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IC 420 Cup 2005 SCORE CARD

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Harry Gypsna said:
I see that BOG's SB....nothing beat it on potency....

first and second, 212, 211 repectively scored higher in potentcy then bogs SB, 205.

scored #1 in taste of all the indica entires.

seems Bogs SB has great taste and potency, pretty much what I look for in bud. get some aromas goin and its a winner:D



Active member
I had the honor of smoking BOG's SB......it was heavenly. :canabis:
The smoke felt like a thick velvet going down , but was not harsh at all. Very smooth great tasting herb. Top notch smoke! :joint:
It was a great honor to have met and smoked and hang out with Mr BOG.
It would be cool if we could have a scorecard for the 2004 cup so we could compare the scorecard of the 2005 cup, but I am like an oldscool baseball card collecting stats freak so don't mind me.


was just wondering to himself... if there is any info on the buds entered being soil or hydro grown???? organic or chem fertz?


New member
Good show all gratz to all the winners and participants ,everyone was a winner I'm sure!! Well got hit by an SUV while I was on my bike T boned me going about 50. I got up and walked away without a bruise even..(Aikedo training finnaly payed off LOL) So I could not attend the festivus for da restuvus.Alas my own 420 cup happened and wowo it was insane. Gonna send some late entries to Gps and DG lol JK but man If you could see it, better yet taste it. Milk


Active member
what a excellent time!!! it was such a great honor smoking all those entries! and to be honest i could not have asked for a better vacation or to make better friends. every single person i met there was a blast to hang out with
humbolthigh k and j, HOG, you guys are the best! Smokey, you and your family are awesome, i wish i had a family that was as understanding and supportive as yours :) and man! what a batch of nycd! Bog, Fredster, Rez, minister, uncle stoner, etc, etc, etc... there are so many to thank, i cant even begin to list you all! everyone was so nice to me and i cant say thank you enough. its hard to say if i'll make it next year, but im going to try and enter anyways. heres some shots of her.

Cheers all!



Bubblegum Specialist
Best Tasting Indica?

Best Tasting Indica?

:D Mine did suffer in appearance but not in potency so the results make me happy to see. The seedplants can taste better than the clone mother and to hear that it wasn't really harsh is music to my ears because in the last contest I overheard a judge saying, "the sour bubble? we coughed our lungs out."

3rd for potency? It wasn't quite as potent as the clone mother but it seems that both contended well. What a great contest and how fairly it was run.

Thanks Gypsy and Dutchgrown, Green lantern and old pink...to all the staff and my friends as well. Please give it another try next time gang. I promise that I will not stop trying or attending this great event. BOG


Congrats to all who entered and did well.
I wish i could have been there. Maybe in a few yrs LOL.. peace..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:
Got to admire MAXGROW - Second place Indica for a crop grown under MAXGROW flouros - a great way to show how good your product is

A bottle of the bastard brew has made it to England - minus lable which said 'this product contains THC' - Cheers :friends:

It was realy good to meet you all - same time next year ? :wave:

And a big thanks to Gypsy and staff for making it happen :smile:
2nd place under fluoro!!! That is pretty impressive, but I have always thought flouros were underrated.

Do you think we will get a scorecard with all the other stuff that was voted on?---not to be a pain in the ass, :chin: I know everyone must still be burnt from the judging, but since I didn't get to go and am still jealous...


Dutch, I was wondering....have you considered adding a Best New Breeder category to the Cup? Could be interesting with the number of amateur breeders who are aspiring to go pro lately. Just an idea I had thinking about the truckload of success stories from DNA Genetics over the past year or so.



Active member
Congratulations to all winners...

Congratulations to all winners...

Again... real nice to meet the winning ECSD team Rezdog, Smokeypufmaster and Jimmynitz at Katsu... and join them to visit Soma!...

Looking back at the results... I feel I've missed something... DNA!!! scoring well in both indica and sativa categories :eek: Sorry I didn't took the chance to try some LA Confidential and Cannalope Haze :confused:

My last minute entry got 5th place... Sage'nSour:



Hey SB, and the rest ;)

Congratulations to you all!

count me in for the next cup. (hashies / weed)

Gr Mike.




Can't wait for next year. Gonna have to bring alot of wiet for all the dutchies now hehe. See you guys there Jubei :wave:
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