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Hydrogen Peroxide and Molasses for killing MITES


Autistic Diplomat in Training
i'm just going by what the scientists at the terpene labs tell me :tiphat:
Yeah, hand them QWEtho, BHO, and Ice-Hash, all from the same crop.
Ethanol is first, BHO is usually second, and ice-hash will come out a poor third. Every time.

Lab tests agree with me. Thanks.


New member
i just wanted to ask so i didn't appear to be threadjacking.

what i'm doing is so stupidly simple that it seems improbable that it could work.

well, i now live in the willamette valley of oregon. everyone who lives here is fighting something all the time. we have hemp russet mites, broad mites, cyclamen mites, and spider mites.

root aphids, whiteflies, and other stuff that i am forgetting right now. not to mention powdery mildew.

people are the vectors. everyone visiting each other, trading plants, dogs running in and out of multiple grows. I-5 should be called the great mite highway.

so, i have read a lot on ipm principles. most authors suggest regularly scouting your crop, identifying the pest, and then taking the appropiate action.

i think this is the wrong approach in a place where all these pests are rampant. i think you should assume the presence of all of them all of the time.

and take continuous pre-emptive action.

but i also don't want to use any dangerous substances so i had to come up with a preventive routine.

so what we are doing is using pure, cold pressed neem seed oil (dyna-gro) at 1oz per gallon using 1/2 oz dr bronners blue label castile soap as the emulsifier.

we start spraying clones as soon as they are rooted. we spray every 4 days religiously. all through veg right up to the onset of 12/12.

at that point we discontinue the neem routine and hang swirskii mite sachets on the plants changing the sachets for fresh ones every 30 days.

we are not seeing any pests using this routine. we are examining the plants regularly at all stages with hand held 120x microscopes.

we inspect all incoming material as soon as it arrives. today i found hemp russet mites on incoming clones so they will be quarantined and we will start the neem routine on them.

just thought i would share this as i haven't done so yet. maybe with your method, my method, and others we can all get away from using dangerous chemicals on our plants.

The Mite Sachets look VERY interesting and THANK YOU for posting your Holistic approaches.

Please confirm that these are what you are using?????? I suspect so.


(This link is for the sake of discussion! Not a marketing ploy. I have never heard of these and would like clarification for all to read. If anyone decides to buy them then of course look for the best deal. I am not promoting buying from the link just curious as to whether this is the EXACT Product that is being discussed.)

I am a HUGE fan of pre--emptive Action and also HOLISTIC action. A holistic approach to human , animal and plant health.

I realize that we freak out and panic when Pests arrive. My infestation also has to do with not regularly maintainning my grow area's due to poor health which is a battle that I deal with. This past Month was particularly bad.

I like your spray and the use of the Mite Sachets. You might consider low dosages of Molasses or sugars in your Foliar Feeds as I see many studies on the increase of Yield Agriculturally on many Vegetables when sugar is applied.

Thank you SO MUCH for your Post.

Tremendous Hug,



New member
Hello Everyone,

A little late with my Report!

I have been spraying every other day and Plants look great and I dont see any MItes but I am of course skeptical regarding that.

I think the Molasses helps in giving Carbs and energy to the Ladies when Mites have been attacking them and therefor depleting them and helps them with quick recovery. Does it kill the mites? I am doubtful. Does it help the Ladies? Yes.

The added benefits of the Hydrogen peroxide and water is sterilizing and refreshing them.

SO, the every other day Foliar feeds will continue but I am lowering the Molasses to 1/4 Cup from 1/2 per Gallon of Water. I am very curious to see if Foliar feeding Sugar's increases Yields with Marijuana. I suspect it will since there have been so many positive results in other area's of Agriculture and I know my Girls love it in Flower in their Nutrients at 1 tsp per Gallon of Water. (of course Spraying Late in Flower is another story, but early middish Flower I will be spraying)

I now defoliate at days 21 and 45 in Flower because I read about it, tried it and saw the good results repeatedly. This combined with extra Sugars/Carbs just might do the trick.

No matter how many years you have been growing its always good to constantly search, keep your mind open and share.

I have not been a big Poster in Forums because of the OverGrow Trauma. That was a great Forum that ended badly for a lot of good folk.

This Forum/IC is terrific and I sincerely thank everyone for their input. I will keep popping in with mini reports and to see any other suggestions like the Mite Sachets, EZ Wet, etc.

Big Hugs,



New member
There is ISO Alcohol in LIsterine. So basically by using the Listerine you are in a sense using

Essential Oils of Mint, Thyme, Wintergreen, Eucalyptus
ISO Alcohol
RO or distilled Water
2ml Detergent (I would be tempted to apply "Dr. Bronners Pepperminst Soap in that Category.) WHAT DETERGENT ARE YOU USING???

An important point to note, Listerine contains ethanol as the solvent for the four essential oils.
Putting isopropyl in your mouth would be a very bad idea.
Ethanol is present in concentrations of 21.6% in flavored Listerine and 26.9% in original gold Listerine Antiseptic.

Thanks Vert for this topic. Even if you discovered that the molasses wasn't super effective on mites I learned a good deal (as I'm sure many others did as well) about its other benefits as well as some other holistic methods of battling the borg. I sympathize with your medical issues. I suffered a back injury nine years ago that has made life incredibly difficult. During flareups and which can last 2 to 3 weeks I am essentially bed-riden. Stay strong and keep fighting a clean green fight!

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
This is VERY interesting Tom and Thank you. I am sticking with the Molasses Spray for the Moment but will also try this Spray in the Future.

I did not realize that Listerine has been around since the 1800's! The Four essential ingredients are
(from Listerine Web site)
The active ingredients listed on Listerine bottles are essential oils which are menthol (mint) 0.042%, thymol (thyme) 0.064%, methyl salicylate (wintergreen) 0.06%, and eucalyptol (eucalyptus) 0.092%.

There is ISO Alcohol in LIsterine. So basically by using the Listerine you are in a sense using

Essential Oils of Mint, Thyme, Wintergreen, Eucalyptus
ISO Alcohol
RO or distilled Water
2ml Detergent (I would be tempted to apply "Dr. Bronners Pepperminst Soap in that Category.) WHAT DETERGENT ARE YOU USING???

Some form of Sugar, either a Saccaroid or Xylitol?? Xylitol is a very interesting subject to me. Alcohol based Sugar that I believe naturally occurs in various Woods, Fruits and Vegetables or is extracted from them. Just learning about it at present.

We all know that the above Essential oils have enormous anti-septic/anti bacterial benefit among their many uses.

THANK YOU for this Post as I am considering a Side by Side comparison of three different applications for future use. Your Recipe , The Recipe I am using with 1/2 not 1 Cup of Molasses, AND your Recipe with some h202 added. This is a very Rough idea for comparison. Just off the top of my head.

Big Hugs,

I use plain liquid Dawn dish soap. I have also used store bought liquid wetting agent.... and I swear it was just dawn dish soap rebottled marked up 3 x what the normal price haha


New member
Hello Everyone,

THANK YOU, for your good wishes and responses.

I am happy to report that there are no Mites (visibly) and that ALL of the Ladies are flourishing.

I am still religiously Spraying them with Molasses, h202 and Water every other day and even a few times every two days.

SO, here is what happened.

Mite Attack
1st application
1 Cup Molasses, 1 Cup h202 , to 1 Gallon of Water

(Everyother day applications)

2nd Application
1 Cup Molasses, 1 Cup h202 , to 1 Gallon of Water

3rd Appliction
1/2 Cup Molasses, 1 Cup h202, to 1 Gallon of Water

4th Application

1/2 Cup Molasses, 1 Cup h202, to 1 Gallon Water

Keep up with this application until confirmation of Mite Death.

THEN Maintenance Recipe of 1/4 Cup Molasses

THEN 2 Tablspoons of Molasses per Gallon (I am keeping Hydrogen Peroxide at 1 cup, only the Molasses is lessened.

ALSO, I am spraying Panda Film walls and floor lightly with JUST h202 and Water on a frequent basis.

Once again, religious applications of pre-emptive measures will continue as health allows.

Hugs again,



New member
Hi, I have just found this post and read it all. Very interesting. Have you used this all thru flower without any damage to the flowers?


New member
Hi Tom, I am new here and have read this entire thread and am excited to try both applications. but concerning your application using Listerine etc do you use this all the way thru flower? I am 2 weeks out from harvest in my greenhouse and been fighting mites and need something that works and of course won't F up my beautiful ladies and her flowers. Thanks Chris.


Active member
I hate mites. I have been using in the USA, No pest strips for a long, long time. No messy spraying. My rooms are sealed. Human exposure very limited. Look on ebay for them.


Hi Tom, I am new here and have read this entire thread and am excited to try both applications. but concerning your application using Listerine etc do you use this all the way thru flower? I am 2 weeks out from harvest in my greenhouse and been fighting mites and need something that works and of course won't F up my beautiful ladies and her flowers. Thanks Chris.

Wintergreen is poison when heated. You wanna smoke poison? Not a lot of hobbyists on the internet forums it seems, do you even smoke? If not guess it doesn't matter...


New member
No Pest Strips

No Pest Strips

I hate mites. I have been using in the USA, No pest strips for a long, long time. No messy spraying. My rooms are sealed. Human exposure very limited. Look on ebay for them.

Funny thing is I find that the No Pest Strips don't have the same punch they used to. I used to put 2 in a 12x12 closed room and nothing lived, spiders ants nothing. Now I hang 2 in there and I sware they love the vapors..lol


New member
Hi man how you doing?
I hope you shall\want answer to a really unwilling refractory un-scientific crop eater, something between an human and an herbivorous...ehehe
By the way:

Is there any possibility that a simple molecule of H assumed by foliar spray compote by H2O2 change the chain in the construction of cannabinoid- from thca to cbda, for example- that on the leaf are processing.About that, not definitely related considering once more my few knowledge on chemistry, I've read from a link listed by Sam the S. that chloroplasts seems, during the formation of glands, to erode their impermeability on the way of senescence.
How to argue anymore.... after just some short readings

regards, man

Really, i know I've to buy a manual of chemistry


Registered Med User
Nice thread, heard about this from a long time outdoor grower n decided to research.
Was wondering, do you always use what you mix that day, or will this mix sit well on the shelf for a few days?


Well-known member
I drown my mites. Just wetting agent. I have to catch the little one's between hatching and adulthood. So 3 sprays, 3 days apart. Done.

You do need to cover the plants. 100%. So an electric spray gun is the best option. Then the fog just spreads.

St. Phatty

Active member
Hello Everyone,

I have been researching the Agricultural and Greenhouse Mgt. uses of Hydrogen Peroxide for Pest Control and feel VERY encouraged.

I am the sorry recipient of Spider Mites and this is the Third time in 20 Years that these little Rapists have attacked my Plants.

Through my research I have discovered some important things regarding Spider Mites , Hydrogen Peroxide, AND the addition of Sugars such as Molasses or regular Sugars to foliar feeds. (I already use Horticulture Grade Powdered Molasses as part of my Nutrient Program so I am a big Fan of Molasses)and I have already successfully eradicated a horrible Powdery Mildew disaster with the Jorge Cervantes H202 and Water bud soak method. This is on youtube or just Google. Completely saved my Crop 5 years ago.

After all of this is said and done I will continue to Spray all of my plants once a Week with the Molasses and H202 concoction until they are in the last two Weeks of Flower and report my findings.

I thank all of you in advance for reading my Tome and look forward to any positive exchanges that we may have regarding the eradication of Spider Mites with Hydrogen Peroxide and Sugars or just Hydrogen Peroxide and Water.

I would humbly like to request that the scope of this thread stay on track to this Subject.
Thank you! Pippa LaPlant also known as Vert:)

Are you looking for a spider mite treatment for the first half of flowering - or treatment of developed flowers that are infested / infected ?

I just did a Safer's dip tank yesterday, on 2 large plants and 1 or 2 smaller plants.

It is very thorough, though I wouldn't use it on flowers.

It sounds like you are mixing a foliar feed with the spider mite treatment.

Is your technique "smokeable" ? does the molasses-peroxide get converted chemically, or something, so that you can use it on late-in-flowering buds and still have good smoke ?