I am not buying into the touch screen pad market for at least two more years. they need to develop more powerful versions before I spend all that money. smart phones are ok though
bitter? are you nuts? I didn't say anything alluding to dissatisfaction.stoner4life: sounds like you might be a little bitter you wasted your money on a kindle... I would be...
actually this above sounds bitter.......Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem? I love lurkn on here and it's so slow it's not even funny. There could be another thread on this topic but I cant even search, let alone type. fwiw it's an iPad 1, 64 gig.
It seems only neckbears who are kept in the dark recesses of office buildings talk smack about iPads.
ya got what ya paid for, you didn't buy a phone, you didn't buy a computer you bought a gizmo, a spendy one backed up by a big name but just a gizmo nonetheless.......