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ICMAG fantasy football 06'


Active member
Stoners 25

team green 26
Blimpie 63

The Time Lords. 38
Ant-FARM 41

stankys skunks 88
KY Growers 65

bud bombers 49
brummy's bone heads 42

Baby Doll's 99
BloodThirst 58

Smokey Bones 26
Couchlockers 65

Bronx-BX 72 Match
BongRippers 53

bulldoggs 33
Bonecrushers 39

sparkers 54
bean counters 98

Miss Mess

well, now I know why I've never played in a league with this many other people before...
two of my players this week got out with concussions......my QB main QB is out for at least ANOTHER week and the backup I had this past week is one that got knocked out with the concussion....so, that leaves me with no QB at all now........I only have one decent RB and there are no more to be had.....and that decent one was out last week....in, sparcely this past week......the other one has a bye this week.....etc etc etc

so....with that being said....I'm going to concentrate on the other pool I'm in and drop out of this league...
I can't play properly here......there's no strategy to it....it's all a matter of who's quicker to pickup players that are of any use...
it's just not fun for me....
I don't mind losing.....I just don't dig being bored...

so, what do I do with my team?

I'm sure the Colts defense and the Moss RB would be very useful to someone
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thats what i am saying miss mess, not enough players for the amount of people, too many crappy players you have to use, but damn i got my ass kicked this week by 1-5 team, i thought this stanky stank crackhead gave up or something?


maybe it was because of bullshit whiny ass bitches like you he decided to give it a go and pick up other good players people were dropping and watch the status changes and damn if someone didn't just trade him another QB and a wide reciever to boot...... and see if he could field a team......then again, maybe not....................but way to go stanky stank crackhead huh?


Miss Mess> I think it's against league rules to just drop all players, and could be held aginst you in other yahoo leagues. All you can do is set your line ups for the rest of the season and tun off yahoo fantasy e-mail notification. Technically. Or you can do what stanky crack methhead did and watch and see once a day who becomes available and field your best team. By the way, a running back just became available as a free agent, and stank has a QB he don't need.....
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Miss Mess

why're you so angry? :badday:

and why's everyone keep calling stanky names???

anyway, I'm not in another yahoo league.......it's another site entirely that I'm on...
but I'm not gonna drop everyone if it's against the rules...

so, if the big boss man could tell me what I should do that'd be cool cause I'm definitely out...


hey leave stank alone

i like stank he's my br0.............this all started for fun....... so lets leave it that way.... dayum.... everyone does different shit.... so leave it at that.... this is a game....not worth hurting other fellow ic members..... stank we were br0's before this football season and we are still br0's....

i mean look at most team's in this league...... lots have 2 defenses,,, although they will use only one until their bye week .... if you not going to use it or had your bye week give up a defense put it it the pot for the league.....

i wish everyone the best of luck with your teams..


DrawoH> stanky said to tell ya hello, and asks how the Venus Fem. finished.....

This is how ya got to this point......remember y'all wanted cutthroat, ya got cutthroat.....now some of yas own throats getting cut. This isn't fantasy football, it's a nightmare................

DrawoH> no ones gonna cut loose an extra defense because overall team points ( everyone on your team ) count in the final scoring and ranking......and might cost someone a precious pack of beans or a cheaply modified humidor anyone could make themselves with access to the right materials........

Miss Mess said:
which is why you should have a backup for everything.......a backup defense, a backup kicker, a backup QB etc etc etc.....of course the "backups" don't usually do as well as the people you'd rather not have benched...BUT you get my drift :)

PhatDaddyNugzYo said:
it sets the wrong precedent for later in the year, when people are out of the playoffs and all of a sudden its like, 'here have my great player i'm out of it'...ur also 1-1 which is not in last place and u have arguably the best defense in the league all but one week of the season...u r essentially getting to choose from an extra offensive player this week since u did not choose to have two defenses on ur roster...why is it fair that u get bailed out for not taking that into consideration? i have only one kicker, should i expect to have someone hook me up with an extra one the week he has a bye? no, because that's the way i set up my team...

this isn't about hating at all, it is a competitive league, that was established from the start and this type of thing is definitely not going to be allowed in any competitive league....

PhatDaddyNugzYo said:
i'd be pissed if i was ant-farm...part of the whole strategy is working around the bye weeks in the schedule...its not in the spirit of the game...its moot unless zep weighs in but its ridiculous to allow this kind of thing...

bartender187 said:
Yup. I must agree. <----- Ant-FARM

I mean, im playin in this league witha good friend of mine. Maybe i should just trade him all my good players for nada?? *see where that leads?

my .02

btw... defenses have been winnin it for alot of teams.

my def. has been allowed 61 pts last game.... in all fairness we picked who we picked.

ren said:
i personally think to swap players for a game or 2 is wrong. we got who we got!! if your drafting skills are lacking than thats not the rest of the leagues fault. remeber this is a competition....... there is no hating involved.

stankbud said:
would like to point out that if teams were split into 2 divisions with only half as many teams there would be more access to back-up players. With 18 teams and only so many available starters, back ups for QB and DEF are just not to be found then. We got who we got in the draft, yes, sometimes we didn't get what we wanted because there were no more available..........

you are going to have the same problem in basketball, too may teams, not enough players.....................

and by the way, that trade zepp overturned on ya KY? He had no business overturning it. To overturn that trade it required a vote of other team owners requiring at least 1/3 of them dissenting.....we'll never know if the votes were there or not........
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Miss Mess

ok that's great an all......but does someone wanna tell me what I'm supposed to do with my players?

anyone wanna do some trades (of close to equal value) with me??

maybe I could go that route


The Tri Guy
Miss Mess, I personally don't mind which decision you take, but I feel that the fairest solution would be to just let your players ride out the season. Leave em be and what will be will be. Who knows you may get bored one night and decide to check out how they're doing.


Captain Expando
thanks G....

thanks G....

my thoughts exactly
GMT said:
Miss Mess, I personally don't mind which decision you take, but I feel that the fairest solution would be to just let your players ride out the season. Leave em be and what will be will be. Who knows you may get bored one night and decide to check out how they're doing.


i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this mountaindew character is the passive aggressive bitchass better known as stankbud...


why don't you just go eat shit bark at the moon and die ya smarmy little fuck? feel free to do that in any order you wish......passive aggressive enough for ya kid?