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How much should seeds cost?


Well-known member
Plants can produce thousands of seeds, but you can only sell as many as the market dictates so many of those may get wasted... £3-£5 a seed seems fair


Active member
who buys seeds?


we all buy genetics in seed form, every time.

when we phrase the question in terms of genetics our mindset changes. genetics can be extremely valuable.

how much should genetics in seed form cost?

that's what the law of supply and demand in a free market economy is for.

with the internet and seed banks located all over the world we do have something pretty close to a free market economy.

if the customer doesn't like the market price he is free to decline the opportunity.


Well-known member
Hybrids from hell seeds are pretty damn cheap ... The postage costs nearly the same as the seeds!
Mind you, not received them yet, but soon I hope


Well-known member
They cost whatever the maker prices them at. They should cost less. With legal weed and more people wanting to grow their own every year the high prices will stay but you will always have the cheaper stuff too. Im not a fan of 100 plus dollar seed packs The only one i like is purple haze standard by ace forget all the fake indica ones. I know where to get some very affordable seeds 5 and 10 dollars a twelve pack. And the DJ f2 here on seedbay for 24 $ a 16 pack. Seeds do get expensive especially if you keep killing all your males. Let the pollen fly!
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Those that cant get clone only strains are happy to buy pollen chucked seeds that they normally could not get. Everyone knows what they are buying. Finding keepers is not difficult with seeds produced today weather there from a breeder or not. It's the genetics your buying. If the clone used to make the seeds is hot the seeds will be expensive..


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Marketing and Market Rules dictate the price of seeds.
I don´t agree with the very expensive prices that some strains can reach but this said, if at any point people would start offering me that kind of money for any of my seeds it would be almost rude not to take their money away.

I also totally agree with the ones that stated that we´re not buying any tomato seeds for our veggies garden, we´re trying to buy special cannabis genetics that deliver what we´re looking for but on the other hand if we keep raising creating hype after hype i can´t even imagine what the cannabis world will be in a couple of decades.


Active member
exhibition of how authoritarian our pos(t)ers are...

key word is "should" - is "should" as in like... the masons et c. "should" stop forcing cultures and technologies which allow them to exploit and regulate?

"should" as in like, india the oldest nation in the world respects its sadhus, the usa and the west "should" do the same and not engineer an environment/society hostile to those disenfranchised?

"should" as in continually people only address solutions immediately in front of their face without addressing how compliance for their immediate benefit with an oppressive paradigm only serves to strengthen the oppressor and make terms worse for the marginalised?

"how much should a seed cost?"

well, how much do seeds cost? anyone been jailed over a seed? so? a seed should cost a jail term, if you are a jailer, i guess. that's fair. i know a guy shot dead when a teen for running fro cops because he was smoking weed, so a seed of weed ought to cost a bullet in the back, if you believe in law enforcement. that's fair.

"how much should a seed cost?" depends, who is buying?


who buys seeds?


we all buy genetics in seed form, every time.

when we phrase the question in terms of genetics our mindset changes. genetics can be extremely valuable.

how much should genetics in seed form cost?

that's what the law of supply and demand in a free market economy is for.

with the internet and seed banks located all over the world we do have something pretty close to a free market economy.

if the customer doesn't like the market price he is free to decline the opportunity.

Except this isn't a free market economy. In a free market economy prohibition wouldn't be raising prices through the roof. Seeds would be $3.50 for a pack of 50 the way carrots and lettuce is. You're waxing poetic but it doesn't change the ass-fucking "breeders" have been allowed to get away with because of prohibition.


As a legal medical caregiver, I bought $2,000 worth of genetics. It's an investment. When you want to start mowing lawns for a living, you spend $3,000 in lawn mowers to get you going. How is being a Caregiver any different?

I pride myself on my ability to research the seed companies, test grows, breeders personalities and select the best companies possible to buy from and select from.

Time is a premium, so I want to pay those who have already done much of the work for me to help me find the best of what's available globally, and make that available to a very few people legally in my market.

High seed prices actually help me. Because I'm willing to invest more money upfront and many aren't, I have a better chance at a better product. Odds improve. Demand increases.

If you don't have something, what are you really selling? Nothing.

Some people want to drive a Mercedes.

Well not exactly when you buy a lawnmower you are employing at least 100 people. That 100 people pay taxes and med insurance, ssi, etc.,. Where as you're trying to explain a person who has a backyard greenhouse at the least and not even that sometime but I don't want to talk about that.
There is a huge difference between a seeed breeder and a legitimate business. These days. Although we like to hope that it's not but fact is fact.
I for one think prices should reflect our goal as one community trying to legalize at the very least. But somehow prices reflect linulining a few pockets...

There are more disabled persons using cannabis as a med., then how is it any different than big pharmaceutical companies charging big money for medicine?

Like OP said 1000s of seeds per plant but I still have to deal with a few out of ten undone greenish white seeds!


Active member
If you want cheaper beans buy bigger packs.the end it a black market commodity.people want to earn money from a opt that may not be so legal.
Next we are going to hear the argument of why weed aint a dollar a gram (oh god forbid)


who buys seeds?


we all buy genetics in seed form, every time.

when we phrase the question in terms of genetics our mindset changes. genetics can be extremely valuable.

how much should genetics in seed form cost?

that's what the law of supply and demand in a free market economy is for.

with the internet and seed banks located all over the world we do have something pretty close to a free market economy.

if the customer doesn't like the market price he is free to decline the opportunity.

It would only be a free market economy if seeds were legal. The illegality is what makes it possible to charge so much. It's pretty much the opposite actually.


If I could buy a couple lawnmowers, stick them together for some sweet lawnmower love, and then get a thousand new lawnmowers out of it, that might be a good analogy.


It would only be a free market economy if seeds were legal. The illegality is what makes it possible to charge so much. It's pretty much the opposite actually.

I agree, I think the illegality of selling/growing seeds makes it much harder to verify the genetics going in and the buds coming out of any given pack of seeds than any kind of modern legal commerce. It isn't so much a free market, so much as it is a blind market. Resources like ICmag make it a lot easier to verify the results, but those kind of community resources take time to grow, and hucksters are able to abuse those same resources by pumping up hype and jumping on hot-new strains that can literally take years of community work before a customer is even slightly able to confirm or deny any kind of confidence.

Jon 54

It depends on who the breeder is. There are too many assholes out there in the Cannabusiness world right now,GREED seems to be the name of the game. Stick with the small European breeders who take some PRIDE!!!! in there work.The American's are too friggen money grubbing at the expense of the Genetics and the consumers both. As long as you pay the price asked and you are willing to than you shouldn't cry about it. You can always find something within your price range and your taste in the finished product.Shop Around!!

Jon54 :plant grow::plant grow:


Hi ho here we go
As Zig Ziglar said, "You only worry about price one time..

As Zig Ziglar said, "You only worry about price one time..

That's when you buy it.

After that you are worrying about the product.


Whatever price a willing seller and a willing buyer agree on. It is called the market price.
lol stick to European breeders, like they don't just buy cuts from americans to take them or the seed back with them like they been doing since the strt of the market. lol
Don't think shitty ppl are confined by geography at all.
Not seen any mention of half the mark up from the banks going to the bank themselves yet.
Why's that any blame to the breeders, when they could obviously be sold at half that if not 75% the cost for a still very reasonable 50% profit on a product they're really just distributing n not even doing any of the work to actually produce any of the product.
Meh, much of a culture of whiners globally as ppl have become it aint that surprising I guess.
lol maybe less time spent complaining n crying n a couple bucks on seed wouldn't be that big an issue to strt with, considering how much we spend on other useless crap daily anyhow.

Be too busy burnin 1 down in a few to even care 'bout the cost of seed so maybe it's a good thing I splurged on some.lol
