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Ibechillin's Dank Chronicle


Masochist Educator

1.5 gallon pots felt light today so i watered and fed , weather in the 70s and sunny supposed to stay that way all week. Ill update with a pic when i water/feed next.

5 gallons water (split among the 18 plants)
5 tablespoon Alaska fish Fertilizer 5-1-1
5 tablespoon espoma liquid grow 2-2-2
10 teaspoon watered down bottom of the bottle blu moon mega roots


Indicas make dreams happen
LOL i just seen all the rep you gave me and tried to rep your comment just now and got the dreaded "You may not vote on any more threads today." because i repped PANIKZ earlier today a bunch haha.

Haha it's cool man. I get maxed out on rep all the time. Looks like your off to a good start and ready to hit it out of the park this season.


Masochist Educator

Made a compost tea earlier and began aerating for tommorow.

Compost Tea:

5 gallons water
1/2 cup alfalfa pellets
1/2 cup kelp meal
2 tbsp Jobes Heirloom tomato 2-5-3
2 tbsp bottom of bottle Blu Moon Mega Roots
2 tbsp espoma grow 2-2-2
2 tbsp molasses
2 tbsp humic acid

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Active member
Great work. I've been quietly watching this thread. You obviously understand that the more love you give to the plants the more they give back to you. I'm sure it's going to turn out amazing.:tiphat:


Indicas make dreams happen
Nice. I use Jobes Organics and really like them. A good low-strength fertilizer that has a good assortment of beneficial bacteria. Smells terrible though.


Indicas make dreams happen
Which jobes stuff do you use man??? Yes Ibechillin has a great start to this!!!:woohoo:

I mix the All Purpose in with the soil. Seedlings and young plants like it and it's mild enough not to burn them. Helps jump start the show with all the microbes in it. It's in a 5-5-5 ratio.


  • jobes2.jpg
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Indicas make dreams happen

Made a compost tea earlier and began aerating for tommorow.

Compost Tea:

5 gallons water
1/2 cup alfalfa pellets
1/2 cup kelp meal
2 tbsp Jobes Heirloom tomato 2-5-3
2 tbsp bottom of bottle Blu Moon Mega Roots
2 tbsp espoma grow 2-2-2
2 tbsp molasses
2 tbsp humic acid

Is that an air compressor or an O2 machine pumping out the bubbles?


Masochist Educator
The trifoliate bagseed plant i have is such a trip, at first it seemed like there were only 2 branches forming from the triple leaf node (2nd node) but i think a third branch is forming from the 3rd leaf crotch now. The 4th node is normal and the 5th node like topped itself and is like 2 nodes on top of eachother. Im going to experiment with monstercropping (revegging) it to see how bushy i can make it.The 2 bagseed plants with the wrinkle leaves are looking way better also, ill get a pic of them as well.

(phone is charging, ill get pics in a few minutes)
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PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
The trifoliate bagseed plant i have is such a trip, at first it seemed like there were only 2 branches forming from the triple leaf node (2nd node) but i think a third branch is forming from the 3rd leaf crotch now. The 4th node is normal and the 5th node like topped itself and is like 2 nodes on top of eachother. Im going to experiment with monstercropping (revegging) it to see how bushy i can make it.The 2 bagseed plants with the wrinkle leaves are looking way better also, ill get a pic of them as well.

(phone is charging, ill get pics in a few minutes)

Thats a crazy story about your 3 leafer, I had an extremely similar experience last year. I had one seedling that only had only 1 leaf on it's first true node after the seed leaves and the next node after that was bifoliate but the leaves weren't opposite and then the next node was trifoliate and then it self topped a node above the tri node. That seedling had been assaulted by a slug at a very young stage so I assume thats why it was deformed. I had another one survive a pretty bad slug attack a few days ago, slug got everything but one cotyledon, maybe it will amuse us by growing out weird too.
I ended up making seeds with my slug survivor stud last year too and have 10 seedings of slugmaster going at the moment, from 10 seeds. Not one of the slug survivor seeds suffered from slugs this spring, but I lost 2 seedlings from 7 of another strain to slugs. Nobody talks about breeding for slug resistance, but its a thing.


Masochist Educator
Thats funny PDX good example of environmental influence, I tryed neem seed meal in my soil and as a topdress this season. The bugs seem to take a bite of the leaf tips and change their mind, cant say for sure though.

Heres a picture of the bagseed's four fan leafs at 5th node, and what appears to be a branch growing off a fan leaf stem?


These 2 were the wrinkle leaved plants


Here are the Pineapple Kush and White Widow x Skunk on left before feeding tea.



Elite Growers Club
They look great man. I've grew WW and you'll get leaves like that....other strains I've noticed too, think it's a genetics thing but they'll be ok. Ive had plants like that and the bigger they get they grow out of it. Kinda like the mutant Blueberry pheno....kinda why I think it's a genetic thing. But your plants are doing great, good luck !!!!!


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Some of the absolute best smoke I have grown as well as the best plants I have grown, were from bagseed. I love growing bagseed and have never had any issues with it in 16 years. Just your normal male to female ratios and thats about it..

Looking good buddy! First time I have stopped by your thread, I'm a busy man. I have a little over 100 more plants to be put outdoors this year... all separate holes, all separate plots. So you can imagine the pain of labor I am dealing with... Did I mention that I work alone?


Masochist Educator
Thanks WVKindbud, MountainBudz, and JustSumTomatoes.

WV, im just letting the mutant kinda do its thing haha not too worried.

MountainBudz same here, some of my best plants have been from bagseed. You and WVKindbud are both one man armies on the mountains, Good luck this season to you both!


Pineapple Kush and White Widow x Skunk Plants dont appear burned from the tea (only diluted the tea 50:50 with water instead of 4:1 as directed, i figured they could handle it). Seeing first signs of preflowers forming at nodes 7/8, too early to know genders though.

(ill put a picture up before next feed/watering)
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