The that sounds fun ripped......
I am looking forward to smoking all of y<our gear.....I have to fly so I am flying dry :-(
What’s the deal with buying weed?
While possession of up to an ounce of marijuana is now legal in Washington for adults ages 21+, it is still illegal to purchase marijuana.
Caregiver, good post man...
Yes, I have attended a couple Ann Arbor Hash Bashes but long ago. I remember standing next to a dude who had a air pump powered pipe. It was a fine and simple unit and he had good weed so I just stayed next to the dude getting more hits. Was that you on your mamas back?
Thanks for answering my call to attend. You all must realize that Washington is now in the cusp like Colorado to legalize recreational usage at the end of this year anyone can buy an oz. . I guess Christy thinks kids should get edibles but not adults. The fat fuk! Lol...
People are going to have to get used to stoners just like they can't say bad shit about gays anymore. We are going to stand up for our civil rights to toke and have jobs and kids too.
Can you believe what we have all been put through all these years of prohibition? Do you understand that this police state and this crazy war on drugs makes no sense. We have made an industry of prisons and a world of stop and frisk and monitor all phone calls, emails and Internet activities.
This is our chance to celebrate our victory because we have already won the war of minds and the other side doesn't realize that they lost the culture war thirty years ago.
Let's bring back the love! Free the Weed and free our minds! End Pot Prohibition.
Don't forget to bring your gear and I will be ready... Bog
Do they admit at the door or should I just be safe and order tickets now? JW from experience what the best day(s) to show up would be.. im going and hopefully with my mentor who seemed eager when I told him DJ was showing.