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I just have to share this.



First toke 1976, stoned to the bone. Seemed like forever ago.
Or was it yesterday?


Sat X RB

started in 1972. turned on by a coupla Hippies the wife and I gave a lift across Oz. they were good at entertaining the kids too! I like Hippies ...


1966. man was it illegal then. smoking it then was like growing - you couldn't tell anyone!!

first lid came in aluminum foil and was mostly seeds. we found out soon that the seeds weren't good for smoking. and... neither was the rest of it!

anyway we got high about two weeks later... :tiphat:


Active member
Stoned since -76 with one short and one long break. I loved the hippies, they´d talk to kids which other grownups never did. I visited Haight-Ashbury with my sister when I was about ten but by that time "peace and love" had only become drugs and sadness.

Let´s keep the torch burning!
Stoned since -76 with one short and one long break. I loved the hippies, they´d talk to kids which other grownups never did. I visited Haight-Ashbury with my sister when I was about ten but by that time "peace and love" had only become drugs and sadness.

Let´s keep the torch burning!

Glad I experienced all of that in the Haight in '65-'67, a special time & place. Now it's just another depressed neighborhood.
Once a year they have The Weird Festival. They block off Haight from the park to Masonic & most of that spirit returns if only for two days.


damn- didn't realize that there's so many old stoners around here. i started in '73


Professor Organic Psychology
Smoking weed is a way of life, a philosophy

Weed smokers have Always been my favorite kind of people. My only kind of people.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
I am under 40. Started in 75. 37 years and counting...........

That reminds me of a story. I went to a buddies house for some weed. This was around 82-83. He tells me the next door neighbor has some. So cool. We knock on the door and a kid about 9y/o answers the door. "Is your mom here". "Yes." So we go inside to wait for mommy. The next thing you know the kid is whipping out a pipe and a bag. "Ya'll want to get high", rolls out of the kids mouth. My buddy "yeah". Me "No I got to go". I ain't smoking with no 9 y/o kid. I flipped seeing the kid had all his own gear.
First toke was what we use to call "Black primo" Hash in a garage when it was raining 1966, some may disagree but The stuff we use to toke was better than anything I have experienced except the mexi swag bricks we use to get for 30 bucks per Key. I remember "red bud Colombian" (You really wish you could get this now) Real Acapulco Gold, The Gold I had I can remember the taste it was like A banana with pine needles and kerosene. And would make you lay down and trip for a while before you even wanted to get up. And of course there was the Thai sticks. Quick story, Once the wife and I was pulled over The cop opened my glove box and pulled out an ounce of the golden Thai looked at it put it back in the glove box and said I had made a cali stop at a stop sign and just warned us about it. i think it was because most cops had never seen Thai because it was so new at that time. The Thai went beyond "couch lock" it was "Bed lock" LOL...There are many .many varieties today but I really wish I could get my hands on some of that stuff...the gurrerran, and the Puerto Valletta "Seeded bats" ...We would take "real honey oil (can't get that anymore" just the best ...Honey oil...Take a spoon and put a couple drops of honey oil in the spoon heat it up just a little and mash in some red bud columbian..got me drooling now...went to Alice cooper concert at the Hollywood bowl with a quarter oz of blond leb hash and a booda bag full of tequilla...LOL...ah the daze..All the very best from this ol Fart...!


1976 for me, and i never really quit ......... the military "slowed me down" but never stopped me completely. germany is known for great beer but anyone who was stationed there knows they have killer hash too. (or they didn't get out much)
No argument here

No argument here

March 14 1970, Tay Ninh RVN. Cambodian reefer is as good as if not better than Thai.

You'll get no argument here about that. I had many friends went to Nam...I believe it's why the whole pot scare tactics of the nixon time was starting to be discounted by the troops who where coming back from nam knowing that pot was basically harmless and actually served a purpose to the troops who where bored to death or scared to death in moments of trials of personal introspection. I know many who served who came back with way worse habits than weed.I can dif what you say My friends told me of "Parklanes" I think it was where they sold packs of rolled canna cigs for 25 cents.:tiphat: Some friends did not come back...;o(
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Hank Hemp

Active member
Not that complacated

Not that complacated

You'll get no argument here about that. I had many friends went to Nam...I believe it's why the whole pot scare tactics of the nixon time was starting to be discounted by the troops who where coming back from nam knowing that pot was basically harmless and actually served a purpose to the troops who where bored to death or scared to death in moments of trials of personal introspection. I know many who served who came back with way worse habits than weed.I can dif what you say My friends told me of "Parklanes" I think it was where they sold packs of rolled canna cigs for 25 cents.:tiphat: Some friends did not come back...;o(

We just like staying stoned. Hilocopter flight is more fun sativa stoned.


Lifetime Supporter
ICMag Donor
March 14 1970, Tay Ninh RVN. Cambodian reefer is as good as if not better than Thai.

Far out! I took my first toke in Cu Chi, RVN in May 0f '68. While I found the Cambodian very nice indeed, it was those Thai Sticks that I really loved. :blowbubbles: I was a helicopter crewmember also, Hank. :tiphat:


First time I ever smoked was July 4, 1957 at an underground poker game in Sweetwater, TX. Didn't smoke again till 1960 and have been smoking ever since except for about 3 years of trying to change for a woman. She ended up liking me better stoned, so I gave her some. She liked herself better stoned and we have been together now for 43 yrs.

Peace and Nugget Grease