Thank you! 19 little site I'm a member gets by with 4:Rules - TERMS OF USE (T.O.U.) on :
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Bobby Bland used to play all around when I was in college. Kind of a poor man's BB King(saw him a bunch of times at the High Hat Social Club), BB, not Bobby.
I'm gonna have to go with Son House, personal preference. I was lucky enough to go to the Delta Blues Festival many times. My uncle took me when I was 6-12 and I got to meet many before they died. My uncle loved the Blues.Love BB but Albert king was the best king. He was the king of kings.
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yes! always keep an eye on meWatch “pop rocks”.
He is a habitual line crosser.
We just flame it back to hell, but it doesn’t make the forum seem childish with those posts. Once “pop rocks” hits an intellectual wall the insults begin to hurl.
Political posts we only allow here into the 'Speakers Corner'. The reason is because sooo many threads and personal grow logs and etc got ruined by people 'arguing' about (almost exclusively) American politics...Thank you! 19 little site I'm a member gets by with 4:
No politics
Be civil
post once a month
you can't sue Admin. This is known as the 'Pizza' rule cause a member threatened to sue for tunnel carpal cause he had to re-type a reply when he was logged-out
I just served a 'time-out' cause I crossed the line with politics. My 1 week suspension was cut in half with time off for good behavior, so I immediately went to the 'coffee shope' and posted about the Commerce Secretary saying that anyone who complained about not getting their checks is/was probably a fraudster. Seriously, ya can't make this shit up. It's odd, I see politics all over the place here with no repercussions. I've been told to 'leave' more than once for expressing a different political thought. I was even told they had 67K posts of love and harmony until I showed up with my liberal values.
It seems like a double standard. I should be able to post in any thread I want as long as I don't violate the TOU.
Duplicitous, that's the word I was looking for...on the tip of my tongue and I had to get all wordy until it popped up. Just wait, ya'll will get older and it'll happen to you.
I often see political posts outside of the Speakers Corner. Thanks for pointing it out to me. I'm sure there are many people who are WRONG. Not stupid, ya can't fix that, but ignorant and they just need to be educated.Political posts we only allow here into the 'Speakers Corner'. The reason is because sooo many threads and personal grow logs and etc got ruined by people 'arguing' about (almost exclusively) American politics...
Hence we created the 'Speakers Corner' which is a very lightly moderator forum section. Personally I like to call it 'The Thunderdome' or 'The Fight Club'. People really seem to really love that place or hate it to the last letter present there. But full free speech is allowed there.
Go check it out, but please don't come crying to us if somebody insults you or something there. It's just Free Speech.
Speakers Corner
A place for civilized debates and polite discussion on anything and everything within