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how to make sativa´s really dense.


Active member
ok i have no pics so i will try to describe this good.

also im not sure if this is in the right place?


this will make sativa´s really bushy, even the one´s that are mostly stem between small flowers.

cut off, the tips of the leaves.

most of the leaves at the top, just trim the tips, leave the leaf stem and a bit of the leaf.


doing this, forces the plant to focus on the smaller growth, while keeping the original tops intact. (the leaves do regenerate IF there is something of the leaf left.)

in about a week or 2, you will have the densest sativa you have ever seen.

probably will have to trim it to fit all the tops.

will probably work on other strains as well if you want, i would not do this with any dense plant though.

i think i explained it good, but if there are any questions, shoot.

edit : you might want to just do it on one plant, part of it, ive only done this on one strain, im not sure all others would respond the same, but id say its worth a shot.


Active member
naw, dont have a camera.

if you want to try it,

just snip off bit more than half of every leaf set.

leaving behind some bit of each fingerleaf (half inch or 1 inch (1-4cm))

and of course the leaf stem.

and id say this is mostly useful for pure sativa´s and not all of them.


Active member
i would not do it in flower.

this is a veg operation.

id do it one time, see how it goes.

and id not do it on indica´s and most hybrids.

King Rat

Active member
thats a regular process i use when growing cropped and topped plants.

all other shoots will grow faster and you get an even canopy.

i have pics using this methode on a chem91'OG and amnesia
i pinched off top leave tips on the last day of veg. they are at day 12 in flowering right now

if interested i upload them.

grow on


Active member
i'm trying this technique out now as well.i'm doing indoor seed runs with some extreme sats under a lone 400w hps. i'm getting lots of stretch, buds very small. fewer seeds (small buds) and very little bud to sample for an indication as to the potency potential and what kind of high. i've learned that for outdoor grows the only true test is to run 'em outdoors and see but a little bit of a clue re frost, bud density, potency and high effects can impact what strains i decide to hybrid together.

after clipping off most fan leaves on my indoor sats i'm seeing much closer inl (inter-nodal length). this does slow down the plants vigor requiring a longer veg time. i'm doing this during veg growth only.

i am also cutting down the supersoil i use to 1/2 normal ferts by mixing my supersoil 50/50 with straight potting mix (no ferts in potting mix). this has alleviated a lot of stretching as well. if i need more ferts i use water soluble fertilizer as needed, plant per plant basis.

i'm not a good indoor grower and i am running this experiment to learn.

King Rat

Active member
Very interested. So the results are kind of like supercropping?

dont really know if this works for plants not topped or pruned before.
but for sure you will cut out auxine levels for 1-2 weeks so every smaller branch have time to come up.
this pinched branch will also grow stouter with shorter internodes and more undergrowth in that time.

but you really stress the plant a little bit.
i prefer to focus on good lightning from start.

for sativas this technique could work to grow a stouter plant with bigger sidebranches

grow on KRat


ok so i dont really understand whats going on or how this works. my sativas go for 16 weeks and like 10 weeks of that is stretch - a couple snips BEFORE flowering is suppose to make them dense? NO trimming while in flowering but they grow shorter nodes? you are only cutting off fingers of the fan leaves?

are you talking about bud density? or actually keeping the entire plant in a compact area?

im 4 months out before trying this with some ace zamaldelicas if this is the case. somebody post pics?


It sounds like the idea is to 'fim' (or just top?) plants before switching over to flower in order to keep the stretch down, allowing more light to reach the buds thus making them more dense

King Rat

Active member
no fimming at all.

like jayjay said - its just cutting off a few leaf tips at the top like you would do at cloning.

i really cant give a proven advice since im doing this for the second time.
but I had the same experience the threadstarter had.

like i said, improving bud density and overall stouter plant is better achieved by colder temps and good lightning.

of course you get pics. I will upload them when my lights go on this evening.

grow on


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
i use this technique. it works quite well on almost anything with haze in it i have found. good post sso


Active member
thanks hash zeppelin.

yes, the
idea is to trim the fingers of the leaves only, while leaving Some of the fingers left to allow them to regrow.

this will delay flowering, but you will also get much denser plants.

i do this on Pure sativas.

and if you do this alot, your plant will kinda look like a really thick carpet of grass.

so i wouldnt do alot. :)

unless , you like keeping one plant around for harvesting leaves. (my sativa has such kick ass leaves, that i rarely put it into flowering lol)

King Rat

Active member
here is a pic of that leafpinched amnesia branch.
I topped the plant 2 times in veg so there were 4 main branches, 1 grew faster and this one I pinched, so that the other branches had time to come up.



grow on



Active member
oh btw , you cant really do this more than a few times in a row, after that the benefits stop.

since unless the plant gets to grow upwards a bit, there will be no new nodes to fill out. :)


Thanx for posting sso. I will have to try it out on my SSSDH and my new and upcoming SSSn'SBDH. LOL.
(Super Silver Sweet n' Sour Blueberry Diesel Haze)