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How Much Longer for These A-Ak-47?


We are Farmers
It looked like they were just starting the getting fat stage before and should look nice now, I hope to see an update soon, looking very nice :joint:

I'm Dykster

had to take them at 8 weeks instead of 10 due to a smell issue. Have the issure corrected and will look forward to growing them again. The buds taken at 8 weeks were tight and hit between the eyes...hard...cant wailt to grow them again and give them their full 10 weeks. She is a stinker for sure.


How bad were they stinking at 8 weeks??
I assume you had no odor control?
I gotta know man, I got some at 6 weeks.

I'm Dykster

I have a big carbon scrubber new, 25 pounds of carbon for the exit air and a second carbon scrubber, 12 pounds, new in the room. I got the back pressure corrected. The couple little aks smelled more than the 19 abb nearing completion.. A product call "tap a drop" rid me of the rest of the smell that might leak. Lots of air, lots of carbon and I was surprised when the smell got out of control. Those drops really help.


I have a big carbon scrubber new, 25 pounds of carbon for the exit air and a second carbon scrubber, 12 pounds, new in the room. I got the back pressure corrected. The couple little aks smelled more than the 19 abb nearing completion.. A product call "tap a drop" rid me of the rest of the smell that might leak. Lots of air, lots of carbon and I was surprised when the smell got out of control. Those drops really help.

Thanks for the info, I have 4 of them in a growbox in my bedroom and I can only really smell them when the box is open. They are only around 40 days.


Active member
Really?? where did ya get it from....I have a 45lb active air carbon filter onside my tent, and jus purchased another 6" fan & odor sok filter to go outside the tent...<currently I have 12 girlz @ 23 dayz...6 AK, 5 white dwarf and 1 LR2.....So I know it's gonna reek to "High Hell"!!

A product call "tap a drop" rid me of the rest of the smell that might leak. Lots of air, lots of carbon and I was surprised when the smell got out of control. Those drops really help.


plant pimp
Don't even think about chopping for another month.

Synthettek hit the nail on the head. I just finished some lowlife auto ak and while the breeder says 60 days from seed to finish its more like 90 days. All 5 of mine were under 1 1000 watt hps and needed a full 90 days to plump up and fully mature. I was not overly satisified and would much rather give the real ak a try. I have grown white widow from seed(not auto)and finished 90 days from seed. To me there was no point in autos if they take that long. My temps were kept in the mid to low 70s and rh never went passed 60% during day or night. The smoke was decent and really tasty. All 5 plants reaked of sour apples. If this was being grown out for smell and taste it would have been top notch. However potency was just not on point. Like Syn said wait another month and you will see the difference. Good luck to you! Keep it GreeN...and safe!


Synthettek hit the nail on the head. I just finished some lowlife auto ak and while the breeder says 60 days from seed to finish its more like 90 days. All 5 of mine were under 1 1000 watt hps and needed a full 90 days to plump up and fully mature. I was not overly satisified and would much rather give the real ak a try. I have grown white widow from seed(not auto)and finished 90 days from seed. To me there was no point in autos if they take that long. My temps were kept in the mid to low 70s and rh never went passed 60% during day or night. The smoke was decent and really tasty. All 5 plants reaked of sour apples. If this was being grown out for smell and taste it would have been top notch. However potency was just not on point. Like Syn said wait another month and you will see the difference. Good luck to you! Keep it GreeN...and safe!

Thanks for the info, got some going right now around day 40.
So yours went almost 13 weeks from seed to harvest?
how strong was it?


plant pimp
This thread actually caused me to bring a jar down and try it. It has been curing since the beginning of March. Mine are not that strong at all. While the taste and smell are there the potency is not the best. But then again I have a really high tolerance for the green. It has to be really good or it will most likely do nothing but piss me off. Who know`s though,yours may turn out better than mine. To say the least,I am high right now but I had to smoke 6 bowls to get where I wanted to be. So on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the best I would say the potency is around a 5

I'm Dykster

These were 10 week autos. I was confused and thought they were 8 weekers. The friend that gave them to me corrected me. I wanted to let them go for the 10 weeks but had to take them due to order. I use can filters, one new in last dec big one new in january.

I vape some and although I felt happy and up in the beginning, I soon found myself wanting to veg out and watch tv. It wasn't any weak herb ..it was good and strong. Made me think very slowly.

I will grow it again, but only one auto ak-47 at a time with the other autos. I have a couple of auto blue streaks that will be coming down in a week. They are all clowdy when I checked them when I took some photos. I will go update that thread.
Thanks everyone for making the thread interesting.

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