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How to remove 'HPS Orange' quick and easy!



Thi seems to be the same thing as "White Balance" on a camera. I've tried everything I can with whitebalance, even custom whitebalance using a piece of white paper to set the mark, and I still can't get rid of the orange. I'd love to be able to do this with my camera but this'll have to do for now! Interesting!



Awesome and easy....

One ? off topic. What is it that you use as a reflector for the cool tube? Need to get some of that.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
That was my old setup using aluminum tape on the inside of the cool tube. I'm now using some square sheets of aluminum from HD, painted white on one side. Gimme a sec, I may have a pic somewhere from my current grow...

Here's one! Now, this one you'll see is slightly off center, but that' just because I had just adjusted the lights and hadn't adjusted the reflector.

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NiteTiger said:
Here's one! Now, this one you'll see is slightly off center, but that' just because I had just adjusted the lights and hadn't adjusted the reflector.


Damn... how dare you post a pic that is not perfect! Slightly off center, man I wouldn't have even noticed LOL..
I just recognized your room from you journal. Nice. How's it workin out for you? Make any changes?

thanks for the info.
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Only changes I made from the original plan was in the flowering pod. I added a separate intake for the 1kw cool tube, and added another A/C for just the flower pod. Not that what I had didn't work, I just wanted to be able to get those temps down real cold, about 72 during the 'day', 65 at 'night'.


you all need to learn how to set your white balance on your camera's. it's the only way to take perfect pics under hps lighting. here is an example. this was under an hps ...



Active member
That's if your camera supports user-settable white balance. AFAIK this feature is only on the "nicer" cameras. Most low-end cameras now come with pre-set WB settings, but those are rarely useful for HPS.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
cjk said:
you all need to learn how to set your white balance on your camera's. it's the only way to take perfect pics under hps lighting. here is an example. this was under an hps ...

I've never seen an HPS that looked so much like a big pregger MH before, what kind of bulb is that?

We had the WB talk earlier in the thread, and there's a few reasons that I still use this method. Older and lower end cameras are one, as CT mentioned. Being too stoned to remember is another :D


like clowntown said a GIMP tutorial would be sweet. f&$# micros&%*#



GIMP version

GIMP version

Ok, here is the GIMP tutorial then, it's the same as in Photoshop but the feature is in an alternate location, it's part of the 'Levels' dialog found under: >tools>color tools>Levels like so:

Usage is quite similar with setting of black and white points.

Here is a pic from outside on an overcast gloomy day with a crap camera

I use the black pot under the plant in the front and the white splotch of paint on the fence to set the black and white points.

And after GIMP cleans it up a bit

Notice the full color of the plant after setting the Black & White points. This feature is equivalent to the Photoshop function so enjoy and thanks to NightTiger for the original tutorial! :joint: :wave: