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how long does thc stay in your system

moose eater

Well-known member
For a time (maybe still?) a person could buy fake male genitalia, specifically for the purpose of pissing in front of an observor..from a distance. Fairly realistic in appearance if the observor didn't get right up within inches. Even monitors for the Justice system have their limits. :)

The fake genitalia was hooked to a reservoir and pump.

One major irony with the UAs and those who were previously primarily laid back pot smokers at the well-known place I'm referencing, was that powders such as meth, coke, and other Rx and non-Rx vices last about 72 hours in the system, as they're water soluble.

But people worked one week on and one week off at that place, so many of the tokers, over time, turned to drugs that would be out of their systems in 72 hours so they could party the first half of their week off, then abstain for the remainder of the week off, and piss clean.

In essence, Uncle Sam's mandatory DoT-related urine testing turned a number of former (primarily) pot heads into alcoholics and (harder) drug users. Another policy of unnecessary control glowing with success! ;)
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Well-known member
One major irony with the UAs and those who were previously primarily laid back pot smokers at the well-known place I'm referencing, was that powders such as meth, coke, and other Rx and non-Rx vices last about 72 hours in the system, as they're water soluble.

But people worked one week on and one week off at that place, so many of the tokers, over time, turned to drugs that would be out of their systems in 72 hours so they could party the first half of their week off, then abstain for the remainder of the week off, and piss clean.

In essence, Uncle Sam's mandatory DoT-related urine testing turned a number of former (primarily) pot heads into alcoholics and (harder) drug users. Another policy of unnecessary control glowing with success! ;)
I have seen this happen as well.

moose eater

Well-known member
It is a common reason that meth has been picked up down here as well. Get fucked up Friday, be good by Monday. Though anyone whose done meth knows that never happens. Alcohol is a big one her too. Even our police admit that the most social harm that comes from cannabis is that it's sales aren't taxed.
On a long drive of nearly 4,000 miles, several years ago, bringing a car home from the Lower-48 states for my wife, I was gifted a vial of crank. I licked -tiny- amounts of residue from the vial from my finger, strictly merely touching and wiping the top of the vial, leaving a trace of dusty powdery residue on my finger, just enough to get up and on my way, driving through the night; uncut, 'clean', ice-type meth. Never got enough of a dopamine rush to have the experience that the uncut 92% coke of the early 1980s that we had quantity of produced, where the next impulse after a good line was to do some more.

The meth I licked tiny amounts of residue in order to keep driving through the night? I've done lots of speed as a youngster, both prescription and not, but this stuff was enough that a smear of dust on the finger, delivered to the gums, got me where I needed to go; not 'high' per se', but defintely awake; no question..

I couldn't fathom how anyone could do a gram of that in a day. But some people apparently do.

I still have the bulk of that vial stashed several years+ later. No urge to do more. Maybe if I ended up in a situation where I needed it for what it was gifted for in the first place, I might consider it, absent the collection of Rx amphetamines I keep on hand in my emergency kit supplies.

From a health-conscious point of view, and having numerous comorbidities to consider, if the need arose for some sort of stimulant or amphetamine to get me from point 'a' to point 'b', or some similar circumstance of necessity, given the choice between taking a quarter or a half of a 200mg tablet of Rx Provigil, as an example, or licking the incredibly immediate and potent residue from a finger, involving a substance that was cooked by a guy I've never met, but clearly knew what he was doing, no matter how clean it tested when it was gifted, and with some knowledge of the pharmacological, metabolic, and biological issues with the stuff,. it's a no-brainer for me; a quarter or half-tablet of 200mg Provigil is the go-to in a pinch..

I've always had a strong compositon/constitution where saying, "Enough" is concerned, but there's apparently a lot of people who don't do 'a little bit,' and don't do anything 'just as needed'. For them, life can turn to shit in a heart-beat..

For some it becomes a pursuit of that dopamine rush that they can't replicate or let go of the pursuit of recreating.. Best for them to just leave it alone.

And yeah, that stuff's out of your system in 72 hours, so, especially for the folks who drink a fair bit on those weeks off, it's a go-to drug that extends their party life for the night, or the next day, or.... And they can show up the next Monday morning looking peachy.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Omeprazole (prilosec) causes false positives for thc so may be possible to contest a result if you are taking it
When we (an organization I was on the Board of Directors for, that dealt with civil rights) were dealing with these issues, the number of non-drug items that could cause false positives would amaze you.

Sociables (snack crackers) could cause a false positive for meth and/or cannabis (if I recall correctly).
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moose eater

Well-known member
is it possible for people who use meth to have healthy teeth ?
Depends on how they're using it, how frequently, and the cleanliness of the product.

Not all crank is equal. Lab-grade 'ice' with no real impurities, versus bathtub crank made by someone who never attended a chemistry class but received a 'recipe' from someone written on notebook paper, maybe leaves traces or more of volatiles, and saw it done once or twice by someone else of similar background.. Two completely different products, often with some different effects on the body.

None of the week-enders at the DoT-regulated facility that I knew were 'gumming it' through life. They all looked like middle class workers who just happened to be making good enough money in life to live and party as they chose.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The THC test kits sold are the same urine test used and Dr offices and for jobs. They use a 10 panel kit similar to this.
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moose eater

Well-known member
The THC test kits sold are the same urine test used and Dr offices and for jobs. They use a 10 panel kit similar to this.
View attachment 18804880
Employers and drug treatment facilities often typically using multi-substance tests.

A family member's methadone and suboxone program no longer tests participants for THC. They figure if that's your biggest issue, what are you doing in their program?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Lots of companies no longer test for THC in legal states.. Most Dr will include THC as part of their drug test. . They use the same type of cheap multi-drug panel kits. They all use a cut off of 50 ng/mL
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moose eater

Well-known member
Lots of companies no longer test for THC in legal states.. Most Dr will include THC as part of their drug test. . They use the same type of cheap multi-drug panel kits.
It's the inexpensive tests that result in the large number of false negatives and/or false positives (the EMIT tests were notorious for these outcomes), which often (when a positive does pop up) results in sending the sample up the chain for further confirmation with a better analysis, if the company or agency doing the testing is serious about their information.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
These kits are all 99% accurate in detecting specific drugs. If they want it to be legal a blood test would need to be done. If someone invented a major metabolite THC blocker I think there are profits there lol.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Who pays for that lol. Just do a blood draw at the same time as the test is given.
The company, the clinic, the patient, a grant; depends on setting and purpose of the test.

The earlier cheapo tests resulting in rampant false positives (such as the EMIT tests and similar) go all the way back to the early 1970s and a notorious case of an Air Force pilot who came up positive for drug use, was facing a dishonorable discharge after LOTS of money went into his training, and had never gotten high on any illegal drugs in his life that anyone knew of.

The period where 'we' (the Board of Directors spot I referenced) were dealing with false positives from a lengthy list of (sometimes including) non-drug items such as the Sociables (snack crackers) was in the mid-1990s; 1994 through 1997. Our Director of that Org at that time was a woman who was also an MD.

Tests of the immediate, at-home, or on-site variety have improved in accuracy, no doubt, but they're still not perfect.

One major draw-back of blood tests for THC involves the fact that, unlike alcohol, blood testing for THC doesn't have much real correlation to impairment. There's cases involving accusations of driving under the influence that have been beaten in court due to this.

It was also, unfortunately, one motivation behind some states going to 'per se'' laws re. ANY amount of THC in the blood; they decided that arguing over THC impairment based on blood tests was a losing point, so they simply criminalized ANY presence of THC in the blood. Which potentially could have, in those states, a huge number of drivers losing their licenses for impairment behind the wheel, without actually being impaired at all at the time of the blood draw..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
They all use the FDA cut-off of 50 nanograms per milliliter. I'm not sure what your point is?. This is 2023. It's not hard for the workplace, law, or medical to get a more accurate test done if anyone wants to contest one of these lol.. Any of these cheap test kits are accurate enough. Any of them will work fine for self testing.

moose eater

Well-known member

Those states that have implemented per se' laws, with DoT's blesssings, have a zero tolerance threshold for any THC as a result re. blood tests..

moose eater

Well-known member
I'm glad I don't live there. If you do your vote matters lol.
The number of states where per se' laws were becoming the norm, as a result of not wanting to actually define impairment with cannabis, or not being able to, for a time, was growing. I recall Wisconsin being one. There were more back then.

I considered our own THC-testing laws here, especially re. driving, while I was taking respectable amounts of THC-A extract for cancer every day, that if I got into a wreck, even if it wasn't my fault, and I was straight as a Judge, the probability of a demand for testing of one sort or another was pretty considerable.