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I hate most of the pot industry.


Well-known member
Einstein was no doubt too busy doing drugs and having orgies with dudes.

It was a different time back then, in Berlin.

classic 20s jewery, indeed

I mean he has a point there and just look around you now, it's 20s degeneracy again
there is even another maniac in power, with a Russian counterpart^^

as the say, "history doesn't repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme"...
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Well-known member
Reminds me of this kid who always tried to become friends with our group in high school. We were such incredible dicks to that kid, I kinda feel bad now... he just wanted to be friends, but we'd make him bring cases of beer if he wanted to hang, go get us cigarettes and shit. God we were dicks.

Sorry Mikey... you were a good guy, and probably deserved better friends than us.

OP isn't that. He's just an obnoxious troll, and I'm pretty sure this guy is OP under a new name.
Your story reminds me of Dan in high school. Dan was moving away but it kept getting postponed so we started having going away parties. Then 1 night, I look up and Dan is at the party! I felt bad. Not bad enough to invite him to the parties, but I still felt bad. :cool:


Well-known member
that kid is likely a high achiever today...

I never had a friend group, I was always the psycho loner kid with early tattoos, nobody quite wanted to fuck with.
Even got arrested on my prom night, after fighting security and later cops, while on a drug cocktail and roided out. In front of hundreds of people watching...

man, they were good times, they were simple times :ROFLMAO:

Yes, and I hope he is. We were genuine dickheads to him, and I really don't know why. Not so much me, but the group in general. I say "we", because I was very much a part of the group, and did nothing to stop the bullshit, even though I felt bad at the time (and obviously worse, now). Kids can be cruel. It's not something I am proud of. I became a better human being as I got older, and more mature. Still working on it today, in fact!