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How to REALLY mess up a Deal!


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
$70,000 for 50Lb. of shwag is ridiculous, down here our shwag goes for $2 a gram. 50 pounds is about 22.5 Kg's. So at our prices (Texas) that would go for only $45,000 and that is at retail. It looks like they were trying to rip off the robbers. You can't make money off that much pot for 70 grand. That is probably why they stole it.


Bail was set at $25,000 for Sanchez and $250,000 for the other three suspects.

Sympathy for the robed. I guess thats justice?


Active member
Bail was set at $25,000 for Sanchez and $250,000 for the other three suspects.

Sympathy for the robed. I guess thats justice?

Sounds right to me.
Sanchez was just trying to make a living(albeit outside of the law)
And these other guys are thieving scum


Active member
A while ago I was caught in a parking lot with 4 other people when there was supposed to be one and from then on I made a rule:

Never do a deal again worth killing for unless its family...

I'll oz my shit no matter how much I have. That's what vacuum sealers and storage are for, especially in this economy! Invest in your self. You may have a gun like I did, but when there are more than you that shit ='s nothing in the real world, real quick. I know this may not be plausible for everyone, but damned if it won;t be when it happens to you. Some things you CANNOT prevent or foresee.

word man, 40amps to freedom FTW!!!!!!

livin the dream bro


Smokes, lets go
The guy escaped, caught up to three armed men, single handedly ran them all off, and got his shit back. I say he recovered nicely from his initial blunder during the deal, plus he could have done 30 deals with these guys before and felt safe(no excuse, but it happens) and this time they jacked him.
If not for that F**kass average joe in traffic that phoned Sanchez in, he would have made it back home with all his weed.
I got respect for the guy for immediately going out and handling his business, the guy re-jacked three armed men by himself in broad daylight in the middle of targets parking lot, loaded his shit up, and headed out.
F**K Yeah, go get'em Sanchez!

i would hire sanchez as security


I used to know a cat around these parts that was a wheelman in some form of criminal enterprise.... He bolted his license plates to the car with only the top two bolts. He said that if he was about to get into some shit, he would just get out and fold his plates up and in half so people couldn't get a plate # on the vehicle, always drove very common looking cars in muted colors (Camry, Accord, etc). I asked why he never used fictitious plates and he told me that cops in traffic will just run plates numbers for the hell of it. He said having a fictitious plate was the WORST thing you could do. I must admit, I never really pondered the elegance of this solution until I read this story. Had this young lad known this, he might have take two extra seconds and probably gotten his shit back, 100% scott free. That area of CA has some pretty serious traffic; if going to rob someone off the 101, do it at off-peak times......lol


Yea Sanchez is da man.. but wtf is he doing with overpriced weed. Well I have stuff like this happen to me over 10g schwag, but i found the car of the guy and we did some redecoration.. for 10g? lol...