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i need some weight help


Active member
this guy sounds sketchy, not sure if hes a cop or just misinformed. but i highly doubt hes gonna grow 400 plants and risk fed time to just give it away for free.

your post in general seems very noob, even though you say you have been growing 5 years? i dont know anyone who would think of growing in 10 gallon pots outdoors using the techniques you described, that sounds like my mindset when i didnt know a thing about growing.....its common knowledge up north that the way to grow is large pots and less numbers and using amended soil and stuff like bong ripken says. most of the best outdoor weed i saw was grown this way...

and hes also trying to contact local members for clones....so sounds sketch i say watch your back when dealing with this guy. something about him doesnt seem right....i say post some pics of your grows and end quality product dankbud..


Active member
Seriously, I doubt he is a cop though. I think he is just a super noob who has no idea what is going on and thinks Northern California is just a free for all. Low numbers, big pots, and always think of the sick people. Not the tards who like purples and kushes, but the people who actually need it.

Nuggsy Bogues

New member
Flushing out bonemeal? It'll build up salts? You have no idea what you're talking about dude.

Yes you can grow top notch meds with organic methods. Every other agricultural industry in the world has realized that plants grown organically create products with better character, taste, smell, and quality. This is why organically grown veggies fetch a higher price at market and most of the worlds best chefs will only use organically grown produce.

The cannabis industry is just far behind because cannabis growers are much less likely to understand plant physiology and the science behind the plants relationship with soil, as you just demonstrated to us.

Products like pure blend pro are still derived from fish meal and guano. Organic growers are just smart enough not to get duped by hydro shop salesmen who are out to make big bucks off of growers who don't know very much about how plants and soil work.

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