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how safe are we on IC?


Active member
Verite said:
No offense Vin but youve been here three years and you havent bumped into one of the couple hundred posts here [ and the couple thousand that are at all the weed forums ] with the exact words in the title " are we safe posting here " ?

And in every single one of those posts its explained, yes they have the capability to catch people, how do you think they catch kiddy porn creeps?

And in every one of those posts its also explained how they have not gone after one single person in a weed forum no matter what pictures they posted.

They never kept any secrets going after anyone on the internet.. pill pushers, prostitutes, or pedophiles they all made the news. If they were popping us from the internet we would all know about it. If it were entirely legal for them to do it I would expect it would have already happened by now.

check my history bro...been member since 2005, but pretty much MIA for last couple years up until about a month or so ago. :spank:
...no offense taken. :joint:


the same thought crossed my mind after OG went down, that IC might suffer a similar fate, but as long as you think about what you're posting and whats around your photos it should be all good.. or at least thats what I keep telling myself :chin: Verite, Rez, Moonshine Man and countless others post here, no reason you shouldn't either. :joint:


OG was hosted in Canada wasnt it? Where as IC mag is hosted in a weed friendly country. I would never post pictures or even visit the site without a proxy.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Bubble Puppy said:
If Leo is able to pinpoint people trading child pornography with their computer experts
Here's the answer:
confused said:
question-So shane, how'd you get caught? Was it a slipup in a release? Did they track your IP? or did someone snitch on you?

"The short version, I got comfortable and thus got lazy. The feds busted an ftp site that I used. I connected to it from home without using a shell or a proxy, and they had my IP."
People always equate such with kiddie porn cases, but, it's apples and oranges.

In Child Porn cases the target is usually directly connecting to LE and file sharing.

There are two issues regarding IP/Computer investigations, front end and back end.(and a 3rd....)

1.(In case of Child porn) You are connecting , or LE is connecting directly to you to download/exchange images/files.

2. Site is targeted and court order served to site for information.

3. Reversed, and if your the subject of a ongoing Title III. (which authorizes not only phone, faxes, etc, but also email and internet surveillance of subject, which starts on your end)

#3: Posts and pictures are the equivalent of a "confession", and would be included in the case. #3 combined with posts and pics would merely be a "bonus" to an already ongoing investigation, but obviously have little to do with site, or IP...(ie: They already have you, anything here just "icing on the cake")
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one thing id add is keep your fingers outta your pics, if your really worried.. i see a lot of pics with peoples hand in there.. finger prints perfectly clear.. just food for thought people..


another thing I dont think people realize is that even if said site is safe theirs still plenty of other ways to track you down thru your pc you download music, movies, audiobooks, ebooks, whatever...
and as Jules has pointed out once your the target of a title 3 wellll all the extra stuff they get is "icing on the cake".

I mean i think its a good idea if people look into how they track down internet criminals, not just kiddy porn. people who hack into gov sites, big companys etc. Your on somebody elses network they can still get you, I've seen cases where subjects will be parked in store parking lot tappin into the radioshack wireless across the street and who comes knockin on their window... Now I'd say you'd be safer if you were actually wardriving around and not parked and honing in on someones connection, but even then I'm sure they can figure it out might just take a little longer...

Really I'd say its like anything to do with this trade, try to dissasocciate yourself with it as much as possible to the outside world. Do you reaaaaly need to post personal pictures of dog, cats, pets etc, do you really need to post the pic of that new car, bike, vehicle you got? or even post any information about it at all? No, buts its typically the people who like to show off anyways and i mean its just breakin the rules in the first place.

Sure I understand its nice to show off your pets, but its just another way to identify who you might be and where you might live, what if they saw the dog in your yard? What if someone who browses the forums saw the dog....Not to mention the more unique the picture of the animal, car, whatever your posting the more easy it is....And alot of people dont realize how much information is actually in picture, lots can be told from a single picture....maybe a slight glimpse of your car in the background, your house...family even! I've seen lots of pictures where subject is one thing but you look in the background and what do you see? pictures of loved ones....or someones loved ones lol but I dont see why anyone who has something to worry about would post details and pictures like that, but yet you still see it all the time.

On another angle maybe it'd be a good idea to throw out some fake details hmmmmmmm sooo maybe it is a good idea to post about your brand new red 08 bmw 7 class when your really pushin a pinto or vice versa.

Given enough time people dont realize how many details they let slip about them selves, location, family etc through posts and pictures.

And maybe you dont think your posting that much under one handle, but what about the other ones at other said growing sites etc? If all the information was gathered from all sites would it be enough to track you down through words and pictures? Just makin it all that much easier for them...

Its always a good idea to change up handles use diff names, delete old handles asap , dont associate one handle with another etc all pretty common sense stuff but not done enough. Sure it might be nice to establish yourself as ranking member with high post count and pretty green bars :biglaugh: But through the years of information you post welllllll......might not be worth those pretty green bars when your behind some cold steel ones.

Besides people who are contributing members etc that come back under diff names will still contribute the same info etc just diff name diff post count and not as many shiny bars :biglaugh: And people in the know will know when the real powerplayers come back, people who've known them etc. Just as Im sure Jules will leave us one day :violin: ......but will he really be gone for good? :rolleyes:
Anyways lost my train of though soo just puttin in my say.
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Here's a link to info on federal wiretap authority, Title III:

Of note is the following paragraph:
Finally, it is worth noting that there are no legislative limits on US government electronic eavesdropping carried out overseas. Neither Title III nor FISA have any application to intelligence collection activities outside the US. The legal authority for electronic surveillance outside the US is contained in Executive Order 12,333 issued by President Reagan in 1982, still in effect today. Intelligence agencies do not need a court order to intercept communications outside the US. If a United States citizen or US permanent resident alien is targeted for surveillance abroad, the Executive Order requires the approval of the Attorney General. By internal guideline, the Attorney General must find that there is probable cause to believe that the US person who is the target of the surveillance is an agent of a foreign power as defined in FISA. Decisions to target non-US persons are left to the intelligence community. And the vacuum cleaner approach that does not involve targeting of US persons also requires no approval from outside the intelligence community, although there are limits on the dissemination of information about US persons that is collected "incidental" to an intelligence collection activity.

Since icmag's servers are in a foreign country, it seems that the US govt doesn't need a court order to eavesdrop on their servers. Practically speaking, however, it's unlikely that the CIA is tapping into a marijuana website (what national security implications are there on growing ganga?).

Just something to increase ya'lls paranoia...



Can somebody recommend me some proxy servers & tracking programs?

I use proxymafia.net but I'm not 100% every site I visit will be untraceable.