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How old.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Now that you guys have me thinking about this for 2 days...

Now that you guys have me thinking about this for 2 days...

It was Apple Valley, right? That was the original. And I DO remember a Boones Farm Strawberry Hill. Is that one just my imagination? Anyone remember something called Strawberry Hill?
No you are correct. ;)

Sorry never had the privilage of trying maddaog 20/20
(my Husbands nickname is Mad Dog). Could it be like
say Absinthe? I have recently been to Chezch Republic...
wicked stuff ;)

Hugs, She Who Seeks Peace


I think I fit in here

I think I fit in here

I think I started about 72 in 7th grade, lets see, I've bought it, i've smoked it, i've ate it in my day i've sold a bit, but 2 years ago at age 43 I finally learned how to grow it.
I now have an endless supply of mad weed, the kind, there is no better kind of weed. It really pisses me off somtimes when I think why the hell didnt I start growing 25 years ago, just think how much money I would of saved and how much more time I would of spent getting high instead of searching for weed then picking seeds out of it for an hour.

I cant complain to much tho, I grew up in Socal in the 70's, LA area. Yep the good ole days, $10 4 finger lid, $10 hash or honey oil, Blodder and mirco-dot acid for 2 bucks, the era that northern calif learned to grow Calif red hair, Humbolt and Medicino skunk weed, yep those were the days. I remember when skunk 1st came out and was $100 bucks an oz and we freaked out over the price until we smoked it then it was like all we wanted, to have to smoke a mex joint just sucked.

Some one was talking about drinking cheap wine, we never did, but our favorate was Schlitz malt licquor talls, it was cheap and got you big time drunk, it would make me puke now.

Ok, enough rambling about the good old days, time to get back to reality.......now what frigging year is it again

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PassTheDoobie said:
Anyone remember something called Strawberry Hill?

Doobie Bro... Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill... I used to get such a hangover from that stuff.

Strawberry Hill was a great mixer...

Try this one out... if you dare

1 quart of Everclear
1 bottle Strawberry Hill
1/2 gallon Orange Juice
1 gallon Berry Blue Koolaid
Yep, did all the boonesfarm and annie greensprings hehe. Here's one for ya old farts, this is what I used to drink when I was a we lad. Ripple, Pagen pink. Remember that one?


Anyone remember a mash called Jerimiah Weed.Thats really the name.Tasted awful,but we loved the name when we were teens.


i think that if you like cannabis it may be like a lady, its going to be a life long partner.
but i havent smoke now for a bout two years so im not the best person to say
BUT!! if i look at Maistre i think that it must be real love :canabis:

my englis LOL :D


I've been smoking for 36+ yrs now
Its kind of a longtime
just scrap those lungs
when I die



Hey Bigmo!
I think nowdays it's about 20.

But who knows!
I'm still a kid at 46

Don't tell my body that.
I think it's about 80 :confused:


Well I'd have too admit....... I'm 41 something,, going on 21 something but my body cannot keep up.....
So,, yes Welcome me in this place if you'll have my senile bazookia <gum>...(remember those? and Mary Janes)
Peace CT......


New member
Welcome crossthread (why did I read that as crotch head?)Seems like lots of oldtimers here. But we don't bite...maybe gum ya up a bit though.