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How You Can Develop Cannabis To Do What You Want

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
It's time for a progress report on my efforts to essentially create a plant that will grow in a screen 'o green style, without the need to decapitate or crush the main stem of a thriving, juvenile cannabis plant and no reason to use bondage and discipline to tie it down and hinder its growth. :rolleyes:

I've been fucking around with both the Type I/Sativa and Type II/Indica dominate phenos of SouthEast Lights to develop a multi-poly-hybrid :eek: that will be less prone to botrytis and PM. I trying to do this by recombining the original constituents of NL into a plant that will grow the way I want it to. ;)

Here's a pic of the standard NL pheno that is so consistently reproducible for me:


Here is a pheno of the Type I/Sativa I've been working that is nowhere near as consistent in structure as the NL pheno but it has the branching structure I've been looking for:


Here is the structure of the _one_ that I've been looking for and think I've finally found:




And to illustrate that the plant hasn't been topped, hacked, fimmed or otherwise fucked with to increase yield, check out the main stem structure:


The missing branches are what I used to clone this baby:


I've got 20 fully rooted clones of this plant. :cool:

I only wish I still had viable pollen from this plant to backcross it to these clones when they're ready, because I believe that's where the branching/spreading trait originally came from. Unofrtunately, I do not :mad::


I probably won't do any staminate plants until next spring to match up to the plant I'm referring to as "The One", because I want to make sure the cloned offspring are stable and reproducible.

I can't wait to find "Another One" staminate plant that I can mate to "The One" pistillate, just to see what happens. :oops:
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It's time for a progress report on my efforts to essentially create a plant that will grow in a screen 'o green style, without the need to decapitate or crush the main stem of a thriving, juvenile cannabis plant and no reason to use bondage and discipline to tie it down and hinder its growth. :rolleyes:

I've been fucking around with both the Type I/Sativa and Type II/Indica dominate phenos of SouthEast Lights to develop a multi-poly-hybrid :eek: that will be less prone to botrytis and PM. I trying to do this by recombining the original constituents of NL into a plant that will grow the way I want it to. ;)

Here's a pic of the standard NL pheno that is so consistently reproducible for me:

View attachment 19053648

Here is a pheno of the Type I/Sativa I've been working that is nowhere near as consistent in structure as the NL pheno but it has the branching structure I've been looking for:

View attachment 19053653

Here is the structure of the _one_ that I've been looking for and think I've finally found:

View attachment 19053679

View attachment 19053681

And to illustrate that the plant hasn't been topped, hacked, fimmed or otherwise fucked with to increase yield, check out the main stem structure:

View attachment 19053683

The missing branches are what I used to clone this baby:

View attachment 19053685

I've got 20 fully rooted clones of this plant. :cool:

I only wish I still had viable pollen from this plant to backcross it to these clones when they're ready, because I believe that's where the branching/spreading trait originally came from. Unofrtunately, I do not :mad::

View attachment 19053688

I probably won't do any staminate plants until next spring to match up to the plant I'm referring to as "The One", because I want to make sure the cloned offspring are stable and reproducible.

I can't wait to find "Another One" staminate plant that I can mate to "The One" pistillate, just to see what happens. :oops:
I usually try and keep a cut of whatever most recent male has been used......try.
Dogs ate my last one the day he got put outside didn't make it one night.


Well-known member
I sometimes tend to get totally lost about what breeders/strains i want to grow next. Modern media oveflood you with appealing pictures and you think you must get totally blasted from your Weed or you are missing out something.
For me Oldtimer's Haze is what NL is for you. Really every time i smoke it i think to myself "actually i don't need anything else". It has absolute no negative sideffects or hangover just takes the edge off life, calms me and connects me with my self and the world around me. Pure magical medicine.
But with the legalization here i now have the opportunity to try all the stuff i only read about as a Kid. It seems like the more varieties people try out the harder they seek for the grail/lost/exeptional instead of doing some classic aggricultural homo sapiens stuff to get what they want. You can get the impression Armageddon is near because something isn't available to buy anymore 🤣

Your trust in your perception and the effort you bring in to get what you need is what people should be made off. Thanks for being so open and detailed with your wealth of experience.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Going to continue with clones and their progression on this post because I'm almost positive no other cannabis developer hits clones and seedlings with as much air circulation as I do. One thing that is almost _always_ missing from the bud shots and tent pics that I see here on ICM is the lack of fans. The exhaust fans for tents do _not_ provide enough air circulation, ya gotta directly hit 'em with _air_.

I'm not going to bore you with my in-depth knowledge of gas laws (I'm a Registered Respiratory Therapist) but suffice it to say that Boyle's and Avogadros Law support what I'm doing with air velocity, as do the basic laws of photosynthesis.

Any gas moves from a higher concentration to a lower concentration to achieve equilibrium. So the more air you provide to the leaf surface will facilitate the enhanced transfer CO2 and O2 at the cellular level. I am _positive_ that I provide more available CO2 at the leaf cellular level than anyone one else does with CO2 supplementation.

And at a much lower cost than bottled CO2 ever could. :cool: Every thread I see regarding CO2 supplementation makes me laugh but I know better than to try to explain my reasoning to people who don't understand/comprehend _basic_ science. :oops:

A helpful video to illustrate my point:

Just like with my seedlings, I hit clones with high velocity air, 24X7. When I initially started doing this, a lot of the clones and seedling _died_. But after several generations, the plants adapted to their environment and now they fucking _thrive_:


When it was time to put 'em in dirt, it's always nice to see a helpful nematode doing it's thing in the recycled dirt pile:



This will probably be the next topic in this thread, the Type I/Sativa side of NL after I reverse engineered it. I haven't worked it much at all but anticipating the need to enhance the branching and height required for many more, yet smaller buds, that aren't subject to PM and most especially _botrytis_. I planted some of the Type I/Sativa dominate seeds I've been reluctant to germinate and have been pleasantly surprised at the results:


I think even those Haze Crazies might like the structure of this one. 🤣😂🤣😂


It has a bit different leaf structure than the Type II/Indica plants I've concentrated on in the past.:cool::

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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
The Type I/Sativa (hereafter just called Type I) dominant side of NL was the last of the phenos to reveal itself. Here is a cut 'n paste from the website from April of 2018:

"At F6, the first Type I/Sativa plant appeared. I was sure this plant was just an over-achieving male because it was just so height dominant over all the others. The pre-flowers caused me to question my assumption and flowering proved me wrong. I was expecting so much after harvest and curing, given the rep of Thai sticks with my generation, but was a bit underwhelmed. Low yield, almost no smell with a nice, clear mental effect, quite familiar from my time in Miami. I guess I was expecting the Thai portion of Northern Lights to really be different from the high quality Jamaican and Columbian I knew so well. It wasn't. On this last F6 grow, all three phenos appeared simultaneously."

I wasn't taking photos (justifiably paranoid) when this originally happened, so I can't provide pics of the staminate and pistillate I used but this is the first pic of the Type I dominant side of NL I have:


I always have to add the disclaimer, the temp inside the tent was in the low 40's and the RH was 80+%, that's why the leaves look like they do. To any moderately experienced growers who may be reading this... _never_ judge a photo of a cannabis plant until you know what _environment_ it was taken in!!!

After a couple of gens, the Type I dominant side stabilized a bit:


Being somewhat disappointed in the potency, kinda put 'em on the back burner until I realized I could use this pheno type to add some height and length to branches. Fertilized these with Type IV pollen I had frozen and this is the first result of that pairing. These plants are about 2-3 weeks from harvest:

Current Hybrid.jpg

Yeah, I know looks like a Frankenstein creation but it's actually pretty resinous and what I was trying to accomplish (smaller buds but more of them) was accomplished... a little too much with this pairing. 😉

Type I buds.jpg

Type I buds2.jpg

Speaking of Frankenstein, this plant was kinda stuck in the back of the tent, looked OK but not what I was wanting in this project. It's obviously an outlier with the rest of these plants but I kept it hanging around because I had the room. Which is highly unusual but I knew I was going on vacation in early Oct. and had to keep the workload down a bit.

Here's Frank!

Franks Plant.jpg

Looks/looked OK from a distance but when examining the bud structure, there was essentially none :confused:

Franks Bud.jpg

As I've posted before, show me a cannabis developer who has never had a bad harvest/plants and I’ll show you a developer who has never accomplished anything extraordinary.

For every plant that I get that looks like that monstrosity, I get many more that are like this, which is also a part of the seed run:

The One.jpg

The one bud.jpg

One more post before vacation/harvest so next post I'll get into the branching structure/nature of this plant because it's going to the the pistillate source for this entire project.

And I've got 20 healthy, vigorous clones of her vegging right now! 😉
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Well-known member
Do you keep different lines like F6#1-5 F6#6-10? Would be interesting if you could get back some hybrid-effect after crossing both lines back to each other after maybe 3-5 generations of seperation.
Very cool to see somebody do something different.

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