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I just found a crab in my shower...

I'm visiting a friend who lives on a creek, which leads to the ocean. I'm sleeping on the lower-level facing the creek.

I've been here for less than 5 hours and I've seen a crab in the shower, one of those massive, grotesque lower east coast roaches, and a turtle in the back yard.

I think I'm a city boy at heart. I can't handle this!


ewww ! crabby in the shower , I was thinking some other kinda crabs .


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Being a city boy you think you would have seen some nasty roaches as well over the years. As far as crabs,,, wow that would be crazy as hell to see. I think you can deal with it until a snake is found in your house OR like florida a 10ft gator outside.

I don't know if they make crab spray BUT you can seal up your spot pretty well to keep out MOST things.


(it took me 30min to get to posting that - in the meantime I see someone else has beat me to the joke) grrr...

I wonder if the shampoo works on ones that big?


Welcome to the swamp, now put some numbers on their backs and lets go racing!


Well I live in a desert area and I found a yellow scorpion in my grow room, and a black scorpion walk accros the bathroom floor in the summer.

Both times I smashed them nothingless disgusting goo with my shoe - the first thing that I could lay my hands on that would effectively kill them.

You can be sure that I was not pleased to find such things walking in my house.

One neighbour who lives a few houses away reached out for her towel to dry herself and got stung by a scorpion that was on her towel. Nothing happened to her, but she did go off the the ER just to make sure that nothing will happen.


Active member
Well I live in a desert area and I found a yellow scorpion in my grow room, and a black scorpion walk accros the bathroom floor in the summer.

Both times I smashed them nothingless disgusting goo with my shoe - the first thing that I could lay my hands on that would effectively kill them.

I also, live in the desert. We have an assload of those tan ones in the summer. Word of advice, when you crush an egg carrying female, most of her eggs will still hatch even though you smashed the mom. Found this out after I bought the 40watt black light and a few weeks of smashing the little bastards. Best approach is diamatious earth, drys up the exoskeleton and eggs. safe to eat(or so they say)


Feeling good is good enough.
.....just imagine if crabs ate us.....like we eat them...

They would go for us in a heartbeat!

Have you seen them killing baby sea turtles as soon as the hatch?

Ruthless evil doers...

Size really does matter in nature I reckon... LOL

Where's the melted butter?????


what kinda crab? A crab that fell of your private parts or one that lives in the ocean? I grew up with those so i guess i dont really understand your fear here :p


as a vistior your questions shoudl be:

1. THE CRAB: was he looking for teh girls vagina at all, did it seemed lost?

2. THE ROACH: if it didnt ask you what you were doing there, or tried to rob you then youra city boy, what cant you handle? thats one of the safer roaches.

3. THE TURTLE: its a fucking creek, why wouldnt you think to see a turtle?

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