I agree that trimming just before consuming gives the best taste! I always store my herb untrimmed. It also cures better that way even though it looks like shit.
Oh, I don't think it looks like shit...
I think they look great, and as those dried glands fall off of the sugar leaves in storage, they accumulate at the bottom of the jar.
I like to collect that and sprinkle it over a joint before it's rolled and man... it's good.
I personally LIKE the look of an untrimmed bud. Looks shaggy, so long as it's not a really leafy strain.
I've never noticed a difference in taste or smell with trimmed v untrimmed buds, wet or dry trimmed... so to me, it's a matter of preference.
I know, I know... there's debate over both methods... but, there is also a lot of debate over which political party is better/worse: Red or Blue. We all know they all work for the same money, and it's a big joke. They both are corrupt and scummy.
I guess people just like to debate.