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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Two tride and true methods: the 1/8 behind the balls works well unless dogs are round the airports. I've never seen it up close, but I've been told it happens.....of course you never know these days.

As far as I'm concerned, I want to bring alot more than 1/8 with me. This means I have to grind it down....and pack it in some small container. The container I suggest is a travel sized TYLENOL bottle or ADVIL bottle. Then I shove as much ground bud as possible into the container....It's smaller than a thumb, but it can contain almost a quarter. Then I put it inside a condom, and another condom. Then it goes not only behind the balls but right in the brown eye! Now you can run circles around dogs.

Now you can do whatever the hell you want. I strongly suggest not reeking of pot at the airport, or looking intoxicated, or long ass dreads, or whatever. Try to blend in.

Don't carry lighters or matches unless you smoke cigarettes. If you have to just bring some papers that you've taken OUT of the package...and rolled up like spitballs....put them in your luggage with your toiletries. Nobody would know what they were if they searched you. It's bits of rolled up paper.

When you get to your destination, a quick tug on the condom and you've got your stash. Just don't tell anyone where it was! (LOL).

I've done this with seeds...I brought back like 200 of them in a container that small, rolled up like scrolls in marked dime bags. Two tiers of 10 fit snugly, but it works.

Of course, the times you take all these precautions are the same times you can walk through an airport screaming terrorist completely naked...and nobody cares. Then you've got a full plastic package in your sphincter for no reason.

Oh well, better safe than sorry.


New member
im pickin up a quarter tomorrow... cant wait i would try that but i am going to be on a plane for 4 and 1/2 hours so that would probably hurt like a bitch. im gonna go with the sack tape and/or the deoderant method. that or i will put it in a pair of my socks and line dem shits with many many many dryer sheets. I would actually rather get caught the have it in my ass.
blackrome said:
I would keep it in an American Cigar maker wrapper.

I used this method to bring some weed I scored in Jamaica home with me.

Also used going to Vegas.

i go to jamaica too. you were lucky the drug dogs were sick that day. ive seen them walk up to a party and take 'em away... :fsu:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Jgrandizzle said:
im pickin up a quarter tomorrow... cant wait i would try that but i am going to be on a plane for 4 and 1/2 hours so that would probably hurt like a bitch. im gonna go with the sack tape and/or the deoderant method. that or i will put it in a pair of my socks and line dem shits with many many many dryer sheets. I would actually rather get caught the have it in my ass.

I hear that bro! The lesson here is that if you're travelling from the US to another country or in the US domestically...you probably are not bad off with the ballsack routine. If you're travelling TO the US....it's better to stuff and deal with it.

I had to sit on the freaking plane ride home for 8.5 hours from the 'dam to the US. When I got here, nobody looked at anything.....We had some souvenir bags, our regular bags, etc. Nobody looked at ANYTHING, there were no dogs, our bags weren't checked....So I plugged up my sphincter for nothing. However, I couldn't have been sure nothing would have gone down. I'm glad I took the safer than sorry route, but technically I could have flown back with like a quarter pound in my pants or jacket...if the smell didn't give me away (use a turkey bag!), I would have been cool. I certainly could have just put the seeds in my pockets, or mushrooms, or whatever. Oh well.

I guess it also depends on the airport, my friend insists that JFK is a sketchy airport where he flies out of. He tells me there are dogs, and tougher security.


Active member
Whatever you do, I'd be very careful when packaging things up, to not transfer weed smell to the outside of your container or packaging. Be very clean about everything and good luck.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
When transporting any weed you really do not want to get nicked with....use Barrier Bags....Iron shut, smell proof bags, typically aluminium looking plastic, there are several grades, smell never escapes them unless they are punctured. My local supermarket in Spain uses them on the fish counter, I sometimes print out nice official looking labels for them so they could pass quite a few LEO inspections without arousing suspicion.

Someone I know very well often flies with an Oz strapped to his nuts, steamed, compressed, a nice confident relaxed smile at the hotties on Customs duty and no problems, someone else on the other hand could not resist the cheap weed in Jamaica, but got caught leaving by a yank drug dog..... Jamaican prison is apparently not a lot of fun, would you believe....


New member
do not put it under your balls! that is the oldest trick in the book! Also you should definitely vacume seal it, then tape it over a ton of times. Honestly its a very bad idea... I would think you will get caught by drug dogs. Also I have heard many times that they do have drug dogs on cruise ships


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Deoderant stick has worked well for me...

also ive heard about shampoo bottles working well for people... wrap the shit up 8 times in baggies. In a couple of the layers you can add vaseline for extra precaution. once you have it completely wrapped up, stick it in the shampoo bottle...

TSA is looking for BOMBS, not 8ths of weed....


paranoid much thaman? ball sack works fine. if you got dogs you're probably fucked anyways (aside from sphincter), but generally the fools at TSA look only for things that beep under metal detectors and residue of explosives. I haven't yet had anyone ever even touch me, even with secondary security checks (wand). If they touched my balls...it would be time for them to get a fucking lawyer, believe me...but it never happens.

"Sir, your balls don't feel like balls should, can you please disrobe?" lol yeah right

and i have yet to see anyone on this board tell a story about recent dog incidents at the airport where they got caught. anyone? I just went to Hawaii through 2 security screenings with a TightPac (washed it off after packing, but no tape or nothin)next to my nuts in the 1st and then just in my pocket for the 2nd. Not a single problem, and i was carrying syringes on ice as well, (lng story), which they did do a secondary screening on...no problemo. I was high as a kite within a few minutes of arriving in my room...and THAT is why we risk it, bitches!! Go ahead and wait to see if you can score in your new locale, I'll be blazed as hell off my personal grow eating fresh fish while you are hhunting around for a hook up. :rasta:


New member
yyyeeeaaahhh boi

yyyeeeaaahhh boi

i picked up the quarter o of christmas trees. It smells just like pine needles. It ran for around 80 cuz of where i live. Cant wait, im leavin on friday!!! Ill post some pics of my weed and maybe me smokin.


New member
omg that trip was amazing!!! i got so wasted and smoked so much weed!

I found out that in curacao and half of St. Maarten weed is legal. There was absolutely no problem getting through security. I walked on the ship each stop with weed in my pockets. It was the easiest thing ever. no dogs anywhere


If they are looking behind my nutsack, I have bigger problems already. I've travelled all over the globe post 911 and I use a tried and true method. And I don't put it 'in' the brown eye, but as close as humanly possible. the technical term is 'gooch' or 'ball-assal-area'

I start about a week before with an 1/8-1/4 and grind it up real fine. Wrap it in plastic wrap and stretch that shit real tight forming a small cylinder or plug. 1-2 layers. Clean the surface of the plastic wrap with alcohol and walk away. A few days later, 1-2 more layers of plastic wrap, clean with alcohol-walk away. Repeat once more. Most smells coming from packaaged weed are on the plastic, not from the inside.

The day of your flight, tuck it up onto your gooch and scrunch up your butt cheeks. Walk through and be sure NOT to chant muslim prayers at the gater. Once you go through customs (international) or once your on the plane (domestic) go and get that shit out in the bathroom and wash it off.

Also, drug sniffing dogs have to be ordered to alert/detect. I've walked right past dogs within 2-3 feet when they're not in detect mode and no issues. You will know a dog is in detect mode as they look agitated and sniff around quite a bit. The one that worry me are the little fruit sniffing beagles that they have to detect quarantined fruits and veggies. Supposedly, they can sniff out anything, but they usually search luggage. If your butt cheeks are scrunched, it's practically hermetically sealed (ever smell your underpants after a day's work?) I've never been 'sniffed' but when I see the dogs, I usually mill about or walk away.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
You could always carry "fruit spray" with you or spray that smells like "meat". Then you could give the 80 year old woman in line a quick spray and let the dogs of war go wild. Let the hilarity ensue while they try to get the dog under control that thinks the old broad's femur is a doggie treat.

IMO the brown eye is used as an EXTRA precautionary measure. We all know that if push comes to shove and they actually have to strip search you......it may lead to a body cavity search....and then the jig is up!
I've always been under the presumption that it would take an awful lot to get the cheeks spread in an airport. If that's the case, I'd rather spread them and have them get a cheerful wink from the tortellini.....than have an incriminating sack drop out stinking like pepe-le-pew.

As far as your suggestions are concerned above: there was a thread talking about smells permeating bags. If you are going to travel....it would be best to grind up your weed as you suggest....but to put the multiple layers of plastic on right before or as close to before you leave as possible. Dogs cannot smell THROUGH things....then can only detect the odors that "leak" through....this can only be accomplished by permeation...where the molecules traverse through the porous material.

The example given to me was regarding transportation of drugs in a car. Hypothetically if you put weed in a bag (ziploc)....and then put that bag in a bigger container (coffee-can)....it would take some period of time before the weed permeated the bag (but not TOO long)....then it would take some time to permeate the outer layer of the other container (in this scenario the coffee-can). If a dog was called to sniff out something, and the smell hadn't gotten through the bag or can...the dog SHOULD not alert....

We all know that dogs can be made to alert falsely giving cops the right to search stuff they want to.

So this example is really best utilized for the transportation on your person through airports.

First and foremost, I wouldn't look like you belong in Abu Gharib. Secondly I wouldn't look like some kind of head with all the dreadlocks and patchouli smelling tie-dies and doc maartens....
Don't wear metal so you get hit through the metal detectors...
Have all your shit in order: papers, identification, etc.
Don't have other silly crap that could hold you up: plastic containers filled with liquid, knives, scissors, lighters, etc.
Pack your weed at the last minute....in the example cited above with the multiple layers of plastic wrap or ziplocs.....you'd also want to make sure there's no "transfer" of weed particles onto your hands, body, clothing.....
You'll want to wrap that bag 1 or 2 times with gloves. Then you'll want to take a quick shower. When you've come out....continue to wrap the bags in as many layers as is plausible for you.
You'll need to be on your way travelling shortly thereafter. Waiting in an airport for hours won't be a great idea. The main concept here is that each bag works like a slow burning fuse.....how many you have determines how slowly it burns.
It is physically impossible as we discussed earlier for a dog to smell anything THROUGH the bag.....it is only when things have sat in the bag long enough to come through at the molecular level.
When you've got your relatively smell proof bags all set....put them where you want. Brown eye, gooch, whatever floats your boat. If you've done it well enough you can just put it in your pocket and walk around with no issues....although I'm about minimizing the chances to almost nil...therefore the brown eye is my spot.
If things are ground well enough, you can jam an 1/8 to 1/4 into one of those travel sized tylenol or advil bottles.....
Let's not pretend their comfortable....but markedly more comfortable than a jail cell and getting rammed in the ass by your cellmate "Bubba". Plus I look horrible in orange.
As far as washing...I also put the container in a condom....this way it slips off....and the container is smelling like a daisy....not shit impacted with corn all along the sides! LOL. The end of the condom works like a draw string.....or a ripcord.
I tried this scenario once without the condom....and the tube was lost in my ass for like a whole day. I was freaking out because even taking a dump...it didn't seem to manifest....
I had horrifying visions of it being lodged sideways in my lower intestine....and having to goto the ER to wrestle it out!
Eventually it made it's way back and out. Then I decided to make sure there was a way to 'grab' it....and not lose track of it.

Enuff gross description. You get the picture. The only question remains is: how much is your safety and security worth? Is it worth the private humiliation and discomfort described above....or could you get by more readily with something strapped to your shaft or tucked under the ball-sack? The main lesson here is wrap late, wrap clean, wrap alot...and travel quickly. That should be enough.


Pardon my asking a stupid question - I haven't flown in three years, and I presume things are worse than ever - but what's wrong with rolling up a few bones, sticking them in a cigarette pack amid "legit" cigarettes, and tossing the pack in your carry-on (or your pocket)? For safety's sake, you could pack a half-carton of cigs and shove the 'bonus' pack in behind the 'untainted' ones.

Yes? I mean, this has always worked for me in the past. They check luggage for weapons and obvious contraband; a pack - or a carton - of Marlboros doesn't raise many security-antennae. And I've never had a rent-a-cop ask me to surrender an open pack of butts from my pocket for further inspection. Or has that changed as well?


New member
One thing that works great is to cap your dope. Purchase some valerian root capsules (valerian smells like bum vomit). Reserve a few caps, but empty out the rest. Or you can purchase unfilled capsules from GNC or Whole Foods. Grind up your weed into a fine powder, then fill the caps. When ground into a fine pollen, you can stuff quite a bit into a standard 0-size capsule. Toss them back into the bottle, and throw the rest of the valerian ontop. The valerian looks very similar to the dope, but a discerning eye can tell the difference. If they toss your bag, tell them the valerian is for insomnia (which is what it's normally used for). When you reach your destination, hit up the grocery or drug store for some rolling papers and you'll be all set. Each cap will provide enough weed for a large doob, or several small pinners. Sure beats taping or shoving anything near your balls or your asshole.

For the pro-tip, a good variant is to use a pill organizers, the kind that old folks use, with clearly marked day compartments. If you can, find the ones that are WATERPROOF, as they have a built in gasket and reduce any smells. I put one capsule in each day, along with other vitamins, pills, etc. Make it look like you've got a daily regimen of meds. Customs are looking for suspicious people. They don't want to get into your medical history.

As for dogs and this technique, the caps themselves are dangerously smelly. Unless you rinse with 100% IPA, you won't get the smell off. Water will dissolve the capsules quick, so the best bet is to not bother. I do all of my capping one day (or in one set of clothing at one end of my house) and I put the caps (using tweezers) into the pill organizer another day. Either way, keep clean, DON'T TOUCH THE CAPS WITH YOUR FINGERS, as the residue will transfer to the pill container. Once the caps are dropped into the container, I simply screw on the lid tightly, rinse the outside, and toss it into my bag. But all of this is for nothing if you've used the bag to carry bud before. I have a special bag for air travel that NEVER is touched by dope-smelling hands.

All in all, the trick to smuggling anything is to be creative, confident, and follow the five rules for success in the drug trade:


Good luck, safe journeys!


What about using red wax to hermetically seal (odors) a small package ? Red wax could be applied all over a small packet, and I doubt smell can come through ?


i dunno but them small sized advil and tylenol bottles you speak of are quite oddly shaped and kinda fat in girth.

i would imagine that it would hurt like a bitch up there in my asshole and yours also , uless you are used to getting it up there (not trying to start nothing). now ive had to do the "weekend in jail for a month thing before and it consists of getting sentenced for something stupid or petty, and gettin like 14-30 days in jail. but they dont want you to loose your job and stuff doing 30 days for something stupid so they have you actually come to the jail on friday by 4pm and book you (check youin.lol) and you stay till sunday after 4pm.

ive brought a quarter ounce of weed with me for my buddy that was gong to be there for a long time awating trial and then off to prison he goes or went ishould say.

he asked me to bring him a bag of weed , good weed he sadi casue he didnt have much family or any one who would bring him money to put on his books for comesary(sp?) so he wanted to hustle the weed in the county, for food off the comesary list and shit.

so i got a 10 grams and gave all the buds a nice squeeze and shaping and rolled that 10 g's up really tight in a basic retailer drug dealing bag (fold top baggies) i rolled it up in like 3 bags tight as hell TIGHT. and then i did the cling wrap around it till it was as rigid as it would get so it would be able to be .....inserted.

now it was no bigger than your averwage size turd that come out of your ass so its not gay. and i wanst doing it caseu i like the feeling of thing up my ass....well sometime maybe but not this time.LMAO. whatever.

now being that it is just a 10 gram bag of weed rolled up in a fold top baggied and then wrapped in cling wrapp like a mother fucker. it is rigid enough to go in if its well lubed up with something like "liquid silk" or "KY gelly" or any water based lube, but also has the flexibility to not but "resistance on your ass walls like the super rigid pill bottle up the ass idea. my way, once up in the ass hole has the abilty to form itself to your insides of you rectum. and move with you and stuff and able to sit down without any discomfort. its kinds like a form fitting tampon or something , but never the less you could run a mrathon with it up your ass and not have much discomfort. something suepr rigid like a pill bottle like will hurt if you move a certain way or sitt down hard. and possibly rip a little cut in you ass wall on its way out.

needles to say i got in there and did this for like 3 weekends in a row, for my buddy.

he got had sold an ounce of NL#5 in the conty jail for almost 2700 bucks.

pack of cigs in the county are 185 buck and for a single ciggarette in there its 8 bucks and they call a whole full ciggarettte a "cadilac" and for a roll up(whole cig. broken down into three rollup pinners) it cost 3 buck.

there is no actually money in there but there is inmate accounts and shit so if someone wanted like a gram of it they would have to either give him 100 bucks worth of commesary food or have thier family members or who ever drop off money in his inmate account., and yes he would sell eyeballed up grams for 100 dollars.

now renting a ligther and all that jaz is another story, each pod in the county here has at least 2-5 lighters on em and arerented out for .50 cents a light or 5 bucks for smoking a bowl or something.

thats a crazy market there in jail.


Active member
They have started implementing new body scanners. It's my understanding that Schipol was the first to get them. They take a full body scan that will reveal all of your most intimate details under your clothing.

There is a thread about them over at channels.nl

Hope you had a safe trip, but just for everyone else's reference...

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