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how long do you think?

i planted 3 outdoors at the start of june, from seeds. how long till you think theyr ready? longest time? shortest time? i started germing a few seeds today i want to get more out there. i plan on leaving this batch out as long as possible. any objections/suggestions?


Its completely dependant on your strain and where you live. At around 40N most plants will be done around the mid to end of October. Some early strains finish as soon as September and some sativas might never finish in time for you.


Tirs is right... it depends on strain and location.
Google "farmers almanac" and you should be able to find out when the frost will hit in your area. You may also be able to find when the light cycle hits around 12 hours in your area. This will give you an idea when your plant will be going into flower. Then you can decide about when your plant will be done if you know the flowering time of your strain.

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