I got a pm from Leeroy yesterday stating what he stated above. I hadn't seen the thread, and needless to say this has shaken me up, as I imagine it has others also. This is UNACCEPTABLE...if the person in question is just joking...well its a hell of a nasty joke on a forum such as this. And a childish way to get revenge if its done out of spite. Fact is Leeroy is one of the sweetest and most friendly downright good at heart members I've had the pleasure to meet here, and I'm hating what he's been forced to do because of some brainless asshole. 98% of the people on these boards are the finest people I've met in ages....but those 2% of rotten apples really push the limits. There are other ways to deal with anger...more or less acceptable, but any of them are a hundred fold more acceptable than threats of this type.
Do unto others.....
Do unto others.....