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If you saw a chopper...


My little pony.. my little pony
If I saw a chopper
I'd chopper in the morning
I'd chopper in the evening
All over this land
I'd chopper out danger
I'd chopper out a warning
I'd chopper out love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land



If they're onto you.......


.......then the piggie wiggies will be 'round at your door soon


.....so watch out!


Active member
Verite said:
If I saw a chopper
I'd chopper in the morning
I'd chopper in the evening
All over this land
I'd chopper out danger
I'd chopper out a warning
I'd chopper out love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land

i appreciate the comedy as much as the next person, but peoples freedom are at stake, hardly a laughin matter.... :fsu:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
the only chopper that scares me is the unmarked black choppers the feds use for survalance. if its just a cop chopper i usally dont get freaked unless its night winter and hes hovering over my house. the us government can shoot a in coming missel with a out going missle they can shoot 1 down with a lazer beam they admit they can read a item the size of a cars liscense plate. i wouldnt put anything past the us governemt


Hey DigitalHippy, smoke a fatty man, don't you know comedy is one of the best ways of relieving a stressful situation,

I've been through living hell with that chopper I posted a pic of, as it harassed me for the last month of my last big grow.

I know your comments were aimed at Verite mainly, as you quoted him, but I thought his comments were funny too, and would still think it's funny if I was still being harassed.

If you can't have a laugh then life's not worth living,

Chill out man :smoker:
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Active member
verite is cool, always got a joke, i was more worried for groboy....hes seamed ...well, perturbed..

as for me? im relaxed as can be right now... thanks for your concern!
humor is always needed.


If you see a chopper do you know how many other people can see same chopper? I thought one was following me as I drove through town. Kept seeing it. I felt like Ray Liotta's character in Goodfellas when he is all coked up watching the chopper that is following him.
There are just too many choppers with too little to do. The cops confiscate people's property and money and buy fancy stuff like helicopters. The only good thing is the new composite high tech ones are not nearly as loud. They just have this otherworldly hum not ,thwap thwap thwap.


Active member
I get freaked out sometimes too. We have an airport right near by so you get constant whirly bird action around here. Made me feel better though when the cops were scattered all over the neighborhood looking for a shooting suspect. No chopper - If it had been that important to catch the shooter, they'd have busted it out. Guessing their just as poor as the rest of the city.

Try not to smoke so much you wig and if you do, get some OJ, it'll make you feel better.

You'll get popped if you make yourself a target. Here's why...
-They need a warrant and an IR (in the us) isn't grounds for one.
-They have to obtain a warrant somehow and if you don't give them an opportunity to get one they won't!

-Don't sell
-Don't tell
-Don't talk
-Don't goto hydro stores
-Don't send massive quantities of beans to your house
-Barely share, and if you do, YOU didn't grow it. You came across a sweet deal.
-Don't do things to make you look/seem/act/smell obvious.

I'm one of the most paranoid mother fuckers you'll ever meet and I'm feeling ok about it. I don't make myself a target.

My neighbor got popped a few years ago. He did make himself a target. Had it inside, outside, selling, telling, sharing, blah, blah, blah...

Just be smart and keep your head on straight. I take it that you're fairly new to the hobby, you'll get over the paranoia after you sit down and examine the reality of your situation a bit.

Best of luck to you.


My little pony.. my little pony
Hey surprizing enough you'll find the guy from Cheaters uses more FLIR on his show than does all the police departments do on busting indoor growers.

If the police use FLIR all the time like people 'think' they do then wheres all the pictures of marijuana busts? Wheres all the video footage of FLIR marijuana busts?

Evidence is evidence and both sides are entitled to see it. Defense and prosecution. If it was being used even lightly then there would be plenty of evidence of it. Where is it?

And before anyone makes silly claims they are all keeping a worldwide secret, get in line behind all the kooks that think 9/11 was an inside job.
growing aint for the small of balls...dont be afraid of the ghetto bird i have about ten or fifteen of them bitches over my house every day..do what you do...or live in fear and dont!
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Active member
Trancerdancer said:
HAHAHA That guy is the biggest douche bag I've ever seen!

I love how he gets in the cheaters face and starts drilling them, egging on the whole situation. No wonder he's been stabbed and beaten with firey logs.


Get two birds stoned at once
Lol people beat him? Wtf why beat someone if your caught red handed doing something unjustifiable.

I heard a copter real real close when planting last year, he was there for a long long time but I thought to myself.. wtf why would they go looking this time of year.. I don't know wtf he was doing just sitting above the trees like that, but it goes to show that you often don't know why a copter is there or what its doing. Copters are used for all sorts of things so I wouldn't assume its cops unless you have real reason.


Active member
Verite said:
Hey surprizing enough you'll find the guy from Cheaters uses more FLIR on his show than does all the police departments do on busting indoor growers.

If the police use FLIR all the time like people 'think' they do then wheres all the pictures of marijuana busts? Wheres all the video footage of FLIR marijuana busts?

Evidence is evidence and both sides are entitled to see it. Defense and prosecution. If it was being used even lightly then there would be plenty of evidence of it. Where is it?

And before anyone makes silly claims they are all keeping a worldwide secret, get in line behind all the kooks that think 9/11 was an inside job.
i love your humor somtimes man....

"get in line behind all the kooks that think 9/11 was an inside job"

there a fun crowed to piss off..

back to the chopper, ive always wanted to go vigalanty on them, you know hellfire missles and all! shoot the bitch down!



My little pony.. my little pony
I forgot where i posted it but my best idea was to take one of those advertising LED signs and replace the red LED's with infrared ones then put it on the roof when they are scanning with messages like " Fresh Doughnuts 200 feet ===>>> "
