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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This all sounds like those big grows will be an easy target for the Fed's. They say there going to leave the small medical gardens alone. But I would imagine as soon as it goes from medical to open market it's going to be game on for the fed's to roll in. IMO I think Cali is jumping the gun on this one.

And I agree though outdoor organic grown bud is the best.


how do you make hash with a 5 by 5 garden? lol funny guy.

of course having cannabis become legitimate would be amazing. i just worry that all the med users and providers in Cali who got things as far as they are, will end up losing out. i can see them being told 25 sf and finished, need any more and you buy it. we do know that the language of the law is not the same as the language of English. to truly understand prop 19 and all possible consequences, you need to be versed in the language of law and familiar with the whole cannabis situation in Cali. in fact i'd like a thread with strict rules, no insults and only talk about life after this bill and what it will be like. but no theories unless they can be clearly read out of the relevant law, which should be quoted next to the interpretation of what 19 will do. to me that would be a way to get to the point where people can clearly see what they are actually voting for and not be distracted by all the verbal wrangling. i'm surprised no one in Cali has taken this thing to their cannabis lawyer yet for a legal opinion? that's what i want to see, ideally a binding legal opinion on every single important aspect of prop 19. just to really be sure there are no really bad Trojan horses in there for one. because if it's perceived to be about legalization and loses, we better be damn sure why we reject the first chance in 70 years to legitimize cannabis in society in general. so it's incumbent upon us to have this thing translated into plain English including the relevant parts of the health and safety codes.

don't know why i'm braking my head with this subject so much as i don't live anywhere near Cali, but i guess it is a subject close to all our hearts. would have been so cool if 19 made it so every one has the same chance of getting a license to grow, letting the market decide who's product it wants to buy. alas if wishes were fishes, we'd all eat fish....:)


I love and feel your passion HL.

I am shocked at the scene here in washington. At least 40% of the cannabis up here is crap, or over priced. And it kills me that the only thing lacking from me producing safe, high quality, cheap cannabis for patients is the start up money.

Oakland needs to realize that a couple (1-2) big warehouses for cannabis production to a few dispensaries to ensure a stable product that will always be there (most likely) is good, but you also need to have lots of little grows, perfecting cultivation of different strains, breeding different strains, and of course, letting lots of Americans have a little piece of pie too.

If 50% of the market all of a sudden goes to these warehouses, either more product will need to be sold, or certain vendors will have to be cut out to ensure all the warehouse grown crop is sold, possibly 50% if consumption doesn't increase.

I hope all you stay on the site for a while, and when I am able to have a farm, I would love to come up with a plan to steal the market... maybe we could create a craze about cannabis that is grown with a small impact on the environment, organic, and grown outdoors under mother sun like nature intended it to do.

and at guyute54 part of me screams your right, I would be scared if I was one of the first legal marijuana shops or growers. The medical marijuana thing is a slap in the face, Cali is about to kick the DEA in the nuts with legalization.


Active member
I am shocked at the scene here in washington. At least 40% of the cannabis up here is crap, or over priced. And it kills me that the only thing lacking from me producing safe, high quality, cheap cannabis for patients is the start up money.

Oakland needs to realize that a couple (1-2) big warehouses for cannabis production to a few dispensaries to ensure a stable product that will always be there (most likely) is good, but you also need to have lots of little grows, perfecting cultivation of different strains, breeding different strains, and of course, letting lots of Americans have a little piece of pie too.

If 50% of the market all of a sudden goes to these warehouses, either more product will need to be sold, or certain vendors will have to be cut out to ensure all the warehouse grown crop is sold, possibly 50% if consumption doesn't increase.

ive been into the clubs that these guys who want to run these warehouses supply, and i wasn't at all impressed. and thats multiple times over the years. let them grow 500-1000 lights of schwag. thats what they make now, and that is what they actually aim to make then "box wine"... the clubs have to sell that stuff. and to do that the med users need to provide a demand for their product. schwag doesn't sell now, and wont sell well then either.
the only way to efficiently grow 500-1000 lights is with cheap chems and cheap labor. there will be an initial price drop, then a boutique niche market will emerge, and for many will provide a steady market. the demand will be for indoor and outdoor organic cut only boutique strains. their 1000 lights will provide a cheap less than b-ster quality alternative. it will be poorly taken care of and heavily pesticide laden. look at how big agribusiness grows corn , apples, and other fruits and vegetables. you cant keep the mites out of a 1000 light room with neem and pyrethrum bombs...lol...
and their beloved advanced nutrients sponsors will be trying to get their piece of the pie too. with their kushie kush nutes and such. wich costs $$$$$ , making their switch to pure ammonium nitrate and simplot/ozmocote cheap industrial alternatives even quicker, henceforth loosing all flavor and value...
but their trim jobs will be proper cause they can actually afford to purchase a dozen samurai/twister trim machines cash up front.
change is definitely coming , but we shouldn't fear it. it will only solidify our place in the market. just dont give out your strains to em, keep em mom n pop....ohh and dont plant the round up ready white widdow, shes gonna herm out...lol
thats my take,
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Active member
yo my man, workin hard i see.

i love trellis, shit is the bomb. never expected from your first pics theyd get that big. i mean u are using your grenhouse frame to support them now hahaha.

you ever grow a ghani that big?

are those grow bags(black kiddie pools)?

what do you do about pocorn, bugs deep in there? im sure alot goes to waste no?

peace bro, d


ive been into the clubs that these guys who want to run these warehouses supply, and i wasn't at all impressed. and thats multiple times over the years. let them grow 500-1000 lights of schwag. thats what they make now, and that is what they actually aim to make then "box wine"... the clubs have to sell that stuff. and to do that the med users need to provide a demand for their product. schwag doesn't sell now, and wont sell well then either.
the only way to efficiently grow 500-1000 lights is with cheap chems and cheap labor. there will be an initial price drop, then a boutique niche market will emerge, and for many will provide a steady market. the demand will be for indoor and outdoor organic cut only boutique strains. their 1000 lights will provide a cheap less than b-ster quality alternative. it will be poorly taken care of and heavily pesticide laden. look at how big agribusiness grows corn , apples, and other fruits and vegetables. you cant keep the mites out of a 1000 light room with neem and pyrethrum bombs...lol...
and their beloved advanced nutrients sponsors will be trying to get their piece of the pie too. with their kushie kush nutes and such. wich costs $$$$$ , making their switch to pure ammonium nitrate and simplot/ozmocote cheap industrial alternatives even quicker, henceforth loosing all flavor and value...
but their trim jobs will be proper cause they can actually afford to purchase a dozen samurai/twister trim machines cash up front.
change is definitely coming , but we shouldn't fear it. it will only solidify our place in the market. just dont give out your strains to em, keep em mom n pop....ohh and dont plant the round up ready white widdow, shes gonna herm out...lol
thats my take,

Oh man I hope your right, I would laugh so hard, seriously, I might suffer injuries. If they produce schwag after all that cost, and it doesn't sell, I wonder what they will do? Maybe then they will ask for some help from some more experienced growers.


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
Meine Fresse (HolyShit), wunderschoen! It reminds me on the novel "Budding Prospects of T.C. Boyle, but I wish you more luck!;)


HL, your garden(s) are the stuff of dreams! I have 20+ acres that I plan on putting to good use next year, need to hire an excavator & tree trimmer to clear some land & make a few terraces. I have followed your grow from day 1 & on more than 1 occasion I have had to lift my jaw up from off my keyboard! Everything has already been said but, I have been growing outdoors locally (Mendo) since 1986 when I had my first successful guerilla grow & have been growing MJ in 1 form or another since then & your gardens/outdoor grows are by far the biggest, healthiest, most robust plants I have ever seen, & I have seen/grown ALOT of pot! Cheers to you & I will by the book if you write it! LOL :)
Yo HL, I MEAN Whoa there is some serious reading to do on this thread...

I am on page 35 and been working on it for a while.....

Just thought I would check in and let you know the progress. Great stuff going on new plans, I will hit you guys up tonight.

Sup GanjaD Hope all is well

Back to the reading!

Got through this amazing thread and all I have to say is I am feeling the love.

Amazing stuff going on and tons of excitement. I do not know which is my favorite or what sounds the best... Some seriously interesting gear your growing... every plant looks top notch.

I Love your Pup GanjaD, and Capts Pup too. I have a Chocolate Lab as well. Amazing friends... Don't know what I would do without her.

Lots of great work here as well, I can honestly say this is what it is all about... The Heart of the Movement I love being a part of!

Can not wait till this next month or so when things really start going off.

Thanks HL, ganjaD and everyone else behind the scenes that work their asses off to grow and also document this for all of us all over the world to look, learn, enjoy and dream.

From the bottom of all our hearts I say Thank you and we all hope everything blooms twice as big as you hope!

Talk to you soon.

Your Friend, B
The thing that needs to be noted is that Oakland wants to be the one pumping out the green in California...

I love all of these humbolt growers and their spirit to grow and this is your way of life...I love that and would love to be a part of that but the reality is that the lifestyle is only a possibility in the world of prohibition or quazi legal status because of the inflated price ...you should take note...that we are still growing gold on trees and that is why so many can live off of growing...but now you make it legal really legal not just medical but legal for all... the price drops tremendously and the CA state still won't allow you(the smaller grower) to grow the plant #'s what the industrial ops grow and then what? you either sell it low or to someone to take it out of state...point being it's gonna be really difficult for many growers to make their living and preserve that lifestyle with these new changes...

Why the new laws will pass...
This law really puts the balls in the vice grip because on one hand...

no toker believes any of us should be in jail for weed...

Most weed smokers don't give a shit that the hippies are growing the smoke in the hills... all they care about is their next bag. (sad but true)...what this means is, if this new law equals 50$ gets them 7 grams instead of 3.5 grams...guess what? they will vote for it...its economics and that's what is playing out...

Medical Marijuana....
the medical marijuana system is ground breaking and is amazing..I think it's a great system for many people but the abuse is huge on all fronts, from the pot docs to the shops to the kids getting there recs...it just seems crazy that we have all of these people jumping through hoops just to smoke...

What can we do?

I want the hippies to keep growing. I want these people to keep their lifestyles because I too am quite honestly disgusted with what this society has to offer as an alternative to growing...the yobs or lack of jobs that is waiting for you in the crowded cities..it's just some serious bullshit...so for that I sympathize..you have worked hard for your life and have taken brave risk in the face of fascism. respect

Norcal outdoor growers SHOULD NOT SHOULD NOT be destined to become Richard Lee's hash making bitches...but this is business not a sit around and hug party. so let's get real...how can you compete with this??

Mass and or joint collectives are one alternative. This means smart and responsible people growing together for a common cause--growing for the happiness of others. This means bringing a better yet more affordable product to the table. Medical Marijuana for 60-70$ an eighth? come on.. get real..most smokers aren't gonna give a damn who supplies it as long as its strong and affordable....

This cannabis law feels like it is being pushed by business elite, so I really do want to know who will benefit from these changes...I too am calling for this forum to bring about the transparency and changes that this will bring about and serious discussion on what positive we as a community can bring to the table....

okay :smoke:


just don't molest my colas..
don't let him fool you. try comb doesn't know his ass from his elbow. just another midwest transplant that went out west just a bit too late to cash in his dream. thinking maybe you should have stuck around the mitten?


Active member


HL, woot woot, killin it. Nice come up this yr bro. Hope all is well and blessings on beautiful plants.:tiphat:
RL is a business man that is investing his own money into a law tailered to suit his own financial future and no one elses, he had it so well written for him that we as smokers have to vote for it because it helps keep our brothers from harm. He chases the coin and his love for the plant is in question in my mind.

Quality, love and passion will always win and as the information continues to surface on organics and the life they provide to our life, you will most def rise above his synthetic smoke cloud.

We are a all organic family down to the pear wood boar bristle tooth brushes so I know and feel your passion.

Ive been following your grows, They are masterfull.

Thanks brother. MUCH RESPECT!

Organic is life.

try comb

Active member
don't let him fool you. try comb doesn't know his ass from his elbow. just another midwest transplant that went out west just a bit too late to cash in his dream. thinking maybe you should have stuck around the mitten?

im cashing in just fine ..... i really wish i could trade this back in to live in the suburbs with the lovely cold or humid weather michigan has to offer........this fresh mountain air is rough.

Ganja D

How bout a little music to set the mood for this post.
This is one of my favorite males. I won't say what it is yet,but it smells hazy and stanky and is a prize for sure. It will be crossed with a few things and f2's for next year and testing will be made.




I'm also a Ninja! Where'd I go?

This male is PTW/GF x GF/P(Purple Train Wreck/Grape Fruit x Grape Fruit/Purple.)

Old Humboldt strain in front,Burmese Kush/Goo in the back. Ready to be isolated and collect pollen in the am.

There are some very sexy ladies here and they are getting turned on by the shortness in day. Some of the sexiest will get a bit of pollen from our carefully picked males. I will take some pictures soon of whats developing. To be honest I'll probably take hundreds of pictures all through flowering. This is the top of the canopy,over 12 ft. Too bad I'm no photographer,just a grower of herbs of the finest smells and tastes and the realest rapper you never heard of.

Lets all try to grow the best weed we can because we as growers are blessed. Try to grow a little extra to give to your friends and family or those you love who are broke asses.
I'll leave you with this track.:)
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Madrus Rose

post 69
This all sounds like those big grows will be an easy target for the Fed's. They say there going to leave the small medical gardens alone. But I would imagine as soon as it goes from medical to open market it's going to be game on for the fed's to roll in. IMO I think Cali is jumping the gun on this one.

And I agree though outdoor organic grown bud is the best.

All the debates on the medical growing & medical dispensation i'm sure we'll not be running out of good smoke anytime soon lega or not (but am always impressed by the aSTOUNDING QUANTITIES of mediocrity out there in the indoor & outdoor arenas in general ) . Don't think Oakland is jumping the gun by any standard , peeps have been doing large industrial grows there for almost 2 decades ...& Berkeley, lol.

Oakland is a special case that evolved in setting a standard for both medical MJ dispensing , education which benefited 1000's of people with safe access while completely building upon its own inner-city health & rejuvenation the inner city community . Legal dispensation of medical MJ in Oakland has been a shining success .
(But lets not forget the early SF scene with Dennis Peron & co .)

Still for me , in a huge way ....am still waiting for them to JUST legalize ===>HEMP !!!!!! :)

stay tuned to the wave...all good things ,
in all good time , when we needed them the most ?

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