do any of you guys have lactating man-boobs?.....if so I have a cunning plan for what you can produce!.....Bwa-ha-ha-ha!
Ya aint lived till ya milk the old lady rite into the cup!!
you'll notice though that she's bright enough not to be eating the stuff herself.......I can't stop laughing at this picture. Maybe it's because she's so plain looking. It's like the weird girl in high school who never talks and reads quietly in the back corner of home room...
Muted, nasally voice: "I made this myself do you want some?"
Daytona Beach Bike Week of '81; me & Barry are hanging out in a strip club and he's teasing a stripper about being a bit chunky (wearing a corset to hide the stretch marks) when she waddles over to him & tweaks her nipples hard enough to shower him w/mothers milk and lots of it, with everybody howling with laughter all Barry could do was grin and bear it.......I wouldn't mind tasting some hot babe's milk (straight from the tit, not some bottle)
Daytona Beach Bike Week of '81; me & Barry are hanging out in a strip club and he's teasing a stripper about being a bit chunky (wearing a corset to hide the stretch marks) when she waddles over to him & tweaks her nipples hard enough to shower him w/mothers milk and lots of it, with everybody howling with laughter all Barry could do was grin and bear it.......
are you kidding me? this is cutting edge journalism @ its finest.......
All they gotta do is loose the lady gaga clones, Im pretty sure lady gaga cant patten the word gaga, thats what babies say.