oxys for everyone ... i am a not a pharmacist i just pretend....next week valium
No.Brother did
Like are dope don't we...
Pharmacy school. Make good money though not working with meds anymore. Btw, reason you see mostly foreign pharmacist behind the counter is because they are the ones with the education!
I'm assuming you are talking about the US?.
How do you know that the pharm's are mostly foreign?.. Because they're not white?.
The PharmD's at the graduating class were not out of the country. Yes I do know. (dont ask) and there were alot of them most of them going to go work for Walgreens. This was from a large uni on the west coast. (I'm being intentionally vauge for security reasons)
I did notice there were alot of asian pharmD's but that seemed to be normal for that part of the country.