for others to share their experiences, make open admissions or even secret admissions.

i would truly value hearing your stories to aid my recovery and start a discussion.

Perhaps just knowing i'm not the only one is reassuring.

If theres a conversation to be had please speak up. Its taken me over 40 years to understand that honesty is the only way to survive this life

Buy only shitty coke, you'll soon quit.


Well-known member
Trust me, I put at least a kilo of absolute rot through my body and I still went back again and again.
I've tried it a cple times, last time I did, 4 of us went in on an 8 ball and did it all and luckily I was disappointed and I never went near it again. It didn't do much more than an exresso for me. Good luck hope you get clean forever.


Well-known member
Haven’t done any blow in a decade. I hear most of it is cut with all kinds of shit these days.. I have smoked it, snorted it and shot it. I used to be really into drugs, e.g. heroin.

I have done all kinds of drugs and quit all kinds. Cocaine for me was always very addictive in the moment but if I quit for 2 days I would feel like why did I want that so bad? I only vape and ingest weed and eat shrooms every now and then these days and I’m so much happier honestly.

I hope you stay clean ✌️💚

P.s. I believe anyone can quit any drug, but one has to change themselves and the way the think(programming). This is one of the hardest things for a human to do.
Good luck

H e d g e

Well-known member
Ethan Russo talks about addiction regardless of what to being a symptom of clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD), the idea being that if your endocannabinoid system is down regulated you feel crap so you will try to compensate for what your natural homeostatic regulators should be doing in order to stay in balance.

If memory serves I think alcohol temporarily up-regulated the endocannabinoid system but long term impact is negative.

There’s a thing called opioid sparing where if you take opioids in combination with cannabis you can maintain the same opium dose long term without needing to increase use in order to achieve the same level of efficacy in pain relief, the cannabis effectively stops the opium causing addiction.

People with hyper functioning endocannabinoid systems can consume highly addictive substances without ever experiencing withdrawal or feeling the need to continue use, they also don’t appear to experience pain or stress in the same way as normal people or those with CECD.

For me it was sugar and is caffeine, still getting through 3 or 4 cafetières a day but thankfully the sugar is out and I feel loads better for it. Sugar cravings are crazy, if I accidentally have the smallest amount they’re back in full force, I have to have none at all, can’t moderate intake.

I believe addiction is often a symptom of or dysfunctional solution to different seemingly unrelated problems that require attention, for me that underlying problem was clinical endocannabinoid deficiency, which caused autoimmune disease, resulting in exhaustion to which the temporary solution was sugar and caffeine, not a great long term plan though.

Something I found that helped was discovering that there’s a cyclical relationship between the endocannabinoid system and the microbiome, targeting both at the same time with cannabis and probiotics can be more beneficial than focusing on either individually.
Yoga helps, swimming, smoking weed, immune regulating mushrooms.

Sugar didn’t help long term, neither does caffeine, I need to stop drinking coffee.
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