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I wanna try Coco out but I have questions



I have a batch of seeds that have sprouted.. I had them in potting soil but didn't like the look/feel of it and I know my lil babies probably didn't either.. I remembered I ordered a 4x4 brick of Coco so I thought I'd try it. I found I like how easy it is to handle. Now I'm just trying to research coco more:)

I have Flora Micro,Bloom,Grow - Flora Nova - Floralicious - Liquid Karma - Wet Betty - Hygrozyme laying around. Im not sure if any of these will work in Coco since I use them for my Hydro setting.

I was interesting in a simple feeding schudule since this is more of a side project I'll be doing so I can learn Coco. I was wondering if what I have is ok.. and if not how I go about finding which ones work good in Coco.. I was only looking to feed them every 2-4weeks in Coco if that works... I'm not sure.

I'm going to be doing this project under floros and if it starts going well I'll move a MH/HPS bulb over there head.
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Active member
i feed my coco plants twice a day.. i water at least twice sometimes 3 times. i don't think you can get away with feeding every 2-4 weeks man.. you have to give them nutrients with every watering (or almost) because there are no nutes stored in the coco like there are in dirt. coco needs watering a lot more often than soil even if you use large containers (which i never recommend anyway).

go read the stickys!


I've been reading up :p.. someone told me they only feed every 4weeks with his own mix of Earth worm casting and bat guano... I'm sure he waters normally... I'm sure it's working for him also.. since he's been here longer then me heh,however he's using a promix instead of coco. I'm also using Coco right now in my cups and I notice the top drys up super fast... I usually dig my finger in beforehand to make sure so I don't over water..
So the stuff I have wont work out well if I try some in coco??
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Ono Nadagin

Active member
Welcome to the coco forum Hennessy.. we are glad you stopped by

My 1st recommendation is to read this post if you have not, it covers a ton of the basic coco growers need to know info

Here are a few of the Basics

Once you get your coco, thorough flushing to remove any possible salts still contained in the coco(coco palms send all the salts they pick up from growing near the ocean to the coco coir fiber which is what we grow in, so a good flushing is a must)

Treat Coco like Hydro, not like soil... this means use a PH(5.8ph feedings are optimal) and Nutes made for Hydro at least and preferably nutes that were designed with coc's little traits in mind. This also means you should leave most if not all soil addmendments out of your coco.. there are a few exceptions.

You can feed how ever you like, but coco shines in a run to waste setup.(10-15% run off). doesnt mean you have to use such a system, just makes it easier imo...

And most important in my opinion... Never ever let your coco dry out... this means dont use the 'light pot' method of picking up a plant and telling if it needs to be watered by the weight of the pot.. if you do this the coco has dried out by the time you feed and it will cause hot spots in the coco where the ph is off and this will cause lock out ....

So feed em often(1-3 times a day depending on plant size and whether it is in veg or flower)... it is very hard if not impossible to over water in coco, this is not to say that it is impossible to over fertilize tho
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Ok thx for telling about the watering:) I was making sure I didn't over water so i might be under watering.. with the run off I fill up till I have 10-15% extra water spilling out?


I was only looking to feed them every 2-4weeks in Coco if that works... I'm not sure. You can probably go every other day, most of us go with at least once a day. 2-4 weeks isn't gonna happen

someone told me they only feed every 4weeks with his own mix of Earth worm casting and bat guano... I'm sure he waters normally... I'm sure it's working for him also.. since he's been here longer then me heh,however he's using a promix instead of coco. That's in promix, not coco. You can use liquid gauanos and liguid worm poo, but you must water everyday, or at least every other day to prevent the coco from drying out. When the coco dries out it relaeses naturally occurring excess K found in coco and this will screw you all up and make you cry. It locks out everything.

Ive used LK in coco, was happier when i switched to CNS17. I use 1 tsp of hygrozyme per gallon of water every waterin, in other words every day.. I have had no experience with the rest of what you mentioned, but I've seen growers using them in coco and doing just fine to superb with them.

Good luck.

Ono Nadagin

Active member
Yeah you have to follow the coco's #1 rule... NEVER let it dry out completely

And here is how I water... lets say hand watering... I pour in enough to thoroughly wet the the coco .. for examples sake lets say I poured 1 liter through the coco and I got 250ml of run off after pouring the whole 1 liter through I would want to pour less than 1 whole liter over the next few feedings until I get 10-15% of the total volume I poured through.... So lets say when I poured through 750ml and got 10%(75ml)-15%(112.5ml) I have it nailed in where I want it....

Hope this makes sense :)


Ya I must have misunderstood him.. he ment every 3rd-4th watering he feeds them :) I'm learning heh sorry.


Ono Nadagin said:
Yeah you have to follow the coco's #1 rule... NEVER let it dry out completely

And here is how I water... lets say hand watering... I pour in enough to thoroughly wet the the coco .. for examples sake lets say I poured 1 liter through the coco and I got 250ml of run off after pouring the whole 1 liter through I would want to pour less than 1 whole liter over the next few feedings until I get 10-15% of the total volume I poured through.... So lets say when I poured through 750ml and got 10%(75ml)-15%(112.5ml) I have it nailed in where I want it....

Hope this makes sense :)

Thank you very much for the info you guys,your saving me alot of time and hassle! So put something under whatever setup I wanna use so I can pour out the run off and accurately measure it in right? Should be super easy if I hand water I guess, only have to lift 1 pot at a time instead of messing with a entire system.
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I'm kinda excited to learn coco I already like how easy it is to use, I like how it goes easy on you if you mess up and the type of mix's I can use with it. All around relaxed persons type of medium.


Active member
be prepared for FAST VEG GROWTH! i have blueberry's that are going out of control in the time it would have taken them to get a few sets of leaves in soil..


welcome to the coco section HENNESSY, you are in the right place to find out what you need to make your coco grow a success. this place is shaping up to a great coco growing resource.


Ok for my Coco project grow I got 1quart of the Canna Coco A/B.. cause I saw how bad the P and K where.. even on 6day seedlings
I'll use Canna Coco A/B - hygrozyme - LK for Vegging and for Flowering I'll figure that out after I get the vegging going.
Is my selection ok??


Active member
Canna is excellent stuff...can't go wrong with it. Go easy at first, like 3 mil per gallon for seedlings till they get a few nodes, then 5-7 ml/gal, just my opinion your results may vary. Don't use LK in the first 2-3 weeks of flower or it will cause too much stretch. Be aware that LK changes pH, so you may not have to use pH down while using it depending on your water....just be sure to double check if that is the case. Enzymes only need to be used once a week or so, so u can use that bottle a little longer. Good luck hope this helps.


Ok I Mixed up Coca A&B with Hygrozyme and Diamond Nectar.. very light amounts. Flushing my Coco cups ... while I let that mix sit. Gonna add that to the cups.. and let them go for 3 days then transplant them into the 4x4 coco bricks.. Once I do that I'll start my first coco grow journal )
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They are loving that Canna coco mix lol .. there growth is very noticeable..
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Cool that you're enjoying the coco, dude. When you veg, be careful not to let the plants get too tall. I'd heard that the plants stretch up to 3 times the height they were when you flipped em to 12/12. I learned quickly though that some strains stretch more than that!

Vegged mine to 14 inches and flipped em thinking, cool I'll get plants less than 4' tall and that's manageable, right? Wrong! My White Widow grew to 5' within 2-3 weeks after putting them into 12/12. Aurora Indica stopped at about 4'. Time they stopped going supersonic on me the lights were at max height!

Yield looks like it's gonna be super good though, but be careful on the length of veg. Ya want to let them veg enough so you'll get good yield but not so much ya gotta either tie the tops down or punch a hole in the sky, lmfao.



mojo said:
Cool that you're enjoying the coco, dude. When you veg, be careful not to let the plants get too tall. I'd heard that the plants stretch up to 3 times the height they were when you flipped em to 12/12. I learned quickly though that some strains stretch more than that!

Vegged mine to 14 inches and flipped em thinking, cool I'll get plants less than 4' tall and that's manageable, right? Wrong! My White Widow grew to 5' within 2-3 weeks after putting them into 12/12. Aurora Indica stopped at about 4'. Time they stopped going supersonic on me the lights were at max height!

Yield looks like it's gonna be super good though, but be careful on the length of veg. Ya want to let them veg enough so you'll get good yield but not so much ya gotta either tie the tops down or punch a hole in the sky, lmfao.


Since I'm gonna try Sog in coco when would ya recommend I switch??
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Never done SOG myself, but I'm gonna and here's how I see it. If I'm wrong, somebody will correct me and then we can both learn, lol.

SOG ya pretty much are going for quantity of plants and not necessarily max yield possible per plant. Your gonna be looking at somewhat of a perpetual harvest too, I think. Plants at different stages of maturity.

So.... I'd get myself a really good mom or two to clone from and root the clones in coco or rockwool. Soon as ya got some root activity showin up on the sides of the cube, stick them in your coco pots or set them onto the coco slabs, whichever you're gonna use. I'd veg them a week max under Halide, depending oh how much light ya got as that's gonna have a huge impact on how much growth ya get in veg. Flip em to 12/12. By now you shoulda already have taken some more clones and have them rooting. After a week, follow the first group with the second by putting the new guys into the 12/12 room, and so on...

If you're really into it, check out some of the grows the other guys got goin on. gaiusmarius is always a good one to learn from but he's not the only one by any means. Lotta good growers around here that are also good people and will help a fella out, ya know.


My personal thoughts on your situation? I'd never do a SOG without using a drip system. Too much hand watering!!! I've hand watered and it's too fucking much work when drip is available. Doesn't cost much to set the drip system up and the growth difference is huge. Multiple waterings (4-5) a day gives ya so much quicker growth, it's amazing.


I'm waiting till after my current harvest of hand watered plants and then I'm setting up my drip system. Done with the hand watering shit.

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