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I want to open a grow shop

Groov sh

New member
Hallo, i am from romania but i work in spain. I learned all about growing and now i want to open a grow shop in my country (romania). I know they are just 3 or 4 more...but in my town is not. Any ideeas or advices about how to do it or who to ask? Thanks!


ICMag Donor
Hallo, i am from romania but i work in spain. I learned all about growing and now i want to open a grow shop in my country (romania). I know they are just 3 or 4 more...but in my town is not. Any ideeas or advices about how to do it or who to ask? Thanks!

Create a business plan, have enough money for stock, a year's rent/utilities/insurance on building and good line of credit from a bank, trustworthy employees.

Carry only the most popular goods so you don't waste money on equipment, nutrients, soils that are not commonly used for indoor horticulture. Be ready/able to special order supplies if need be.

Good luck!

Groov sh

New member
Yes, i have enough money, and the grow shops are legal...but growing is not...but i don't care...people still want to do it, because i allready have some future clients...what i don't know is with who to speak for the stock


Active member
Yes, i have enough money, and the grow shops are legal...but growing is not...but i don't care...people still want to do it, because i allready have some future clients...what i don't know is with who to speak for the stock

Space, inventory amd manage it properly.its alot of work a good buddy owns a killer shop that's well stocked.

You can always just do a website but having a site and shop you make more...

Don't just sell what you like. Sell a few different brands of food, bulbs and whatever people like to choose. At least offer a budget and quality version of everything.

I like canna food. You are in Europe and it's popular there. It sells well world wide now, if you can get a good deal their branding will bring you buisness plus the stuff is dope so people will come back happy. I do anyway it's barely more expensive than gh for the base food and I use local adds...


I think your better of starting a site where people can buy grow equipment.
Not alot of people trust going to grow shops.There are a lot of reasons.
Police could be staking out in a undercover cop car writing down license plates.
One of your employees could be a snitch ratting out customers.
I doubt police would waste time on such petty stuff but if growing and cannabis is illegal in your country i wouldent take the risk.
Maybe if you know some politicians or police men, local criminals and organized crime could be a problem to.Be prepared to get you privacy invaded and your past dug up.
You could always cook the books and use your shop to launder money and pay of the cops.
Either way i think if you dont have ties to organized crime or friends in high places opening that shop will be trouble.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I think your better of starting a site where people can buy grow equipment.
Not alot of people trust going to grow shops.There are a lot of reasons.
Police could be staking out in a undercover cop car writing down license plates.
One of your employees could be a snitch ratting out customers.
I doubt police would waste time on such petty stuff but if growing and cannabis is illegal in your country i wouldent take the risk.
Maybe if you know some politicians or police men, local criminals and organized crime could be a problem to.Be prepared to get you privacy invaded and your past dug up.
You could always cook the books and use your shop to launder money and pay of the cops.
Either way i think if you dont have ties to organized crime or friends in high places opening that shop will be trouble.

That's a little paranoid, but as long as we're talking about security, think about this. Some people don't like to buy grow equipment online, because it means giving a stranger your address.

Build it, and people will come.


That's a little paranoid, but as long as we're talking about security, think about this. Some people don't like to buy grow equipment online, because it means giving a stranger your address.

Build it, and people will come.

You could always use a relative friend or your granny's address.My granny remembers the 60's and still smokes everyday.


Active member
I doubt you would actually need major inventory.

Dunno how it is in the US but in EU most shops seem to have very low inventory and only of stuff that a) keeps long without spoiling and b) sells out regularly and quickly.
I also know for a fact that most shops work on a concession basis when it comes to nutrients. So you don't actually "buy" the nutes but you display them in your shop and pay Canna or Plagron or whoever for what was sold last month. When stuff gets near its "best by" date, you ship it back and get a new concession. But that requires some business savvy and negotiation skills on your part and it will be a lot harder to negotiate with companies like Canna simply because it is Romania.

Everything else is ordered in from big suppliers.

The lamp fixtures for example and other stuff that costs several hundred bucks a piece, you won't really have to have "in stock" because main suppliers will deliver it within 3 days if all is well on their end.

I think online business is preferable for a growshop especially since you are in Romania and I doubt there is much purchasing power.
On the other hand, you would have to offer great prices and maintain an impeccable reputation for people in EU to shop in Romania.

If I remember correctly not even Amazon sells in Romania or has that changed?

Anyway, if you don't go online but local, make sure you have enough turnover.

I would be surprised if you can maintain a growshop in a country like Romania. The general impression I have of the country is that besides some blossoming tourism, there is nothing in terms of economy/industry in Romania worth mentioning.
As such I fail to see how people would be able to afford grow equipment...

Maybe specialize on cheap greenhouse setups and generally on outdoor growing, that might be feasible.


Im just curious, if grow shops are legal, but growing is illegal where does the government expect you to get your product from?


Active member
If you really want some enigmas, look into the dutch coffeeshop scenes and how they get their product.

It's ridiculous.


Well-known member
You might wish to consider getting a job in one of those 3 or 4 shops that are open, as to learn the details that would apply to you.


Active member
Hi hope you won't mind if I chime in with some stuff. Firstly bold decision to go for own shop but I like it. I dont know Romania growing community at all, but I wouldn't be afraid about the customers especially if you mentioned you have some contacts already ;)

To comment on bigbadbiddy findings about economy: I am not from country which perceived as the really wealthy one, but we have fair share of growshops which are doing fairly well considering that some are expanding or are on market for 10+ years. All this while weed being illegal by law. Btw light fixtures for hundreds of $? Well Leds + the hyped new ones maybe but the classic setups are not nearly as costy. Guys with tight budgets don't buy tents but build their rooms, they are going for cheaper ballasts etc but at the end everybody buys ferts. I am no expert by any means but I do have some personal experience + know people from both sides of the budget scope so I am confident about this statement.

Anyway if you are up for doing business you already know that you'll need good negotiation skills, trustworthy employees to provide good service /advice and of course enough money to overlap the hard start. Oops I almost forgot 110% of dedication but that goes without saying in case you want do business.

I wish you good luck!


Active member
Try and find a location near a major highway. I live in a no grow state. We have medical, but that's a joke. I drive to other counties to pick up my goods even though we have a couple local shops. Makes me feel safe.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Investigate every other shop and note stock. Build a core from major similarities.

Don't help people. They will ask but it is the surest path to failure. Live the lie and sell the noose. There are a few grow shop owners on this forum you can message. Speak to locals in Spain.

Don't run bankers hours.


If you can get family to help out in shop for the first yr that would help loads! As paying wages can gobble up the profits of a new and growing shop.

In the uk a shop can easily be started with 15k and with just a few customers that 15k can be worth 50-60k in 9-12month.

It's a great job but you must have a knack of listenimg to a lot of BS and not get involved with customers regarding cannabis imo. Just give them a nod or wink that's all they need lol.

Good luck!!!


Active member
This is the truth:
Don't run bankers hours.
I have growing purely as a hobby so I have to go and work my ass off every day at work then what kills me are shops closed at 17:00...

Also while reading through the next couple of replies I want to amend my part about giving advice it might be tricky if the grower fucks up and blame you afterwards. Good that others made an effort to point this out...I dont personaly mind hints especially if they are honest not up selling all the time.

Good discussion! :groupwave:

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