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How long until we are re-built?


Active member
10 to 20 years.and trust me that might not seem like alot. B7t look at a city with 10 to 20 days after a natural disaster.you will see a dramatic loss to human life.in the millions.
Unless you know how to survive off the land.like really survive .not let me backpack my meals to make a camp side pizza.but knowing what plants to eat,how to hunt,and how to deal with weather and sickness.8s the key to survival.
Me I'll be in the at my parinod uncles house eating mre's and taking in women we happen to f8nd out on supply runs.lol


Active member

Just remember your last garbage strike ...lol thank god! for the mafia ...lol


Well-known member

hey, if you can't buy shit, what would you have to throw away?
lots of stuff folks toss in good times will be valuable when the shit hits the fan. then you get to see what "recycling" is really all about! :)

Apache Kush

After the fall of ROME the dark ages lasted a few centuries.

No Plumbing, no aqueducts, less road building, no cities (it switched to small rural villages), less technology, no master stone masons and architects, etc. but that was then ...good example though. At the height of Rome the emperors were living gods, they were pagans, then a a few centuries later the Christians rebuilt Europe and ''jesus christ'' was the new emperor..bringing the Vacitcan and taxes education & knowledge the ''illumination'' of the dark pagans. something like that lol^ i watched it on history channel haha

my two cents for modern man . . . about 100-200 years or so maybe a little more,

or Dr. Stargelove/NWO types will emerge from the VIP fallout shelters with all modern tech and not miss a beat..as planned while bringing the world population under control as planned, #infowars


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Again I say it all depends on what gets fried. I remember seeing a story a couple of years ago about how someone with the right hacking skills could access the US's energy grid and cause certain generators to run in a manner where they would blowup. The report said if done right, at key junctions it would take months to get the replacement to where it needs to be and get it installed. That of course being that the electrical grid was all that was affected. If other parts of our infrastructure was equally damaged, roads, manufacturing, etc. Then it would take much much longer. Meanwhile almost nobody would have electricity other then people with their own generators. The right area of failure could take out huge sections of the country, by placing loads on generators not designed to carry such loads.
Your term of fried suggests to me more of an EMP than anything from the sun, UV etc etc ...where as EMP a strong planetary size electro magnetic pulse, the time it takes to replace them electric motors and components with fresh built equivalents...all from china naturally, about a year from here ...I'd say

you do have a spare
old laptop
car battery
starter motor
hps ballasts
old fan
fridge/freezer compressor
buried deep in a mine ...?

....me neither, but I'll get by, shame about my seed store tho ...lol

Hello there you seem oddly familiar hahaha anyways

You my friend need a farday cage (I suppose thats how its spelt) it blocks the electro magnetic pulse thingy ma gig

A simple farday cage is either a microwave or a shit ton of tin foil ....... maybe both then for a third wall of protection put it in a metal trash can and BAM your good to go

There's a book called "One Second After" its about a emp hitting a small rural town in the states not too far from where im at and its pretty accurate as far as what would happen with absolutely no power

As to @op's question

Id say never, you know about the L.A. riots? The power went out in LA and the whole city was dissolved into violence and looting

Thats what It would be like everywhere struck by a emp so there'd be places were people weren't bat shit insane but I doubt they'll be able to do much

Then after the two year die off period then the American government will come out of whatever hole they came out of and meet strong resistance from thunder dome cannibalistic raiders and go back into the hole (sorta like intercourse)