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hush's Peak Seeds grow out - 1000w - 4x4


Señor Member
The Blueberries are done drying, and I'm still in the middle of manicuring, but I haven't been taking too many pictures of them. Sorry about that, everyone. Just, too many things on my plate right now. I did manage to take a few pics though. Here's a couple of the cola buds, from the 2 that I will be revegging.

Here is BB8, prior to being manicured:


Here is BB7, prior to the manicure:


And here is BB8 after the manicure:


jump /injack

I think you'll soon be using a lot of quart jars or vacuum bags very soon just on this grow, you must have a lot aging all ready. I have some thats 3 or 4 years old stuck in a dark place, wonder how long it'll go before it degrades;need more jars.


Señor Member
I actually still have several different jars of bud from years ago, and I just keep them all vacuum-sealed. The Foodsaver was one of the best purchases I ever made. When I pop a jar that was sealed over a year ago, it looks and smells exactly like it did when I jarred it up. I believe it really puts things in suspended animation! And yes, I actually just went out and bought a bunch of new jars because, while I normally use half-gallon jars for my mono-crop harvests, I needed smaller jars this time around because I want to keep some of the plants' buds separate from the others. It's a nice problem to have!


Señor Member

Crap. I just realized in my sleep-deprived stupor last night while manicuring that I put all the BBs in the same jar. There will NOT in fact be separate jars for each plant after all. LOL at myself, i guess. Whatever, I already know I am keeping #7 and #8 so it's not that big of a deal. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to retrieve the top buds of each plant and at least separate those out so I can still see if there are any differences in effects between both keepers.



Señor Member
I am not as much of a dumbass as I thought... I did in fact separate the large cola buds from my two keeper plants. It was only the popcorn nugs that I mixed altogether with the rest of the plants.

Looking good hush! How's your variegated bb comming along? Hope its worth the wait! Sure wish I had space to pick and choose phenos like you. I have my 2 slh potential mothers (one of which is a mutant). I took clones and will flower them as soon as they root...will keep the one Ilike better. Then one at a time introduce new candidates for motherhood. ...seems like a long process when there are so many strains I want to try then all the phenos of each strain.*sigh* Thought about trying to graft a multimother of sorts eventually....but that's out of my league for now. Now just keepin it simple per ur advice, which is working out wonderfully. Thanks again!


Well-known member
How'd these BB's come out? They look very nice! hoping to find a nice tasting plant in my outdoor round of peaks BB.



Señor Member
The Blueberries have all been harvested and jarred up, except for the variegated one that was just harvested tonight, and the seeded one which is still hanging on the drying line. I also harvested all the rest of the plants in the tent so I've been so busy, and I'm so exhausted. I didn't get to take all the pictures I wanted to take, either. But whatever, I'll take em when I can, and appreciate those all the more.

Anyway, here are some random blueberry shots, the only decent ones I could get:







Señor Member
NS1 has been manicured. That's the red, colorful one. I found seeds in it. First and only one of all the plants, so far at least. So I don't know if it seeded itself or if one of the others provided the pollen, but it's the only one I've found seeds in. And they are mature seeds, so there was pollen there from the very beginning! I didn't find any nanners in this plant, so I don't know. I'm gonna have to grow her out again and see if the same thing happens by herself.

It's okay though, because I smoked some, and it was like a roundhouse kick to the head. I got so fucking high! It was real hardcore in the head, while still deep in the body. It just had my mind all tripping while my body got relaxed and heavy. Impressive! I got 17g off of her. Here's the top bud:




Active member
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Crap. I just realized in my sleep-deprived stupor last night while manicuring that I put all the BBs in the same jar. There will NOT in fact be separate jars for each plant after all. LOL at myself, i guess. Whatever, I already know I am keeping #7 and #8 so it's not that big of a deal. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to retrieve the top buds of each plant and at least separate those out so I can still see if there are any differences in effects between both keepers.


Hey man:wave: LMAO.

Shit happens, even in the best families we say:).

I somentimes use paperbags to keep buds in the same jar but each plant separatedly, to know who is who.



Señor Member
Been very busy... Barely any time to rest... My wife trimmed up NS6 for me, so it's a little smaller of a top bud than the others, but still beautiful:


Got 16 grams off this one.

jump /injack

"It's okay though, because I smoked some, and it was like a roundhouse kick to the head. I got so fucking high! It was real hardcore in the head, while still deep in the body. It just had my mind all tripping while my body got relaxed and heavy. Impressive! I got 17g off of her. Here's the top bud:"

That is a better description than any I've ever given about vaping NS, thats exactly how it effects me. Once I'm in bed its catatonia for me, I wake up in the same spot with my glasses still on. Nice sweet taste that gives no warning to what is about to happen. What a nice write up you gave/great grow on everything.


Active member
Well how solid was the root system? How strong was the odor on the Northern skunk? Your getting into a rut with these perfect grows Hush.


Señor Member
Haha, thanks. :tiphat: Funny you should mention the root systems... When I took the pots out to the compost heap, after cutting the plants down to the stem, I shook the pots like I always do, to empty them out... Only this time the entire pot-shaped root system fell out and bounced on the ground! So I picked it up off the ground and threw it down, hard, expecting that to break it up more... But nope, it just bounced up even higher! So yeah, I had to actually grab a shovel and slice and dice the roots in order to mix it all into the compost. Had to do this for all of them! Well, except for the ones I'm revegging, of course.

Red Fang

Active member
Forgive me if this has been already addressed, but if you could only grow one peak strain, which would it be? Don't have much time right now, but from a quick glance seems like Northern Skunk is getting good reviews.


Having grown Peaks SkunkBerry, SweetSkunk, NorthernSkunk, NorthernBerry, & C99 I'd say it was a toss up between C99 & NS.