Isn’t that liquidly based on debt and therefore don’t exist? Look closely at the reason the video promotes ban usary/interest payments. It is not to prevent people from making an unearned living, but rather to prevent people from cornering a finite money supply and obtaining control over an entire people as a result.budvapor said:that video is pretty cool but it's also misleading.
first off: look up capital reserves. banks don't just create whatever money they want. and reserves are not what determines how much a bank can loan. reserves are just meant to ensure a bank has enough liquidity to give people money when they want it. it's the capital requirements that determine how much money a bank can create.
and what do you think happens to all this money? it's spent, it's used to manufacture goods and to pay people salaries. it's not all immaterial. money is a lubricant for society's activities.
and does anyone think bankers don't work? what do banks do with the interest they collect? it pays for their operations. banks generally don't make more profits than other industries, and they pay taxes just like everyone else. it's a business out to make money just like every other business. i'm not saying that's good or bad. but if you think it's bad for a bank to make money, then you should also think it's bad for other businesses to make money. (and then how do you grow?)
True ^^Banning the payment of interest alone will not get rid of the problem. For example, if a large business continues to earn profits and spends only to acquire more of the means of production (a form of investment) with profits serving as "interest", they could eventually do the same thing. Another example is a payment processing business that always gets a small cut of all transactions. The problem is not so much that some people earn money as interest or as profits, etc., but rather that they don't spend it. They are so obsessed with earning ever more, or perhaps more accurately, gaining dominance over all others. If the owners of the Federal Reserve spent their interest profits freely, would result a much more debt-free money in the system. But they don't because they are mainly interested in taking the wealth of others rather than enjoying the life that wealth should bring; very cruel mindset.
is anyone forcing you to borrow? is anyone preventing you from paying off your debts? lots of people are debt-free. but it means living a simpler life. most people CHOOSE to borrow to buy more stuff, not as a matter of survival.
and nobody's stopping you from being self-sustainable. some people have done it. some people create communities where they can do that. no one's stopping you.
but most people prefer a different lifestyle, a lifestyle that can only exist with creating money to create wealth.
and finally, and most importantly, YOU CAN START YOUR OWN BANK! if you think the system is so advantageous to bankers, then become one! it's a free society, you are free to start your own bank. and if you make huge profits, you can do something good with it.
i prefer to fill MY life with something more meaningful. i'm happy to let other people become wealthy if that's what they want.
don't get me wrong, I HATE the greedy corrupt bastards. the world would be a much better place if there wasn't so much dishonesty among the wealthy. and I HATE seeing our planet mistreated like it is. but this video is full of half-truths and doesn't propose a workable solution.
a good site with interesting info:
Yeah anyone can create a bank and back it with a solid currency or work for exchange of goods barter system. Problem is the 1st example most often leads to a televised standoff with the feds or a stiff prison sentence. I agree a barter system is not for everyone just another example of a system without usary. But if you were to try the first example of your own banking sadly it would be shorted lived.
We are all slaves to the money system because we cannot get out of debt even if we wanted to. Our taxes are going to pay interest on money that was created out of nothing at all.
Even if we ourselves do not borrow money, our government still has to or else the money supply collapses. And we as taxpayers have to pay for the debts of our government. So, we are enslaved to this system even if we personally aren't in debt. The wealth they do spend goes to finance warmachines to destroy people and break up nations only to rebuild(nation building) on again our dime regardless if your in debt or not. Plus those dolars are not circulated back here but overseas.
The civil war here in America is a good example of that the “reconstruction” after the destruction. And here we are over 100 years later talking about states rights again while facing civil 2 as the dollar collapses due to manipulation from a private entity that is neither federal or has shown proof of a Reserve. They have no accountability nor do they share what is exactly in the reserves as Joe Citizen must “file” or face court. Death & Taxes
The book Web of Debt (you can read some excerpts here . On page 150, it mentions an economic advisor to William Jennings Bryan in the 1890's, William Hope Harvey. Harvey has pointed out "that people who took out loans were actually not borrowing "money". They were borrowing debt."
"Harvey considered money to be direct representation of a man's labor, and usury and debt to be a scheme to put middleman bankers between a man's labor and his property... At the heart of the problem, said Harvey, was the Federal Reserve System, which allowed banks to issue debt and pretend it was money."
Dresden James-"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
Dresden James- "A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."