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If I request to report a crime anonymously, will I actually stay anonymous?



As you can see you have a nice little support area here to chat about your issue so feel free to keep us up to date if you dont mind us knowing. Also nice to see that the usual bitching in this forum can be put aside when someone reports a genuine issue. Overall quite an encouraging thread.


I don't think he will be charged just from an anonymous call. You would have to testify in court. Have you watched the news about Rihana? She wont testify for fear so they say and thus no one can be charged. You should and NEED to get involved in this. I am just speculating, don't EVER ask the pigs what you should do...they are sloppy and as long as someone goes to jail they don't give a shit what they do to your name/reputation/help

What you really need to do is consult a lawyer that is particularly known to do these kinds of cases. Only a real lawyer would be able to protect your identity if this is even possible...whether your name is out there or not I believe you should put this man behind bars. I think later in life you'll regret it if you don't not to mention preventing any potential victims in the future.


Domesticator of Cannabis
They, the perpetrators do what they do knowing there's a stigma attached to the disclosure of their crime(s). I'd mess that fucker up royally but that's just me & they'd know where it came from. You must fight back somehow or remain the victim.


personally i would let god deal with it immediately...or more like judge him...

Mrs. Swamp

I think you should offer your testimony. They might not be able to get any evidence, but your testimony would weaken his defense. Might have a hand in his sentencing too.


Movingtocally.... What I am going to say might sound alittle cold but I am only offering you legal advise.. I would 1st like to say i am sorry for what happened to you. If you called the police and placed a tip like that it would almost be impossible to prosecute without testimony.. Here is why. Witout testimony anybody could make up anything about anybody and call in an annoymis tip and alot of people would be arrestes for alot of false charges.. Furthermore without absolute proof, you cannot win the case even if you took it to court. His lawyer will get this thrown out no problem.. Since you have waited so long and since its only your word versus his there is no way you can win in court. I am sorry for what happened but theres nothing you can really do about it now.. When a person is raped that is why it is so important for them to go and submit a rape kit.. Police look for DNA as well as physical abuses that can be linked to the suspect. An example of this would be bite marks or specific wounds that were made with a specific weapon, like a stab wound. the police would match the exact wound to the exact knife thus making the case stronger. Without evidence you cannot win the case. Also now that he is in trouble for molesting another child that may or may not work in your favor. Yes it proves that the suspect is capeble of commiting the crimes but it also raises the question why didn't you go to police right away. Now all of a sudden she sees the suspect in trouble and runs to make a statement? This may look as if you had a grudge or simply were tring to get something else from the suspect. Payback, money, or even fame.. A good defense attorney will spin this so much you will be asking yourself as well "why now". Altho i do agree that this is terrible that it has not only happened to you but also another person. I know you may feel guilt that because you didn't step up now another person was hurt. my advise would be to see a psychologist. Talk to somebody and get that kind of help. Legally your hands are tied. You have no physical proof, no witnesses, and only a story... Without proof of crime there is no crime.. I know this may be hard to stomach but if you do go to court with this it may be harmful to the other persons case.. The defence could spin this big time. They could say so many things even that you yourself was at fault.. They could make up a number of stories. They could say you were young and had a crush on the suspect and upon acting on the crush the defendant denied your request and you were so hurt you lied to get him in trouble. Even tho the defence can't prove this statement, neither can you disprove it... Do you understand where i am going with this? the important thing is that you are alive! ad you are moving forward with yourself and even making progress with getteing yourself better. You have told your story to strangers at an attempt to get closure and i'm sure it helped. Finish the process... Find and talk to a professional and worry about yourself. Don't worry about that scumbag getting in trouble. If you rise and overcome you win. I wish you the best.


You have to not only think of yourself, but the others he will do this to in the future. This may seem harsh, but ALL child molesters deserve to die period. Its an innocent child, scarred for life. It still bothers you after all this time and it wiill fuck with his next victims just as long or longer. Its your responsibility to put this fucker away, if you do nothing, he victimizes other innocent children. I can guarantee I am biased as a parent, but the least they deserve short of death is to be placed in the general prison population instead of being segregated. Harsh? fuck yes, but after they're guilty conviction the should be marched into town square and shot in the head.


Registered Cannabis User
Sorry to hear bout what happened man, not your fault tho, and it doesnt make you any less of a person. If someone did that shit to me tho, you better believe that fool would of been gone by the time i was old enough to aim a gun and pull the trigger. On second note, im a sick bastard when it comes to that stuff, so id probly just tie him to a tree and kick him in the nuts repeatedly for a few hours, then of course just cut off his pride piece and make him eat and swallow it. It would get pretty sick from that point on, so ill leave it at that. Sorry bout the visual, People who abuse children/women, sexually or physically, are my biggest peeve!!!
I was with a friend a year ago, and we went to his friends place to get some bud. Anyway, my buddy and his buddy went upstairs to deal it out, and i was left in the kitchen with some other guy and his girlfriend who were purchasing harder drugs. They started fighting bout money or somethin and this guy ended up slamming this chicks head on the stove (not in use of course thank god)!!!! I flipped the fuck out and immediatley dropped this guy to the ground out cold! It was the first time i ever hit another person and i later found out that i broke his jaw when i hit him. My buddy said that his buddy saw him with his teeth wired shut!! I have never seen another guy abuse a girl in my presence since, but god help the next guy that does it when im around.!!! Ill take the charge if im caught, its worth it to me!


Active member
you don't want to call the police. take it straight to the da's office. but if you're wanting to add evidence to the case you will need to make a statement at some point or else you'll only be wasting your time. perhaps you should talk with your family or the mentor in your life for advice on your particular situation.

good luck...i can't even imagine what you're going thru and hope and pray it never touches my family but it seems like it's becoming more and more common as we civilize ourselves...

The Bling

I would hope he got off just so i could make his life hell i dont belive in god of karma or that people who fuck up large spans of other peoples lives should get meals and a roof paid for by me I was abused by woman and men before I turned 10 and I don't really give a fuck but who cares bro you were a child you were taken advantage of fuck who knows you hold that inside and it eats at you go call that mother fucker out follow him for a week tell everone who he makes eyecontact with hes a fucking child molester spray paint it on his bumper and front door why be anonymous who let that shit out i didnt tell anyone, anyone what happened to me for 13 years then i did then it was nothing I've had a 1000 percent better outlook on life since and better relationships with the women in my life when you let it go youll recognize how many others are in the place your in now CHILD ABUSE IS WIDFESPREAD and causes you to live your life in an autistic manner which is to say fearfull rather than free but whoever said call the DA was right but they will want you to testify and sometimes you just NEED to TESTIFY
fucking bastard should rot in jail. i see where you are coming from. it's probably not so much that fact that your name would be out there, but that you would have to put your mother through it.

my girlfriend was molested when she was 13. authorities came to her school and talked to her about it. she was to scared to do anything about it and just lied and said that nothing happened. it was her mom's live-in boyfriend at the time.

little did she know, it was happening to her 11 year old sister as well.

the guy got off with no charges whatsoever. it's a good thing he will burn in hell for it though.

like others have said, best to go to the authorities. but i'm not the one in this situation and never have been so in the end you will have to do what you think is best.

pretty sure your name would have to be know publicly for this, but do talk to a lawyer.

take care

i dealt with the same sort of situation - girlfriend abused throughout childhood. i know for a fact if i ever get a terminal illness one of the most important things i will ever do will be killing that person.

the justice system in this situations isnt a lot of help long after the fact. i know in the case i dealt with, social services and the police got involved, social services substantiated the case, but the ball got dropped somewhere, the girl broke up with me, and the abuser left the area.

to the op - you should do whatever you can, because even if what happened to you can't make a case, it might be one more nail in the coffin for this scum. you owe it to yourself, and to his past and potentially future victims to do whatever you can. if you speak to the police anonymously they may well be able to advise you on what you can do, and how to protect your own interests as well. a lawyer is also a great idea, as if nothing else they can be a sort of sherpa with these things, knowing the territory and all.

sorry to hear what happened to you man, i've dealt with that kind of situation and no human should ever be subjected to that kind of pain.


at least tell the po po do it for all the victims

the police will not make you testify if you do not want to

they just can't bring charges for your case if you do not testify

a child molestor is worse then murder

this guy will never stop doing this and there will be more victims of he walks

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
The police need a case.... Thus they need someone who is willing to testify in court against this scumbag piece of shit for anything to happen.

Reporting may give the police reason to look further for more victims, but if your the only other who has been a victim of his, and or is willing to come foward to the police, they will NEED you to testify in court. Society as a whole NEEDS you to testify. If not there is no case, only a story, and the scumbag will get off and be free until he screws up another victims life who is willing to come forward, follow through and seek justice for thier crimes....

I know it's tough, but in a cases like these, I cant help but erge victims to follow through and put these scumbags away. No doubt he will continue to victimize until locked up for good.


Active member
From what i'm gathering...you basically got hurt and never told anyone, now other people are being hurt and you're still too petrified to do anything?

You did nothing wrong

You have nothing to be embarassed about

Your family will be understanding

Call the cops and put in your effort to getting this guy locked up

Think of how many more people will get hurt if everyone just stood around "embarrased"

This may seem mean but i'm just givin you some tough love...i'm tryin to light a fire under you. I've been in the same situation and I felt like I did something wrong, but realistically the only thing I did wrong was not killing that guy.

Who cares if people know it's you. It's one thing if people know you pee'd your pants on stage, but it's another if something happened to you beyond your control.