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How much to water coco after transplant?


@shred The gap occurs in dwc when the bubbles break....the roots dont just sit in stagnant water. (Thats what i meant..sorry if i said it wierd) i was drunk...lol

I got you man. The point I was trying to make is that roots are able proliferate while being completely submerged in water, as long as there is adequate O2. There does not need to be cycles so the roots search for water. That actually is a fact.

Which also means coco can be 100% saturated at all times and roots will grow and grow as long as there is adequate O2. And, again, by flooding the pot you ate forcing O2 into the root system, much like an air stone does in dwc.

I don't know how else to iterate this so I'm going to bow out now.

Good luck to everyone, whatever you decide.



Active member
IMExperience, you can overwater coco. I've done it. I'm not saying that you will experience it. But just because you haven't doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I've only done it once on a plant that had something dropped on it, so it was a lot smaller than it's mates, and was watered the same as the others. Haven't had the problem since. -granger


Ripped since 1965
I have a plant in my perpetual that I just transplanted from a solo cup into 2 gal with coco at just the right moisture content to promote root growth for a few days, I did this two days ago. I lost track of which container was which and completely drenched the container yesterday. Today all the leaves are drooping, I slapped the girl and said "Look there is no such thing as overwatering in coco!" So what do I do now, keep flooding it?


Haha. Stoned that's awesome slapped her and said no such thing as overwatering in coco..
I did the same thing - except I did keep feeding and when I chopped em the roots were shit, rest of room was dialed.
I am sure some people get away with feeding all the time right from the start but it just makes sense to get a nice root ball rocking then bump it up -


I have a plant in my perpetual that I just transplanted from a solo cup into 2 gal with coco at just the right moisture content to promote root growth for a few days, I did this two days ago. I lost track of which container was which and completely drenched the container yesterday. Today all the leaves are drooping, I slapped the girl and said "Look there is no such thing as overwatering in coco!" So what do I do now, keep flooding it?

I really don't care what you do. I'm not here to grow anyone's plants for them. That's your grow, you figure it out.

You claim a plant in coco needs to be root bound before you are able to water it daily. Yet I do just that everytime with great results. All I am doing is clearing up your misinformation for anyone that isn't too stubborn to try something new. Just because you can't get this method to work for you doesn't make your claims a fact.

You have your way and i have mine, i'm not sitting here claiming your methods don't work because I don't utilize them.

There has only been anecdotal evidence by you guys trying to convince me I'm wrong. "I watered them when they were wet, then the leaves started drooping, so it has to be that they are 'over watered.'"

Like there isn't a hundred other factors to consider. It's all about balance. I had to make adjustments to dial my method but it works great for me now.

I'm not trying to convince you to change your way, however you make claims that I have proven to be false. I have proven it many times. The rules don't make exceptions for me and my plants.

Good luck to everybody


Ripped since 1965
You keep adding stuff like I said a plant has to be root bound and other wild crap I never said. Let it go, your wasting your breath on me. Go rag on the other people that have posted on here saying you can overwater. I'm done:tiphat:
You can overwater in coco. It's situational and totally develops on the root structure and development of the plant relative to the container it's in. To say otherwise is absolutely silly and downright ignorant. Go place your seedling in 2 or 3 gallon container and water it everyday and tell me how successful you are. I guarantee that will change your opinion on whether or not you can over water in coco


On the real ..over water means under oxygenated.. its like the flip side of the coin. They r symbiotic ..however like i said before if you overwater (under oxygenqte for @shred) the coco acts like quicksand andbthebrootsbget water logged or drowned or wait 4 it guys........
Overwatered! H3ad was also off on all plants need 6/9 full strength all the way through. No disrespect to h3ad cuz who doesnt love some good h3ad ..lol
But no plant under my 600w hps does 1.5 ec which is what 6/9 comes out to for me with a .1ec ro system.
This thread is done...FACT ..you can overwater coco!
^^^ nailed it.

you can overwater. never feed 6/9 or 8/16 all the way through. maybe if you have some huge trees or something. but for regular size plants you'll mostly just kill em with too much food. coco needs to be fed with every watering. 6/9 every feeding is ridiculous.

overwatered plant in coco. we done here?


Weeded your ex is 1.5 - I am wondering if my meter is messed up mine comes out at 1.2 using 6/9
What does everyone else's ec come out at using 6/9 ?


You keep adding stuff like I said a plant has to be root bound and other wild crap I never said. Let it go, your wasting your breath on me. Go rag on the other people that have posted on here saying you can overwater. I'm done:tiphat:

I don't mean to rag on anyone bro. Sorry if it came off that way.

And I don't mean you specifically, but to everyone who had tried to convince me I'm wrong. I could see how you took it that way, though.

No hate, just debate lol.

I'm just sharing what works for me. Sorry to anyone if I came off like a dick. I can do that sometimes but I mean well.


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overwatered plant in coco. we done here?

Lmfao. Thanks for the laugh. " here is a shitty plant I grew, you can overwater coco. Done."

That's some real evidence you have there bub, ya got me lol.

That doesn't look like classic under oxygenation to me... the leaves aren't drooping. What do the roots look like?


Lots of hate! LOL

coco works in so many ways...you gotta dial it in to your vpd...if I have a room at 88/80, why not give it a good soak? It will get sweated out in a couple hours, maybe my room isnt up to par yet, 75degrees/60%...I would no way soak a new plant as much....it wont sweat anything out, instead keep it all inside and "not drown" since there is so much pores for oxygen rather grow/dry slower and cause pH probs.

waiting till rootbound to multifeed is the greatest advice you can take from this site...IF YOUR TRYING TO BE PRODUCTIVE IN YOUR GARDENS!!

I'm guilty...I love big plants in small pots...gettin small amounts of water, food, and air 6 times a day...

I agree. There are lots of factors to consider. Temp and humidity area huge ones, thanks for bringing it up. Low VPD is crucial after a transplant. I can't slam them with lights until they have just about filled their final container with roots and they are able to transpire effectively, either. However I still water daily even though their containers aren't full with roots.

I used to go with really small pots and trees, as well. I learned you can go too small, however. Even though the media was staying moist getting feed 6x a day they did not have a big enough root system to transpire enough under very intense lighting. Was getting a bit of light stress until I bumped pot size up.

All about experimenting and learning.

Peace to everybody

Xray Kimono

Are you going to use the 2 gals all the way through flower?

If so, my suggestion would be the following:

Precharge your coco mix with half strength nute solution. As you put any into buckets squeeze any excess liquid out to where it is moist but won't runoff after put into 2gal... Transplant into the 2 gal and wait a day or two until coco is dry and leaves are drooping a bit. Then Do a half strength feed water AROUND THE PERIMETER of the bucket AWAY from the stem but until there is runoff... Wait another two days or until coco is dry again and leaves start drooping again... Water feed half strength around perimeter of bucket again until runoff... Do this for a week. After a week of wet dry , go to watering and feeding once a day until the coco starts drying out from the plant uptake being greater than the feed water amount... Then switch to half the amount of feed water, but do it three times a day. Increase number of feeds per day until there is unused runoff, then dial it back by one feed.

coco dtw multifeed made easy for you all in one post. After the root is developed in the final container, coco should NEVER be dry again.

you claim you can't overwater coco. i show you an overwatered plant in coco. you dismiss it and continue your claims. just no getting through to you i see.


X-Ray. Good advise - I think coco is very versatile and can be used many different ways - there's more than one way to skin a cat.. (Although why you would want to skin a cat i don't know)
From my experience I will always let the coco dry a bit and let the roots get established before feeding daily or multi feeds - each time I transplant I let the coco dry a bit, not bone dry but just enough so the roots go searching...
But if your getti success from feeding daily right from the start, than that's good to I suppose -


New member
My My.. Sok rossz tanács.

Ennek helyes módja, ha a kókuszt enyhén öntözi alacsony EC (0,6-0,8) oldattal.

Két dolgot akarsz az elején. Először is, hogy a gyökerek keressenek vizet, másodszor pedig a diót is.
Ne öntsön sok vizet a kókuszba, finoman kenje szét a vizet körökben az edény közepe és széle között.

Nem akarsz túl sok vizet, mert az átültetett növény nem tudja elég gyorsan felszívni az egészet. kevesebb vizet akarsz a cserépbe, hogy ~2 nap múlva újra öntözhess... telítjük az edényt, és várjunk egyet. Te sem akarsz túl keveset, különben a gyökereknek nem lesz vizet keresni. lol. a kókusznak nedvesnek kell lennie, hogy érezze, de ne engedje ki könnyen a vizet, ha megnyomja. Amint a kókusz színe világosodni kezd, és az edényt könnyűnek érezni, ideje újra öntözni.

Ha nem biztos, hogy pontosan mennyi vizet használjon először, kísérletezzen!
Ha vágást kell átültetni, kísérletezzen különböző mennyisége, és nézze meg, melyik teljesít jobban, g meg arról, hogy a vágások ugyanattól az anyától származó, és mindkét azonos egészségi állapotú, különben az eredmények félrevezetőek lehetnek.

Ügyeljen arra, hogy a második vagy harmadik öntözéskor kezdje el a lefolyást, különben a tápközegben lévő EC folyamatosan emelkedni kezd. Ha a kókuszdió dióval van feltöltve, ez rendkívül fontos.

Rendszeresen a lefolyást, és g mindent meg arról, hogy egyenlő vagy a bemeneti EC értékkel (1,2 zöldségben, 1,4 virágban a legtöbb törzs). Ha magasabb, akkor vagy több lefolyást kell adni, vagy csökkenteni kell a takarmány mennyiségét, vagy egyszer kell etetni nagyon kevés dióval vagy anélkül.

Miután a növények kb. 20-30 cm-esek, esetleg 2-3 héttel a vetés után, a körülményektől és a törzstől függően, el kell kezdeni a mindennapi több-kevesebb öntözést. Ezen a ponton a gyökerek vízre indulnak, és képesek lesznek naponta többször öntözni (bár kisebbeket), és itt kezdődik a móka. Növénye szinte túl gyorsan kezd növekedni, többet bokrosodik ki, és vastagabb szára lesz. Minden, amit szívesen szeretnek;)

remélem ez segít..
Ha további segítségre van szüksége, kérdezzen bátran.

My My.. Sok rossz tanács.

Ennek helyes módja, ha a kókuszt enyhén öntözi alacsony EC (0,6-0,8) oldattal.

Két dolgot akarsz az elején. Először is, hogy a gyökerek keressenek vizet, másodszor pedig a diót is.
Ne öntsön sok vizet a kókuszba, finoman kenje szét a vizet körökben az edény közepe és széle között.

Nem akarsz túl sok vizet, mert az átültetett növény nem tudja elég gyorsan felszívni az egészet. Általában annyi vizet akarsz a cserépbe, hogy ~2 nap múlva újra öntözhess... telítjük az edényt, és várjunk egy hetet. Te sem akarsz túl keveset, különben a gyökereknek nem lesz vizet keresni. lol. a kókusznak nedvesnek kell lennie, hogy érezze, de ne engedje ki könnyen a vizet, ha megnyomja. Amint a kókusz színe világosodni kezd, és az edényt könnyűnek érezni, ideje újra öntözni.

Ha nem biztos abban, hogy pontosan mennyi vizet használjon először, kísérletezzen!
Ha több vágást kell átültetnie, kísérletezzen különböző mennyiségű vízzel, és nézze meg, melyik teljesít jobban, győződjön meg arról, hogy a vágások ugyanattól az anyától származnak, és mindkettő azonos egészségi állapotú, különben az eredmények félrevezetőek lehetnek.

Ügyeljen arra, hogy a második vagy harmadik öntözéskor kezdje el a lefolyást, különben a tápközegben lévő EC folyamatosan emelkedni kezd. Ha a kókuszdió dióval van feltöltve, ez rendkívül fontos.

Rendszeresen ellenőrizze a lefolyást, és győződjön meg arról, hogy egyenlő vagy kisebb a bemeneti EC értékkel (1,2 zöldségben, 1,4 virágban a legtöbb törzsnél). Ha magasabb, akkor vagy több lefolyást kell adni, vagy csökkenteni kell a takarmány mennyiségét, vagy egyszer kell etetni nagyon kevés dióval vagy anélkül.

Miután a növények kb. 20-30 cm-esek, esetleg 2-3 héttel a vetés után, a körülményektől és a törzstől függően, el kell kezdeni a mindennapi több-kevesebb öntözést. Ezen a ponton a gyökerek vízre indulnak, és képesek lesznek naponta többször öntözni (bár kisebbeket), és itt kezdődik a móka. Növénye szinte túl gyorsan kezd növekedni, és többet bokrosodik ki, és vastagabb szára lesz. Minden, amit valószínűleg szeretne;)

Remélem ez segít..
Ha további segítségre van szüksége, kérdezzen bátran.
Big answer! Follow his advice! 😉