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How's my no pH grow doing?


Domesticator of Cannabis
Sleepy, Thanks for waking up the thread.

The one bud that's gotten a little burnt wants to bend over onto one of the older buds that's finishing up so I've left it just growing under the hood. It popped out into the centre where it took some heat, I've pushed it back for now.



It's tough getting to that side of the grow since I have the plant in front tied down to different things around the grow.

Ive also used a lot of my bungees on the girl under the MH as she had an empty centre with bushes growing out the two ends. So Ive pulled them together under the A/C hood. The HPS seems to produce some fatter buds but I've had some tasty stuff off the MH without a cure? I've not done any real comparison but I would go for another HPS. Sometimes I'll start to bloom under the MH & move them under the HPS as space becomes available.

MH Blooming Side







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Active member
yeah, i was just curious about the lights...

not too long ago someone let their plants grow right up into the light fixture...a couple of firemen died putting the place out... :badday:

please be careful. :bashhead:


Domesticator of Cannabis
Inside looking up tonight....I now have two plants left flowering under the HPS. Once I chopped the third I had room to tie these two down somewhat.





I left some water sitting in one of the gals bowls overnight on her last watering.

Shes yellowed a bit quicker than her roommate. Two weeks + to go.



She was just watered again today, I usually watered her with the other one but gave her the extra day.

I took the baster to her quickly this round.

Under the MH I have one plant flowering

My vegetating plants, the cycle continues.

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Tom 'Green' Thumb
Sleepy said:
yeah, i was just curious about the lights...

not too long ago someone let their plants grow right up into the light fixture...a couple of firemen died putting the place out... :badday:

please be careful. :bashhead:

You have a very good point. I always worry about just that as I grow bare bulb vertical and sometimes the odd branch that is not tied up properly will give under the weight of the bud and lean into the hot bulb. I have had it happen a few times and it seems the bulb is not hot enough to ignite the dried bud, but who knows when the circumstances are right what can happen? I think almost always the plant tip will just die and get crumbly and not ignite, but it still bothers me. Fortunately I am very particular on how I tie up my plants and tie up even buds that do not have much chance of moving, but there is still always that one I miss on the odd occasion no matter how vigilant I am. I was thinking of making some kind of cage over the bulbs to prevent this, but I don't want to limit the amount of light hitting the buds.



Domesticator of Cannabis
The funny thing was the real danger came not a day or two before Sleepy's warning I awoke to the smell of electrical smoke. I immediately went to the grow where a walmart type oscillating fan that's been blowing around the vegging plants had seized & the motor was starting to cook. I'm usually home all day... I unplugged her & tossed it outside than went back to sleep. That fan had been on for 6+ years LoL. When I turn the little fan blowing across the HPS off & on it takes a minute or two to get going again. Time to replace that before it lights up the house. All kinds of dangers around. Fortunately I've never had any of my buds touch the bulbs.

I'm the guy that wants all warning labels off everything, than lets see who we have left to work with. Play safe people, now back to the No pH Grow. I've purchased some screens from a graphics supply store. I've been dry sieving my popcorn & trim lately. I bought the 110 & 156 (mesh count per sq in.) I'm kicking myself for not picking up the 195 they have ready made. They run $45.00 a screen 20" X 24" with metal frames in different colour codes. I'll get that 3rd. very soon, they also sell ISO in Lg. jugs. I grabbed a catalogue that describes the various mesh counts etc. This Kief is delicious although this JF X NL X S is not the greatest of hash making plants, it's giving me much pleasure. I can't wait until I get my NL X Skunks seedlings up and sexed, this plant should be a bigger producer without the JF.





The Hash maker is a great little tool for pressing your Kief, this is the heavy duty metal clay press. I highly recommend it.

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Domesticator of Cannabis
I chopped my 2 HPS gals last night & finished up today.
I had smoked every roach in the house, I need some combustibles.








I have one plant under the MH flowering, time to transplant a couple more & send them to bloom this weekend.


Thanks for reminding me why I use a ph meter! nice veg plants!


Domesticator of Cannabis
No one uses a pH meter up here when using straight Pro-Mix. Keep using one if you need it but it would do little to improve my garden. Additional lighting would be more beneficial than an idiot meter... I see you're still upset at moi. This is also a no whiners thread. Have a nice day.


I knew I would forget bad rep for that post oh well whatever man I guess the truth hurts lol.... I even paid you a compliment.... no whiners thread? I guess you are the exception to the rule then? round my way a grass is a snitch....


Domesticator of Cannabis
weedpureweed said:
I knew I would forget bad rep for that post oh well whatever man I guess the truth hurts lol.... I even paid you a compliment.... no whiners thread? I guess you are the exception to the rule then? round my way a grass is a snitch....
What truth, we don't need a pH meter to grow in Pro-Mix, but you do. Are you trying to say I have a pH issue(s) if you read every infirmary thread you'll be hard pressed to find anyone using straight PM ~ BX or HP that's having a pH issue unless it's a misdiagnose or they're using tainted water.

Around here we call a bitch a bitch, now on your way. Your whining is becoming repulsive & like a vindictive ex girlfriend you don't know when to close the cock sucker, is that you suzy? LoL
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Well my comment was based on how your flowering plants look on the last page, they're yellowing way to early in flower...it was also partly toungue in cheek hence the exclamation mark and the other half of the post wasn't even rude just the opposite, I think you need to smoke more

I have grown without any meters before but I didn't wear the fact like a medal of honour, if no ph meter is standard in pro mix why are making an issue of it in the first place? I grow in coco you should try it its great stuff, and please don't use word you don't know the meaning of, repulsive , vindictive? lol.


Domesticator of Cannabis
I see English is not your first language or you wouldn't be embarrassing yourself like this. Remember what I said about you closing your CS. You think the yellowing in late flowering is a pH issue, you don't have a fucking clue but thanks for the K+ & the laugh. I've written why the last girl yellowed more than normal but it's in English so you might not have comprehended that post. Anyways it has nothing to do with the pH like you seem to think.

Why would I switch my medium, nothing suits my style better than Pro-Mix. It's totally unnecessary to check my pH when using the Triple Mixes. Anyone that tells you to use an idiot meter while growing in it is ignorant to this style of grow. It's very well known in Ontario & used all the time in large organized grow ops. It's very very hard to mess up a crop in Pro-Mix. All I have to do is water & feed, it may be simple enough for even yourself. I've noticed a big change in growers attitudes concerning no pHing in certain grows over the last year on the forums. Some people had become complacent here & stopped learning new tricks.

You need to read the forums on growing Cannabis & stop stalking me. Your postings to me before this run have been deleted so don't try & tell us you don't have personal issues. Think before you insult one of the fine growers on this forum. I comprehend English very well & mean every word I post. Thanks for reminding me why I despise whiners & passive aggressive pussies, now get to school or I'll give you another bitch slap. :asskick:
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Next Stop: Outer Space!
What truth, we don't need a pH meter to grow in Pro-Mix, but you do. Are you trying to say I have a pH issue(s) if you read every infirmary thread you'll be hard pressed to find anyone using straight PM ~ BX or HP that's having a pH issue unless it's a misdiagnose or they're using tainted water

For the most part I agree with you. I use Pro-Mix for containers, and Pro-Mix Ultimate Organic. I do not ever pH test, and my grow is doing fantastic. I am growing all organic though. It's misleading to say people don't need to pH Pro-Mix. Soil changes over time, peat moss breaks down, nutrients release, salts accumulate(in non-organic grows). Brand new Pro-Mix should have a fairly stable pH, but that WILL change as it ages. I am an obsessive recycler and send all used soil to my worm bin.

I really wish people would just stop fighting so much though. Seriously, who cares what some guy on the internet said? Too much negativity around here for me sometimes.


I had good grows flowering in promix as long as I used a skosh of dolomite lime,without out it I did run into low PH problems occasionally.
I'm replying to the first page and the growers start.
Nice job. I can appreciate the time and effort, especially with the lack of the pH pen.
I'd never use pro-mix where I am, because the best soils are made here, and easily accessable for a good price. But none the less I like your grow.
You also a have the advantage of 7 pH water coming out of the tap... mine is over 8.
Good job no matter what the case.