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I just found a crab in my shower...


.....just imagine if crabs ate us.....like we eat them...

Are you talking about dropping em into a pot of boiling water? Or Crakin em open and pulling the good stuff out?

Boiling is suppose to be a humane way of killing them.... :nono:


I have a friend that makes the best damn bbq crab ever tho, cracks the back, stuffs some stuff in there and does other stuff... good shit

Although if your talking about slatherin butter all over the place, then no problems here


awesome ...! sounds like my kinda place
I love to get high and observe wildlife
WTF is a clock spider?!!!

i have severe arachnaphobia (however u spell it)

they live in the outback?

Clock spider is a running joke between some friends and I, it comes off a random forum that I read once in a blue moon, basically some dude in australia saw his clock having legs and very carefully removed the clock to show off the clock spider.

And the worst part of it? The fuckin spider lived, he put it outside!


Tropical Outcast
what kinda crab? A crab that fell of your private parts or one that lives in the ocean? I grew up with those so i guess i dont really understand your fear here :p


Tell us more about growing up with crabs falling off your private parts...well then again maybe do NOT tell us.

OOPS my bad didnt see the image didn't stick ...

HERE's Clock spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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ahhhhhhh , I would jump so high in the air if I saw that that huge spider in my house .


Active member
fuckin cant stand bugs. luckily here in urbanland all we get are ants.

at my grandmas place in japan we had wars every summer with the cockroaches. me and my bro would organize extermination parties armed with BB guns and newspapers to go kill roaches, jumping spiders, and mosquitors.


New member
Ha, that reminds me... My mother keeps bees. Old Bees, that can't work anymore, are thrown out by the other bees of the hive. The other bees do that by picking up the old bee (olb bees can't fly anymore), fly out of the hive and dropping them about 2-4 ft away. So you've got a steady flow of slow and flight-depraved bees wandering around on the ground in a 10 ft radius. As a kid i loved to run round the garden barefooted...
I'm completely immune to bee poison. Being stung by them is less hurtful to me then a mosquito bite!
Ha, that reminds me... My mother keeps bees. Old Bees, that can't work anymore, are thrown out by the other bees of the hive. The other bees do that by picking up the old bee (olb bees can't fly anymore), fly out of the hive and dropping them about 2-4 ft away. So you've got a steady flow of slow and flight-depraved bees wandering around on the ground in a 10 ft radius. As a kid i loved to run round the garden barefooted...
I'm completely immune to bee poison. Being stung by them is less hurtful to me then a mosquito bite!

That's really weird to say about the pain being non existant as a kid I was obsessed with bees and got stuck so many times picking them up with my fingers was easier than trying to catch them in a net.. got stung all the time and never was able to make my bee hive (I'd find out later that I need a queen for that.. just like my many failed ant colony attempts.)
ok im tottaly not comming to thing forum anymore. i saw a spider. thanks for telling me what a clock spider is. lol but there is a picture of a spider here and im sooo not looking at it again.i punched my laptop in fear....FUCK SPIDERS

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
....well its better than finding a herpy in your shower. either way you should go to the doctor.