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I remember


ICMag Donor
The last one I came across on the side of the road sure smelt bad and by the smell it were fresh.

Breathe deep!! Actually that skunk smell....it's been a weird affliction (after smoking nice skunk strains of yore) to get a lung full of that pungent air. Then fake a cough, cough!!!

Ok, so I need to get a life!!!


I just remembered someone said computers were safe from any form of tampering,lol I bet they remembered to forget that one .


Well-known member
Then they let me out ...

Hair down to my ass, Levi's or Navy Bell Bottoms, sandals ...

Those were the days

Peace :tiphat:

Damn I forgot we called them bell bottoms not flares, and remember the corduroys and matching Levi's jacket , we thought we were so cool. (We were) haha peace


Active member
la-la-la "There's a dead skunk in the middle of the road,
There's a dead skunk in the middle of the road,
And it stinks to high, high heaven"

"R E S P E C T,
What that word means to me"....sing it Aretha!

Thanks, love you guys! .
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ICMag Donor
la-la-la "There's a dead skunk in the middle of the road,
There's a dead skunk in the middle of the road,
And it stinks to high, high heaven"

"R E S P E C T,
What that word means to me"....sing it Aretha!

Thanks, love you guys!

Mmmmmm! SKUNK!

I rather like the scent of cedar wood burning in the fire pit/wood stove, fresh cut lawn grass or lumber when building...cutting (measure THREE times, cutting once!) for projects.

But have to laugh....skunk smell....days of sucking in, blowing out (while driving past road kill)...and coughing....laughing a belly laugh of that stench. Cheap thrills

Not so funny with pets are permeated in it....gag me!

Like Bud Green Sr., driving past fields of nasty tasting (hemp crops) back in the day....thinking you hit the jack pot, only to realize head ache nasty smelling reefer. Oh yeah...."I REMEMBER...."

Or putting an insense stick in the car vent, lit, while driving along with a 5-8% (at that time, potent!) joint, music blaring from your 8-TRACK!!!!


Active member
Not so funny with pets are permeated in it....gag me!

I remember my neighbors Basset Hound when I was a kid caught a skunk one night hanging out in the bushes in front of our house. He grabbed it and shook the hell out of it. No amount of bathing him in tomato juice took the stink off him. :biggrin: That of course was before the leash laws and crap like that protecting us :woohoo:

That dog I swear was brain damaged. He got hit by cars so many times his ass walked to the side of his body when he walked along. He loved to chase shit. Every time Claude saw me coming he lit out after me barking and growling because he knew I'd run. The neighbors kids would get one of those Mr Frosty Ice-cream truck cones and give that dog a lick then go right back eating it themselves. YECH. :laughing:


ICMag Donor
Concentrated skunk stink!! I'll bet it caused brain damage! Haaaa!

I remember a friend growing up in NYC, actually EATING roofing tar!!! Now that's desparate....for chewing gum.

We'd get piñon and ponderosa pine sap to 'chew' while visiting Grand Canyon (camping).

Not as good as Clark's Teaberry gum....but as a kid...you'll try most anything! ;o)

Remember the Beeman's Licorice Gum?? Would leave your mouth and tongue BLACK!

Remember ZOTZ??! Fun exploding candy!!!

Ahh, those were the days before high fructose corn sugars....nasty!!


Active member
Remember ZOTZ??! Fun exploding candy!!!

Sounds like something we had called Space Dust , put it on a damp tongue and it used to blast crackers . Found another damp place for it as well but that`s a different story :biggrin: Made her smile .


Active member
What were those called, Twizzle Sticks? Straws you tore the end off and dumped the sugary powder on your tongue? Probably carcenogenic but, YUMMO!

I'm old enough to remember when soda came in glass bottles and you put your dime in the machine, opened the door, and yanked out your selection. Then you opened the bottle on the opener and cap receptacle built right into the machine. And then those bottles were wortha penny or two when you returned them.

Recycling has just changed it's colors now and is actually LESS effectetive in some things... like glass. EVERYTHIING is made now from non-biodegradable oil based plastic now. Wuh the hell happened?


Active member
DAve I think you are talking about "pyxi stix" was the tubular powder.
Miss the ole glass bottles too. Seems like everything tasted better with glass and good ole cane sugar... not corn syrup..

Then theres airbud.. you perv. didnt know you could use those on a lady... thought I tried everything with my ole girl guess I was wrong.

the original brand of popping candy was "space dust" then there competitor "cosmic candy" came along. I think both were banned at some point because kids would drink soda pop with it and the C0 2 would react causing regurgitation and possible aspiration in to the lungs.

Those were the good ole days.. :biggrin:


Active member
:laughing:Yup, 'pixie sticks'. I guess Twizzlers were those licorice sticks maybe? Red ones, yummy. But the black ones? Had to have a taste for bitter I guess.

I think 'Pop rocks' was the exploding candy in central NYS when I was a kid. I think introducing any sugary substance can lead to yeast infections, or so I have been told.

Although cheap instantaneous thrills can be had even by that adrenalin rush you can get right before sticking your junk in a meat grinder, but I myself would rather not do that. :biggrin:

So who's the perv here? :biggrin: I highly resen...resemble that remark myself when I get called that too. Seems to happen a lot these days though, dang-it. :dance013:

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I remember when Zig-Zag papers cost 5 cents...
and a big, ounce bag of good weed was 20 bucks....

Sometimes I miss sifting out the seeds with an album cover or a big frisbee..


I remember hair cuts were only 50 cents called five bob in oz, and could put yer grubby hand in big lolly jar on counter and take ONE, later I forgot to get a haircut I still remember that


Active member
:laughing:Yup, 'pixie sticks'. I guess Twizzlers were those licorice sticks maybe? Red ones, yummy. But the black ones? Had to have a taste for bitter I guess.

I think 'Pop rocks' was the exploding candy in central NYS when I was a kid. I think introducing any sugary substance can lead to yeast infections, or so I have been told.

Although cheap instantaneous thrills can be had even by that adrenalin rush you can get right before sticking your junk in a meat grinder, but I myself would rather not do that. :biggrin:

So who's the perv here? :biggrin: I highly resen...resemble that remark myself when I get called that too. Seems to happen a lot these days though, dang-it. :dance013:

Ok you win.. !!... or how bout... "dont stick your finger (or other) into a shotgun shell reloader.."... yeah got the instantaneous thrill and the scars to go along with it.. (j/j).... :biggrin:


Active member
Win? Win what? I had no idea any competition was happening here. So where's my kupie doll? :biggrin:

Speaking of scarring and burning, once I was trying to be cool and tried to throw a lit firecracker at my brother driving by in the car. The damn thing exploded in my hand and I ran like hell, as was my usual reaction to getting hurt.

I finally worked up the courage to look at my numb fingers to see if they were all there, amazingly all five were. But that was because I was holding the firecracker mostly by the very end when it exploded. Us kids had learned you could hold firecrackers in your hand an explode them if you held it loosely and only by the end. I musta squeezed when trying to throw it :woohoo:Lesson learned! Don't do that. :biggrin:

We were also learning another very important scientific lesson.... Shit usually blows out from the middle :biggrin: That don't play with fire or you might get burned thing never occurred to us. DOH!


Active member
Lady finger will leave a stinger
Cherry bumb will take your thumb....:biggrin:

BB gun and Roman candle fights... without eye wear of course.

These kids today are so soft.. they dont know what there missin..

We even had real guns back then... oooooohhhhh.... yeah we just didnt steal from other people and shoot each other with them.. we knew
there would be an ass woopin worse then that gun ( not bb) if it ever left the house without adult supervision or knowledge of a parent that we had it (hunting) outside of the house..

whoops just tripped falling off the soap box.... :rant:


Active member
I'm talking holding those 3" Black Cats in your hand. Can be done.

Cherry bombs had water-proof fuses too. So you could fish with them. My Dad told us about going to a fishing hole dropping a few, then netting all the stunned fish that floated up. Never tried it myself.

Now an M80 might do that. But also blow up some fish and sink you boat, kinda putting a dent in that plan. :biggrin:

We had BB gun wars too, until my buddy got shot by a Crossman pumped BB right under his eye. It broke the skin and raised a huge welt. His Mom was not happy. In every group there is always some nut that will ruin it, like aiming up toward someone's face though. So we decided that although getting stung in the ass might be funny, losing your eye might not be so fun, so that form of 'fun' came to an abrupt halt. :woohoo:

Another friend got hit in the face by a dart thrown at him. We decided the consequences of that might not be so 'fun' either, so we stopped that.

We came to same conclusions, as a group, that shooting each other with our .22s might not be a good idea either. :laughing: We sure were hell on the chipmunk and squirrel populations though.

The 'fun' of shooting zombies on Play-stations escapes me. Can't lose an eye and the only danger is the likely obesity and diabetes of the players. Maybe losing an eye might be better? Kids now. WTF? :tiphat:

Hank Hemp

Active member
Talk about M80's my old man had a real one grey/silver wrapped about as big around as a thumb, green fuse in the middle of long side. He told me to step inside and he would set it off. I stepped inside the screen door which had the glass still in. Dad set the M80 on top of garbage can lid a galvanized steel lid lite it and BANG it rattled the door so hard I thought the glass would break. We looked at the lid and it had blown a hole in it big enough to put your fist through. Good times. Merry Christmas y'all.


Active member
I'm talking holding those 3" Black Cats in your hand. Can be done.

Cherry bombs had water-proof fuses too. So you could fish with them. My Dad told us about going to a fishing hole dropping a few, then netting all the stunned fish that floated up. Never tried it myself.

Now an M80 might do that. But also blow up some fish and sink you boat, kinda putting a dent in that plan. :biggrin:

We had BB gun wars too, until my buddy got shot by a Crossman pumped BB right under his eye. It broke the skin and raised a huge welt. His Mom was not happy. In every group there is always some nut that will ruin it, like aiming up toward someone's face though. So we decided that although getting stung in the ass might be funny, losing your eye might not be so fun, so that form of 'fun' came to an abrupt halt. :woohoo:

Another friend got hit in the face by a dart thrown at him. We decided the consequences of that might not be so 'fun' either, so we stopped that.

We came to same conclusions, as a group, that shooting each other with our .22s might not be a good idea either. :laughing: We sure were hell on the chipmunk and squirrel populations though.

The 'fun' of shooting zombies on Play-stations escapes me. Can't lose an eye and the only danger is the likely obesity and diabetes of the players. Maybe losing an eye might be better? Kids now. WTF? :tiphat:

Yeah lawn dart fights were a bit edgy for me.. mainly cus.... i wasnt very good at it.. lol :biggrin:
We only used daisy ryders... not that powerful.. but powerful enough to take an eye... like you said obesity and diabetes..
I would almost encourage kids to go out and run around play war with daisy ryders WITH eye protection though.. tee hee..
Make a man out of you.. har har har... lol

We were crazy back then.. we just werent muslim crazy--- (thats my new saying..lol)

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