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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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why do you not want me and a million other adults to be allowed to grow and smoke in the privacy of our own homes?

why would you want to keep us criminals?

Because prop 19 makes two new anti marijuana laws,prohibits your freedoms by taxing,controling,and regulating you to death!

You want to be legal? Get a doctor`s recomendation! And no you don`t need to lie to get one because marijuana is also a proventitive medication so you don`t need to be sick in order to get a doctor to recomend it for your health! Everyone will get sick and marijuana helps prolong life by an average of up to two years with daily use. If the side effect is getting high and you enjoy it oh well!

Kwazee Wabbit

So much ignorance, People are not going to jail in cali for personal use. I live in one of the most conservative cities in Cali and the cops are not doing anything to growers with 12 plants or under, neither are the sheriff departments. People in Cali have access and can grow personal smoke on more than 25' ft as is.

I think all in favor must not be from Cali and are ignorant to our current laws.

Tell that to those currently incarcerated or on probation and have had their property and lives stolen from them. Tell that to those who must live a paraniod existance simply because they use cannabis.


I love my life
A "NO" vote would put a big grin on LEO's ugly mug and continue to allow him to subject innocent, good-hearted citizens to his immoral atrocities.

So you are saying that 45 - 55% of the CA population is just pure evil and wants bad things to happed to others. If this is true why is any issue of HUMAN RIGHTS left up to a vote?

IMMORAL ATROCITIES should not be tolerated in this country, even if it is the will of the majority.

We'll see how the vote goes and what happens afterward, but calling half the population of CA evil has gotten us no where on this thread.

The vote is going to be close and I don't really think that more than 1% of Californians are evil so if there is 45% yes or 45% no it should have no impact on the morality of weed, because as we know this is a human rights issue.

I want as many ICmagers as possible to stay safe and away from the pigs, only time will tell what happens, but this vote has nothing to do with morality of MJ it is merely a vehicle for government fund raising.

Californians should vote their minds but neither side is squeaky clean on this one, and the whole point of regulating peoples liberties is disgusting.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
So much ignorance, People are not going to jail in cali for personal use. I live in one of the most conservative cities in Cali and the cops are not doing anything to growers with 12 plants or under, neither are the sheriff departments. People in Cali have access and can grow personal smoke on more than 25' ft as is.

I think all in favor must not be from Cali and are ignorant to our current laws.

I livedvin THE most conservative area of the THE most conservative city. To tell me growers aren't getting busted is a flat out fucking lie.

I know many cases of people getting popped growing under 20 plants.
Even medical patients who are legal under 215. Sure they may win in court, but how is 215 so fucking wonderful if your still getting raided and having to prove your case in court....?

To vote no on this prop will not only send a negative message this election, but one that will echo throughout the next decade crushing any other chances at legalization.

You want to free the weed? Well like MJ said...."this is IT."


Game Bred
Because prop 19 makes two new anti marijuana laws,prohibits your freedoms by taxing,controling,and regulating you to death!

You want to be legal? Get a doctor`s recomendation! And no you don`t need to lie to get one because marijuana is also a proventitive medication so you don`t need to be sick in order to get a doctor to recomend it for your health! Everyone will get sick and marijuana helps prolong life by an average of up to two years with daily use. If the side effect is getting high and you enjoy it oh well!

prop 19 allows grown adults to grow in their homes without having to pay anyone a dime or lie[/] (you can justify it anyway you want) or register with the state.

if anyone wants the protections of 215 after prop 19 they can still have them.

so what is your real motivation?

no one looses ANYTHING under 19.

ill repeat

you will still have ALL of your 215 protections after 19!!!

what do you loose?

why is my freedom to do what i want in my home so threatening to you mark?

Kwazee Wabbit

So you are saying that 45 - 55% of the CA population is just pure evil and wants bad things to happed to others. If this is true why is any issue of HUMAN RIGHTS left up to a vote?

IMMORAL ATROCITIES should not be tolerated in this country, even if it is the will of the majority.

We'll see how the vote goes and what happens afterward, but calling half the population of CA evil has gotten us no where on this thread.

The vote is going to be close and I don't really think that more than 1% of Californians are evil so if there is 45% yes or 45% no it should have no impact on the morality of weed, because as we know this is a human rights issue.

I want as many ICmagers as possible to stay safe and away from the pigs, only time will tell what happens, but this vote has nothing to do with morality of MJ it is merely a vehicle for government fund raising.

Californians should vote their minds but neither side is squeaky clean on this one, and the whole point of regulating peoples liberties is disgusting.


Don't twist what I posted, dude! You're starting to sound like LEO.


I love my life
why is my freedom to do what i want in my home so threatening to you mark?

Why is it OK to have your freedom to 25sq' but it is IMMORAL for me to have 250sq' of my home dedicated to growing?

Americans use their homes and garages for all kinds of hobbies is the guy who likes motorcycles limited to 25sq' of motos in his garage?

Why is it OK for you to be free while you sanction penalties on others for the EXACT same activity?


Kwazee Wabbit

Why is it OK to have your freedom to 25sq' but it is IMMORAL for me to have 250sq' of my home dedicated to growing?

Americans use their homes and garages for all kinds of hobbies is the guy who likes motorcycles limited to 25sq' of motos in his garage?

Why is it OK for you to be free while you sanction penalties on others for the EXACT same activity?


Your greed and lack of compassion are fairly evident.


I love my life
Don't twist what I posted, dude! You're starting to sound like LEO.

You said a NO vote was meant to imprison people.

I asked if 45% of the population votes NO does that mean 45% are evil and want to imprison?

You are the ones being caught by your own words I have not twisted them.

I'm the one sounding like Leo? That's funny I've posted hundreds of pictures of my grows, smoke, and hash over the last year. You don't even have a hundred posts. What a wonderful world it would be if all LEO had a garden like mine.



Game Bred
Why is it OK to have your freedom to 25sq' but it is IMMORAL for me to have 250sq' of my home dedicated to growing?

Americans use their homes and garages for all kinds of hobbies is the guy who likes motorcycles limited to 25sq' of motos in his garage?

Why is it OK for you to be free while you sanction penalties on others for the EXACT same activity?


its not ok..
its fucking wrong...

but 25 is 25 closer to 250 than the current zero.

what if that guy was limited to zero sq' of motorcycles.

would you tell him fuck 25' stick with zero its better?


I love my life
Your greed and lack of compassion are fairly evident.

Ok how about this why is it moral and OK for me or you to have a 25sq' garden, but the couple living together or 4 friends who share a house are limited to a single 25sq' garden?

That doesn't seem like equal treatment under the law to me.



Yeh think big bucks for the rich and no rights for the little guy who will be paying the taxes on this stuff!

Who are you looking out for?
No rights for the little guy? If the little guy is someone that wants to legally buy some weed without lying to a storefront "doctor" about a made-up or exaggerated illness (and thus leaving a mile-long paper trail and becoming part of the "system" that is still considered illegal by the feds), and they don't mind paying tax on the product just the same as they would a pack of cigarettes or a six pack of beer, then the little guy wins under Prop 19.
Is the little guy smaller businesses? 2Lazy is right: not every company can be or wants to be Budweiser or Robert Mondavi. I LOVE the idea of Napa wineries expanding into weed and each producing their own unique brands. This could be wonderful for small businesses.

Think cheep azz comercial grown weed that won`t be worth waking up to and storm troupers after our youth to lock up like criminals for smoking a little reefer! Nice picture eh? Don`t be fooled into voting for prop 19 ! It`s trash!

Get over yourself and stop with the bullshit scare tactics. First, businesses will hopefully be supplying all kinds of weed. If you don't like it, grow some yourself, LEGALLY. Kids can't drink in CA until they are 21. How many are doing jail time for it? Some adults may be in trouble for supplying minors with alcohol, but it's the law and I question any adult stupid enough to supply kids with any drug, legal or illegal. Prop 19 will free up police resources to deal with real crime and you think that they are going to turn their focus to underage smoking and possession of over 1 ounce? Ok Chicken Little, let me know when the sky is falling. . . .


Game Bred
Ok how about this why is it moral and OK for me or you to have a 25sq' garden, but the couple living together or 4 friends who share a house are limited to a single 25sq' garden?

That doesn't seem like equal treatment under the law to me.


its not!

but its a little better than no sq'

do not allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

lets all vote know and tell the state that the people dont even want 25sq' that will make 250sq' alot more likely....

oh wait no it wont. telling the state that the people want 25' sends the signal we want less prohibition.


ICMag Donor
I have inlaws that live in northern California. They both work, smoke and are raising a family. They do pretty good, but money still gets tight.

Their next door neighbor lives next door to them with his wife and three kids. His house, food, electric and medical is paid for through welfare. In his basement he has a fairly large grow and sells Cannabis to med patients. He not only doesn't pay taxes but has regular working people pay his rent and even the electric to grow his weed. Their kids have more than my working relatives kids. And this guy has tried talking my relative into doing the same thing, lol....... Some people have it all figured out I'd say.......

These are one group of people that will not vote for this Bill. And I think it's safe to say there are thousands of people doing this in Cali. Along with probably thousands more selling and not paying anything in taxes to help with highways, schools and other necessary things that are needed. Don't get me wrong, I hate taxes as much as the next person, but I also know they are needed to keep certain aspects of the State in working order.

Now how many of you here arguing against this Bill are going to admit to being one of these people? I'm sure there's quite a few, but you'll never admit it. Do you think that it's fair that thousands of people do this? Is it right? And how do you prevent it from continuing?


I love my life
I have inlaws that live in northern California. They both work, smoke and are raising a family. They do pretty good, but money still gets tight.

Their next door neighbor lives next door to them with his wife and three kids. His house, food, electric and medical is paid for through welfare. In his basement he has a fairly large grow and sells Cannabis to med patients. He not only doesn't pay taxes but has regular working people pay his rent and even the electric to grow his weed. Their kids have more than my working relatives kids. And this guy has tried talking my relative into doing the same thing, lol....... Some people have it all figured out I'd say.......

These are one group of people that will not vote for this Bill. And I think it's safe to say there are thousands of people doing this in Cali. Along with probably thousands more selling and not paying anything in taxes to help with highways, schools and other necessary things that are needed. Don't get me wrong, I hate taxes as much as the next person, but I also know they are needed to keep certain aspects of the State in working order.

Now how many of you here arguing against this Bill are going to admit to being one of these people? I'm sure there's quite a few, but you'll never admit it. Do you think that it's fair that thousands of people do this? Is it right? And how do you prevent it from continuing?

JJ I'd vote away their welfare payments right along side you. It is sad to see your relatives taxed so hard to support a system that has such huge abuses.

As for me, never a penny of welfare, food-stamps, unemployment, workmen's comp., etc. But I have paid thousands upon thousands into the system, despite my objection to it.



prop 19 allows grown adults to grow in their homes without having to pay anyone a dime or lie[/] (you can justify it anyway you want) or register with the state.

if anyone wants the protections of 215 after prop 19 they can still have them.

so what is your real motivation?

no one looses ANYTHING under 19.

ill repeat

you will still have ALL of your 215 protections after 19!!!

what do you loose?

why is my freedom to do what i want in my home so threatening to you mark?

First off I sell seeds and most of my sales are in the midwest and east as well as over seas.If anything prop 19 might increase sales if it passes.My motavation is not money! My motavation is doing the right thing!

My house was broken into not long ago. They took my meds,pipes,stash box, sifters,almost everything MJ related except my laptop.Other than seed sales which they would have a hard time proving. I`m legal under prop 215 so I reported it to the local police got a report and filed with my home owners insurance which paid for everything but my meds.The police officer that took the report was not interested in my grow room ,plant count,amount of dryed bud (other than for making the report) and was not interested in seeing my doctors recomendation at all! They just don`t care anymore as long as you are not sharing or selling to grade school kids.That`s what the officer said to me! He even saw my guns I have in the house because I was afraid they may have also been taken,but they were not thank God! Even the full auto M-16 didn`t make the officer `s eye brows raise! It had just a triger lock on it. The point is police have there hands full with other things now days than pot and small growers. Your not in so much danger as you would think. Prop 19 backers are playing on peoples fear a lot. the worse that you can get for an oz or under is a fine of $100 and no jail time now but under prop 19 who knows how much in taxes you will end up paying? As for prices you really trust corprate people and Local goverment to keep prices down? Why would they do that when they have the controls under prop 19? The idea is they want to make money and the more that goes into there hands the more that goes into there pockets. People gripe about the high price of an oz but it is cheeper now than it was in the early 70`s! Yes it used to cost less but so did everything then even gas was cheeper. Or you could look at it differently as everything is around the same cost per hour of work required to obtain it but money is worth less so it takes more money to buy things. People also make more per hour now not because they are worth more but because money is worth less now.

I do want to make marijuana legal again but prop 19 is a very,very bad law. I`m voting No!


how can a 5k to 10k grower pay tax?
why should he pay tax to the people that are hunting him down and want to bust his door down at 3am, shoot his dog and put guns to his children's heads, ending by wanting to lock him up for years.

you want bloody tax, then stop hunting people like animals. till you allow an activity you can't expect people to expose them selves by paying tax on it.


Oh I also don`t want my kids to be busted for having a little reefer as some of them as well as nefews are under 21.Prop 19 would make what is now a small fine into jail time for them.And yes trying to get them to go get Dr. rec`s but we are all so poor with me being disabled and them all out of work right now.


Game Bred
First off I sell seeds and most of my sales are in the midwest and east as well as over seas.If anything prop 19 might increase sales if it passes.My motavation is not money! My motavation is doing the right thing!

My house was broken into not long ago. They took my meds,pipes,stash box, sifters,almost everything MJ related except my laptop.Other than seed sales which they would have a hard time proving. I`m legal under prop 215 so I reported it to the local police got a report and filed with my home owners insurance which paid for everything but my meds.The police officer that took the report was not interested in my grow room ,plant count,amount of dryed bud (other than for making the report) and was not interested in seeing my doctors recomendation at all! They just don`t care anymore as long as you are not sharing or selling to grade school kids.That`s what the officer said to me! He even saw my guns I have in the house because I was afraid they may have also been taken,but they were not thank God! Even the full auto M-16 didn`t make the officer `s eye brows raise! It had just a triger lock on it. The point is police have there hands full with other things now days than pot and small growers. Your not in so much danger as you would think.
this changes after 19 how?

Prop 19 backers are playing on peoples fear a lot. the worse that you can get for an oz or under is a fine of $100 and no jail time now but under prop 19 who knows how much in taxes you will end up paying?

i know...

prop 19 allows me to grow in my home.

price does not matter to me and probably wont change much after 19 anyway.

I do want to make marijuana legal again but prop 19 is a very,very bad law. I`m voting No!

bad because you loose NOTHING and i gain the freedom to do as i please in my home?

you never did answer...

why is the freedom to do as i choose in my home a threat to you?


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Even the full auto M-16 didn`t make the officer `s eye brows raise! It had just a triger lock on it. People gripe about the high price of an oz but it is cheeper now than it was in the early 70`s!

You are completely full of shit. There is no way that LEO is going to not "raise their eyebrow's" at a pot grower with a machine gun. Perhaps they didn't look closely enough to determine that it had been converted to full auto, or perhaps you are simply not letting the truth get in the way of a good story. Also, I don't know how you figure inflation, but it apparently has the same grounding in reality. I remember paying $15 for 4-finger bags of Humboldt home-grown in 1973. Gasoline at the time (the gas shortage!) had just spiked to $1 gallon. Gas is not $26 a gallon now.
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