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if you have a rolling paper depot and you find it diffcult to sell

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I have been vaping for years, but a friends son was going to stop by. He is millenial that hangs out with a lot of people. Figured individual joints would be safe. Don't want to share a glass mouthpiece on a whip.

mack 10

Resin Herder
Golden Smoking's are my all time favourites.
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These or the Black deluxe pack.
Elements are a close second.
Raws , rizla blues also burn well.

Didn't know OCB where about in the 60's.
They are handy when in a foreign country,
Everyone understands OCB.
lol, they have them even in Moroccan mountains.


Active member
It always seemed to me the strawberry papers were kinda weak. Might have been all the stems in the cheap mex brickweed. Remember those little rolling machines?

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I like the raw tubes for the little extension.

When I was in high-school my friend and I sat down and rolled an entire ounce with one of those.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I have seen joints rolled with the little ends inside the paper. IMO the ends make handling a roach easier. Around 15 years ago I was in Maui and bumming a fishing trip from a couple locals. The guy who owned the boat, Jimmy, used the lid from a pack of matches to roll up a cardboard cig holder. It worked pretty well for passing doobs on a boat out on the ocean.

Man we had a great day! Unoficially set the Maui dolphin daytrip record I believe. We went out again the next day and got skunked.


Well-known member
Rizla blue slims for me...
Anything thinner usually rips in two with my heavy fingers

Mind you, those see through cellulose ones are a novelty from time to time

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
They have a strong smoldering paper taste for me, I bought them because I didn't want to pay original Zig-Zag money.


Well-known member
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Do you think some people will start using cigar holders so they can share a joint with strangers, without worrying about germs ?
That's actually a great idea, there is a few people I will not smoke a joint with cause they wet it all up. It's one thing if you want to make out with me but a wet doobie is just gross.


ICMag Donor
I have a full unopened Case of Club Caberet Width ungummed papers!

But I also have some opened packs


ICMag Donor
LMAO we roll French Lights usually.fuckers are like $2.50 a pack. I'd use TOPs if I was desperate enough.

french lights aren't so bad. Certainly better than a lot of the more mainstream papers.....burn one up with a lighter flame and let me know how much residue is left and what color is is. Then do that with some of the other brands. That's going into your lungs. Then do it with a Club and you'll know why I use those ungummed gifts from the heavens, and being the paranoid type when it comes to good things and being nervous about them going out of business or whatever, I bought a couple cases of them as a kind of life..... and then after-life supply

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
burn one up with a lighter flame and let me know how much residue is left and what color is is.

I'm not sure that's a good test since that's not how it's burned in practice, maybe it burns differently when burned slow with pot. I'm fine with seeing residue if my throat doesn't detect harsh burning paper.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
In my opinion, Club papers, original square package or Cabaret size, were some of the finest papers ever made...

In the late 70's, one of my best buddies had a friend who was an expert stained-glass artist..

My buddy commissioned his friend to make this for him...

One-of-a-kind piece of artwork! This photo doesn't do it justice... If you could see it in real life, it's breathtaking!

(PS... edited for date correction...)


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ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
In my opinion, Club papers, original square package or Cabaret size, were some of the finest papers ever made...

Around 1980 or '81, one of my best buddies had a friend who was an expert stained-glass artist..

My buddy commissioned his friend to make this for him...

One-of-a-kind piece of artwork! This photo doesn't do it justice... If you could see it in real life, it's breathtaking!

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Woulda said late 70's judging by the hair, but yea early 80's is close enough. That glass piece is super awesome and cool, would totally try to buy it offa your bud if I had the opportunity. Very nice!

Also, that's a whole lotta man in one picture, mang! Showed it to my lady friend and I think she's pregnant now.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Gonna try the Gold Smoking and also the Club papers. Not sure if I ever tried the Club papers, but maybe not, as the Zig Zag got the job done and I hated wasting money.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Smoking Black Deluxe Kings, and Club Modiano Bistro on the way. The RAW organics I have are great but am willing to look around for other options.

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